CWG Ministries Newsletter - God's Voice Worldwide - June 2010

June 2010 God's Voice Worldwide

From Dr. Mark Virkler, Author of How to Hear God's Voice and President of Christian Leadership University

Mission: To equip you to do everything as an outcome of your daily conversations with God, and to train others to do the same.

This newsletter contains:
Healed and Set Free!
June Special Intimacy with the Holy Spirit
Seminar Schedule
God, How Could You Let This Happen? Journaling
A Church Transformed in England Peter Wigglesworth
Adopt-a-Language Update: French translation funded!
CLU Course of the Month Save 25%
Missions Outreach Opportunity
Abandon Yourself to My Love Two-way Journaling
Would You Give Us Some Link Love?
New Free Streaming Audio
Koinonia Network The Online Home for Spirit-filled Believers
Online Giving
Lamad Encounter Groups: Get Yourself on the Map!


Healed and Set Free!
Lori Dumler
Your workbook How to Hear God's Voice changed my life. By learning to listen to God, I went from being suicidal to radically restored and healed from childhood sexual abuse and lies. I continue to journal daily and speak to God and have heard Him call me into ministering to the victims of sex trafficking using many of the same things that God used to set me free.


June Special Intimacy with the Holy Spirit
Are you hungering for a more personal experience with the Holy Spirit?
Do you want to walk in a greater level of anointing than ever before?
Is your heart longing to deepen the most important relationship in your life your union with the Lover of your soul?

If so, then this teaching is for you! In Mark Virklers most recent book, Intimacy with the Holy Spirit, he leads you in meditating on several hundred verses of Scripture that discuss the Holy Spirit.

As a result, you will grow in intimacy with the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the anointing within you will increase. You will exclaim as the disciples did on the Emmaus Road Did not our heart burn within uswhile He opened to us the Scriptures? (Luke 24:32)!

In addition to being led to journal through these verses, you will read numerous two-way journal entries from Mark, encouraging you in your pursuit of the Holy Spirits presence and inspiring you to develop your own friendship with Him.

Heres what one reader had to say


Marks new book has sparked in me a new hunger to say once again: Holy Spirit, I want to know You more. I know that as you study the work and the person of the Holy Spirit laid out in the pages of this book, and as you begin to ask the Holy Spirit questions, you, too, are going to discover a new level of the manifest presence of God in your life. The Bible will come alive; an unquenchable hunger for more of God will arise in your heart, and you will experience an overflow of miracles, signs and wonders.

As the Church prepares for the greatest revival to ever hit the earth, every Christian and every student of the Word and Spirit needs to have an encounter with the person of the Holy Spirit. This book provides an open door for you to begin glorious communion with Gods Spirit today!

Regularly $10.95, this month save 20% only $8.76!

Want to get it sooner? The electronic PDF version is on sale too.

Regularly $8.76, now only $7.00!

If you hunger for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirits anointing in your life and want to experience His presence in new and ever-deepening ways, then what are you waiting for?

  Pick up a copy for yourself and someone you love today!  


Bring a group to an upcoming seminar and receive FREE books, free admission to the seminar (maximum value $20), and $125 off your next Christian Leadership University course!
Click here to find out how.

June 21-23   How to Hear God's Voice  
(with Korean translator)  
Prospect Heights, IL  
July 19-21  Prayers That Heal the Heart  
(with Korean translator)
Prospect Heights, IL  
Aug. 27,28  How to Hear God's Voice   Raleigh, NC  
Oct. 8-10   How to Hear God's Voice   Eastlake, OH  

Seminar details available at


God, How Could You Let This Happen? Two-Way
Journaling from Ben Lunis, a Certified CWG Facilitator

Jesus, how do I respond when someone says something like: If God loves me so much, why did He let this horrible thing happen to me?

Ben, this question bothers many. They do not understand how I work, how I operate. As they draw closer to Me, they will understand. Satan uses this question to disturb My people and to keep others away from Me. Ben, remember, the basic answer is that I have given free will to all people. If I were to intercede at the wrong time, I would be negating their free will and all of the consequences (good and bad) of that free will.

Remember, too, that sin is rampant in this world. I have come to set My people free, but it is through their free will that they have to come to Me. Each and everyone suffers the consequences of sin in this world. When they come to Me, I give them My power and My strength to overcome sin and to walk in fellowship with Me. This is the desire of My heart, that all My people walk in close fellowship with Me. There is no value in being Lone Rangers.

Lord, You said: If I were to intercede at the wrong time. Please explain.

Ben, it is through prayers that heavenly activity is released. This enables My Spirit to work on people, so to speak. There is a time for everything, a time when I speak, a time when people listen, a time when I set My people free to worship Me in Spirit and in truth. That is why I desire My people to keep coming to Me so that they become more attuned to My timing and not theirs.



A Transformed Church in England Peter Wigglesworth
Our church (Whitley Bay Christian Fellowship) is just coming to the end of the Hearing Gods Voice DVD study. We have run it for several weeks with two groups on Sunday and Monday evenings with about 75% of our adult church in attendance. We first ran the course 5 years ago, when it was Communion with God and it transformed the prayer life of many of those who attended.

The new course has benefitted those who are new to our church body and those who are experiencing the teaching again. I wanted to send you an email to say how much we value the gifting and anointing that God has given you. We have grown tremendously from your teaching and wed like to thank you. Below is a picture of one of our two Hear Gods Voice groups. This group has ages that span 22 years to 83 years old!


Adopt-a-Language Update: French translation funded!
We are thrilled to announce that another translation has been funded through your generous donations! We are now ready to begin the French translation of our Spiritual Intimacy courses. Praise the Lord!

Would you help sponsor the translation of 46 Hours of Foundational Teaching by Mark Virkler on Spiritual Intimacy? The series includes Communion With God, Prayers That Heal the Heart, Counseled by God, Christian Dream Interpretation, Naturally Supernatural and more. Please contribute toward this amazing project!

Now we are just beginning to raise the $3,000 necessary for translation work for the Indian language of Telugu. Pray about helping us sow Gods light into this spiritually dark nation. Be a part of what God is doing in India today, and when you support this project, we want to honor your gift! Click here to see how.

We are so grateful for your partnership in spreading the message of how to hear Gods voice to the uttermost parts of the earth!

Click on the lighthouse to see a larger graphic


CLU Course of the Month PRO201 Releasing Spiritual Gifts


Astounding supernatural gifts from God, freely given to you! In this course, you will discover what these nine gifts are, see how they were used in Scripture, and learn to identify them within yourself. The goal will be to release Gods gifts and grace through you to others, and in so doing, demonstrate Gods love on earth. As people are touched by the power and wisdom of God, they are drawn to Him and want to know Him more!

During the month of June 2010 you may request a 25% tuition discount for this course. (Financial Aid students may request a 10% discount off their already-reduced tuition.)

Regularly $343.87, this month only $287.62.

  Enroll now and learn how to reveal Gods grace through you!  


And if college sounds a bit scary, we have one more option to offer you. You can sign up for the Releasing Spiritual Gifts module with a Personal Spiritual Trainer who will be in contact with you once a week for 12 weeks to encourage and support you. You have much of the same learning experience as if you were taking the college course, but the differences are that you do not turn anything in for grading, you do not take any of the tests, and you do not write the final paper. You do not get a grade or college credits, and the price is $125 less per course than the college student costs.

  Sign up for a PST module today!  


A Wonderful Missions Outreach that Deserves Support
Many of you have seen the reports on Tropical Storm Agatha which swept across Central America this week bringing torrential rain that killed more than 100 people and opened a 60-meter deep sinkhole in Guatemala City. If the Lord is moving on your heart to reach out and help this nation, we wanted to let you know of an amazing ministry doing Gods work among the neediest people there.

The James Project of Latin America houses Shadow of His Wings Orphanage, Liberty Christian School and the Widows Program. The orphanage was granted approval by the Guatemalan government in 2002 and currently has seventy girls in six homes with house parents raising them in families of twelve each, discipling them, as did Jesus.

Since most Homes dont take older children, and Shadow does, the ages are widespread: forty are older girls, ages twelve to nineteen. Some 90% have never had the opportunity of going to school therefore Liberty Christian School was started so that these children can embark upon their education in 1st and 2nd grade at any age and study without shame.

The Home is not an end; it is a means to the end, for these children are called of God to be trained up to take their places in the Kingdom either in the marketplace or go out to the nations. Shadow of His Wings Orphanage is called to prepare them to do so and to embrace them until that day. Please visit their website to find out more about the ways you can get involved and become part of what God is doing in the lives of the children of Guatemala.


  Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27  


Abandon Yourself to My Love
Two-Way Journaling from Vince Rizzo
My son, I love you with an everlasting love. I desire for you to seek Me with your whole heart. My plans to use you are immense, however you will need to walk closer to Me in order to fulfill all that I have planned for you.

You are so busy with many things - some that I have called you to take on and some that I havent. Learn of Me and learn of the rest and peace that I offer. Learn to enter into My rest, and when you have mastered this you will find true peace and happiness and you will find that I can still accomplish much through you without the pressures you sometimes feel.

You are on the beginning phase of a new journey that I am taking you on. You are learning new skills from obtaining intimacy with Me and you will take these truths and teach others. Dont feel like you have to learn everything overnight. I know that you are excited but just take it one day at a time and we will do it together.

Intimacy with Me is developed over time and stillness is a gift. And it is My gift to you as you dont think that you can remain still with all of the energy and a million things to do and to think about; however, with My help it is possible. As I have said in My Word, learn of Me and I will give you rest. Many are unwilling to sit at My feet. If you are willing, you will be amazed at what we can do together throughout each and every day. The gifts that I have given you can only be learned and mastered through your intimacy with Me. Knowing Me in an intimate way is the only way to truly imitate Me and to walk out My life through you.

You are an expression of Me only when you are walking closely with Me. I am the vine and you are a branch grafted into Me. You must stay attached to Me in order to grow and blossom into all that I have for you. Ease yourself of all pressures as Im with you and will go before you to make you a success.

You have a great amount of passion within you and know that it was placed there by Me. This passion will be contagious to others and they will see your spiritual hunger and they will become hungry, too, by being around you. You soak up knowledge like a sponge soaks up water. When pressed upon, that which is in you flows out in abundance. Keep soaking, My son, and keep overflowing to all that you come in contact with.

From here on in Im calling you to a closer walk. I have called you as a prophetic seer and a dreamer of many dreams. Learn of My ways in this area and as you press in with your faith, you will begin to see more and more clearly.

Like all gifts, your sight must be developed and your faith strengthened by constant and consistent use. Up to this point you have only tasted a small portion of what I have for you in this area. You have always heard My voice and have dreamed dreams; however, now you are going to gain the tools necessary to develop them for My glory and kingdom. Free yourself of all hindrances and abandon yourself to My love.



Would You Give Us Some Link Love?
Every day we receive calls and emails in our office from people saying, Where have you been? Christian Leadership University is exactly what I have been longing for! Why didnt I know about you five years ago? We want to make it easier for the people who are looking for what we have to offer to find us.

If you have a presence on the web a church or ministry website, or even a Facebook profile or a blog wed really appreciate your adding a link to: or (or both!).

"Like" us on Facebook:

Also look for the button on the left side of each page throughout Click it to instantly share that page with your circle of influence.

Thank you in advance for helping us help others achieve their destiny!


New Free Online Resources

Streaming Audio:
What Do Left-Brainers Receive?
If you have participated in the Toronto renewal, and you are a left-brain individual, it is likely that you remained standing after being prayed for. If so, this was probably a bit frustrating for you. If you don't get carried away with the whole experience, then what do you get from renewal? This question is answered by Mark Virkler, a left-brainer, in this seven-minute audio clip.

Radio Interviews with Mark Virkler:

Prayers That Heal the Heart
Order the training package on Prayers that Heal the Heart
Spirit Born Creativity
Order the book Spirit Born Creativity



Koinonia Network The Online Home for Spirit-filled Believers
Nearly 1,000 people have come to join the party and share their lives in Christ with one another on our new social networking site. If you havent connected yet, come on over and sign up so you can share your journaling and visions. Bless the world with your testimony of your walk of obedience to Almighty Gods voice in your heart and the wonderful effects that have come as a result.

Chat Room Available at! We have a live chat available for those of you who wish to connect with other members online. Learn more about how it works here.



Online Giving
Make a financial
gift online to CWG Ministries and help us saturate the world with the message of how to hear Gods voice. We are so grateful for each and every one of you who faithfully partners with us in this way. Bless you!



Lamad Encounter Groups: Get Yourself on the Map!
We have a wonderful new tool for you to use to draw people to your group. You can post the location and topic of your current or prospective home or church group meetings on a map on the CWG website, and invite others to join with you! And if you dont have enough people to begin the group, you can mention that you will start when you have at least six people interested in joining. Maximize your learning experience by growing with others and get yourself on the map.

  Over 50 groups already listed Get plugged in now!  


Websites: and
Enroll in Christian Leadership University:
Marks speaking itinerary:
Online shopping for books by Mark and Patti Virkler:
Ordination opportunity:
Establish a church-centered Bible school:



Results 71 - 80 of 485


Dream Your Way to Wisdom Complete Discounted Package

Dream Your Way to Wisdom Complete Discounted Package

2 Books | 15 CD Sessions | 10 DVD Sessions | Save 15%

Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but you’re just not sure what it is? Like Daniel and Joseph, do you long to be able to help others understand their own dreams and win them to Christ as you explain His night messages to them? This training package contains two books, two sets of CDs, and one set of DVDs. Mark Virkler authors one series and his daughter, Charity Kayembe, the other.

Price: $122.22

Dreams Mastery Package USB Flash Drive

2 eBooks | 21 MP3 Sessions | 21 MP4 Digital Videos | $190+ Savings!

Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but you’re just not sure what it is? Like Daniel and Joseph, do you long to be able to help others understand their own dreams and win them to Christ as you explain His night messages to them? This training package contains two ebooks, two sets of MP3s, and two sets of digital videos. Mark Virkler authors one series and his daughter, Charity Kayembe, the other.

Price: $89.00
Ethical Network Marketing

Ethical Network Marketing

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 62 Pages

Direct selling, or network marketing, has been taking an ever larger niche of the business market in recent years. Network marketing allows the individual to begin a home-based business with just a few hundred dollars, and then nurture its expansion across the nation, or even the world. The network marketing business of a skilled communicator and promoter can grow very large. This book provides you with keys for building such a successful business.

Price: $9.95
Prayers That Heal the Heart Complete Discounted Package

Prayers That Heal the Heart Complete Discounted Package - Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 2 books | 15 CD Sessions | 15 DVD Sessions | Save 15%

Did you know that you don’t need to be continually plagued by negative thoughts, feelings, pictures or memories?

It is not part of the "human condition" to feel the constant nagging of doubt, insecurity, or anger. No matter what sin you are trying to overcome, what lie you think you’ll always believe, or what traumas your heart has suffered in the past, you will receive total freedom and restoration by praying these prayers in faith. 

Price: $134.95

When Everything Changes

by Steve Stewart | 242 Pages

Jesus Christ declared a Gospel that is radical in its scope and implications, and powerful enough to bring change to everything it touches. When Everything Changes enlarges our worldview, inviting and challenging us to become active, passionate participants in God's Greater Story of rescue and restoration. As we learn to recognize and move in the rhythm of God's Kingdom, we step into a place of exciting new possibilities where healing, justice and mercy move through us to transform entire communities.

Price: $19.95

Everyday Angels Complete Package

Book | CDs | DVDs | Cost if Purchased Separately: $126.99

You can partner with Heaven's angelic hosts!

Discover how to encounter, engage and experience angels in everyday life.

I GUARANTEE you will learn more about the angelic realm than you ever thought possible and you WILL experience a new awareness of the spiritual world!

Price: $109.00

Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions Complete Discounted Package

Book | 14 CD/DVD Sessions | 5 devotionals | 15% Off

Experience Healing for Your Body, Soul, and Spirit through Kingdom Emotions!

In Christianity, emotions are often considered to be misleading and untrustworthy—a lingering part of our fallen nature that distract us from God’s truth. But our emotions were created by God, and though the enemy may seek to manipulate our hearts, Jesus sets us free! This practical teaching will empower you to see emotions as unique channels through which the Holy Spirit works to bring miraculous life-transformation, deliverance and healing.

Price: $130.00

Words of Life: From the Father's Heart of Love

by Graham J. Marriott | 115 Pages

This is a book of two-way journaling accompanied by pictures on nearly every page. You will be blessed and inspired as you read! 

God has spoken to us most clearly through His Son, Jesus, the Living Word. He has also given us His written Word, the Bible. However, He is a living and loving Father God who delights to speak to us, His children, today. One of the ways of hearing what He is trying to communicate with us is to keep a journal.

Price: $12.50

49 Lies Complete Discounted Package – Religious Lies Jesus Told Me to Stop Believing

2 Books | 6 DVDs | 7 CDs | Save Over 10%

This package is a $122.90 value, and includes 49 professionally recorded sessions on CD and DVD. Each session is 5-12 minutes long, which is my testimony of breaking free from each lie. I discuss what the lie is, its impact on my life, what Jesus spoke, my prayer of repentance and the new freedom I experienced which allows me to step into a new life in Christ.

This package also includes two books, 49 Lies  (100 pages of God's revelation through two-way journaling) and Release from Religion which contains 100 pages of Bible meditation where we search the Scriptures to see if they confirm that these things are so. If you have ever believed any of the following lies, then this book is for you: "Emotions are soulish;" "Money is evil or secular;" "It is wrong to seek vision;" "Don’t trust experiences;" "God gave me a mind and expects me to use it;" "Politics are evil;" God is always beating on me;" or one of 43 more such deceptive lies...

Price: $109.00

Become the World’s Greatest Parent Package

5 books | 1 LEARN Notebook | 1 CD set | 1 DVD | Save $10

You can be the parent God wants you to be: loving, encouraging, trusting and able to raise up your children in the way they should go, fulfilling their own unique destinies. Parenting was not intended to be a burden, and anyone who tells you differently has bought into a lie. You will learn to enjoy parenting as an exciting, joy-filled, divinely-ordained opportunity, not a wearying responsibility.


Price: $89.95
