February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

CWG Ministries Newsletter - God's Voice World Wide - July 2010

July 2010 Gods Voice Worldwide

From Dr. Mark Virkler, Author of How to Hear Gods Voice and President of Christian Leadership University

Not Studies about God       
       But Encounters with God

This newsletter contains:  
New Product How to Build a Winning Team DVD
Seminar Schedule
Marks Blog
Meet the Newest Member of Our Team!
Recommended Book Just Released: Leaving HomeFinding Home
My Chance to Say Thank You to the Catholic Church
Chicago Seminar Report: Korean Outreach
My Grace Is at Work in You Two-way Journaling
Adopt-a-Language Update: Telugu Translation Funded!
God Speaks Through a Tattoo???
Laughter Is Healing
Would You Give Us Some Link Love?
Online Giving
Lamad Encounter Groups: Get Yourself on the Map!
Koinonia Network The Online Home for Spirit-filled Believers


New Product Just Released: How to Build a Winning Team (Only $15.95)

In order to reach the next level of success you will need to collaborate with people whose skills complement those you lack. This biblical principle is illustrated in How to Build a Winning Team along with steps that will equip you to apply your gifts as part of a healthy body of individuals with varied talents.

Many Christians fail to reach their potential because they try to go it alone or because their counselors and co-workers lack the breadth and scope of abilities and experience required to fulfill the vision. Let Mark Virkler show you how to determine:

What assistance you need from others
Who the gifted individuals are with the required gifts
How to effectively engage as a team with those talented people

CD/DVD pack This Revelation-Based-LearningSM pack provides identical content in both CD and DVD formats to help you watch as a video and reinforce while driving. Contains 1 CD plus 1 DVD for $15.95 plus S&H. Order here.


Bring a group to an upcoming seminar and receive FREE books, free admission to the seminar (maximum value $20), and $125 off your next Christian Leadership University course!
Click here to find out how.

July 19-21  Prayers That Heal the Heart  
(with Korean translator)
Prospect Heights, IL  
Aug. 27,28  How to Hear God's Voice   Raleigh, NC  
Oct. 8-10   How to Hear God's Voice   Eastlake, OH  
Oct. 29,30   How to Hear God's Voice   UnionTown, PA   
Nov. 12-14   How to Hear God's Voice   Baker, LA  

Seminar details available at cwgministries.org/itinerary.



Get Connected to Mark Virklers Blog!
Receive his reflections regularly through these blog posts as he shares things of interest to him. Review Marks
recent posts here.

If you want to be notified when new blog posts are added, scroll to the very bottom of that page and click on the "Follow" link with an envelope icon next to it. (Note that you will only receive these email notifications if you are signed up as a member of Koinonia Network.) Non-members can subscribe to updates via RSS. (If that phrase means nothing to you, and you're curious, here's a clever 3-minute video that explains it: "RSS in Plain English." Also Google Reader 101).


Meet the Newest Member of Our Team!
Jerry Wright (
Title: Support for Communion With God Partners

As Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University continue to grow we are developing additional resources to support those who participate in our ministry as students, alumni, Certified Facilitators, Personal Spiritual Trainers, Lamad Bible schools as well as other roles.

Jerry Wright began his career in private education in 1994 and has held director and vice president roles with some of the largest and most respected training and educational companies in the US and internationally. Drawing on his experience in marketing and best practices for educational organizations, Jerry has already been in communication with a cross-section of individuals to identify areas of opportunity and expertise that can be leveraged for the greater success of our network. Some of the specific areas being evaluated include:

Collaborating with us on our website redesign to make sure we have the right information easily accessible for new and experienced visitors.
Empowering our Lamad Learning Centers, Certified Facilitators and Personal Spiritual Trainers with the visibility and support necessary to connect with students who aspire to bring the voice of God to their Christian educational experience.
Developing communications systems that provide more timely and targeted information allowing us to meet the needs of our students and customers.
Promoting our educational courses and materials, building awareness and value of Communion With God Ministries and Christian Leadership University.

It is a wonderful blessing to receive the feedback that is so frequently directed our way from our students and alumni. There are so many testimonies indicating how God is speaking to our students, drawing them closer to Him and equipping them to minister His love to others as a result of the life-changing intimacy with the Holy Spirit that is cultivated through our studies.

Please stay in communication with us and with Jerry as we continue to assist each other in our development of knowledge, wisdom and skills that build us individually and collectively in the Kingdom of God.


Recommended Book Just Released!

Leaving HomeFinding Home: My Journey from Shame to Sonship through Journaling by Jessie Mejias

Jessie is a Christian prayer counselor who shares her story of how she took the 7 Prayers that Heal the Heart teaching and applied it to her own life, resulting in extensive healing and life transformation. Come and read Jessies story, and let it touch your heart.

This is the perfect companion book to both Prayers That Heal the Heart and How to Hear Gods Voice. Jessie provides a detailed model of how to pray through a heart issue. It also takes the reader through a series of dialogues with God that He initiated to extend Jessies healing beyond what she even knew was possible.


As Mark Virkler wrote in his preface to her book: God is the one who gives us new hearts, peeling away the destruction in our former hearts and making all things new. As Jessie shares how God replaced ungodly beliefs and inner vows with godly beliefs and Spirit-anointed purposes, we see God healing her heart step by step.

This book describes a healing that has come through direct, ongoing divine interaction with Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of our lives. This is a PATTERN for us to use as we work with others in helping them receive healing for their wounded hearts.

The promises and truths that God revealed to Jessie as He spoke to her heart through journaling were not just for herthey are for every believer! You will be inspired to persevere in seeking Gods heartand your own hearts healingthrough journaling, as you realize the depth of the love that He has for all of His children.

  Find out more about this book and purchase it here.  


My Chance to Say Thank You to the Catholic Church Mark Virkler
You may recall from my testimony that it was two Jesuit priests, Dennis and Matt Lynn, who taught me two of the
four keys to hearing Gods voice. Well, I finally was given the opportunity to say thank you to the Catholic Church for this wonderful gift.

During June, I was invited to Taiwan to speak at the Fu Jen Catholic University for a full day on Christian Dream Interpretation. What an honor! The first university ever to ask me to teach on dream interpretation, and it was Catholic.

I began the presentation by sharing the story of Dennis and Matt Lynn and the gift they provided to me which was so foundational in allowing me to step into intimacy with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I thanked them for the precious gift of these two Jesuit priests as well as for the honor of allowing a Protestant minister to speak at their university.

The Lord anointed our workshop as I taught the principles of dream interpretation and we interpreted four dreams live through a Chinese translator, and into another culture. Gods grace was present and the messages in the dreams were profound and healing to the hearts of those who came to the front and allowed us to explore their dreams before about 200 professors and students.

God is doing wonderful things in the world today! Lets all take our part in sharing these powerful truths with those who are hungry.

Want to learn more? Discover how to interpret your own dream messages from the Lord today!  



Chicago Seminar Report: Korean Outreach
Mark taught his How to Hear Gods Voice seminar through a translator at the
Korean Wagner Leadership Institute in Illinois last month as well. (Check out the group photo here!)

God moved mightily and all of the students learned to see His vision and hear His voice through two-way journaling. Now theyre equipped and are preparing to take this message of intimacy with Jesus and share it among the Korean community in Chicago.

Thank You, God, for what You are doing in the earth today!

My Grace Is at Work in You Two-Way
Journaling from Karyn Pearson, a Certified CWG Facilitator

Lord, what are You saying to me right now in my present situation?
Stay focused. Its so easy to get distracted by what Ive called others to. I have called you and am preparing you for a specific work. You have many talents and various experiences over the years that will one day soon begin to come together. Do not lean on your own understanding but inquire of Me and seek Me with all your heart and the path you are to take will appear before you!

Lord, why does this statement resonate with me; How do we prepare for the new opportunity, the unexpected opening? We listen to the Spirit and remain pliable and open.

My child, this statement resonates with you as I have spoken those words to you many times in your situation. Listen to the Spirit, stay faithful and remain pliable and open! I am the God of the unexpected, the over and above, the God who gives you the secret petitions of your heart. Do not lose heart or become discouraged, I am faithful and I will bring it to pass!

Lord, what do You want to say to me regarding my finances?

My child, I have blessed you so much; if you never see another reward or blessing you will have received more than most people will ever seeYou have freely received so that you can freely give. There are many opportunities to give without even leaving your environment. Look up and look around you, do you see the needs? The lonely housewife, the fearful neighbour, the neglected children? The needs are great, however not greater than My sufficiency.

Look to Me and I will open your eyes to see the needs, open your heart to Me and I will fill it for others. I desire to make you a reservoir that flows freelythat gives readily without prejudice or limitations. I am a good God and desire for all My children to experience My goodnesswill you allow My goodness to flow from you?

I am the same yesterday, today and foreverMy principles never change; you can either work for yourself and trust that things will work out or you can work for Me and know that with certainty, that things always work together for those who love Me and are called according to My purposes.

Put Me first and you will never be disappointed or be put to shame! Dont draw backif you can dream it I can achieve it through you! Test Me in your giving, not just financial giving but giving of yourselfIll never lead you where My grace cannot keep youI have a plan and a future for you and the best is yet to come!

Lord, what do You want to say to me concerning my talents and abilities?

These are the talents you have become comfortable with and operate with ease, however, there are other talents that I desire to entrust you with. You limit yourself by choosing to take on tasks and activities that flow through your natural talents; availability is the secret to power of attraction. As you make yourself available I can trust you with opportunities that appear to be beyond your capacity, its through these types of activities that allow you to experience My strength and capacity. Dont judge a task by your limited ability but rather by My will for you in any given situation.

Lord, how should I pray?

My child, My grace is at work in you and around you even when things dont make sense. Its My grace that allows evil and good to grow up together. Theres coming a day when the evil will be exposed for what it is. Until then I show the world My love and grace by demonstrations of your life and conduct.

Its My desire to use you to show My marvelous works I am not holding back. You are not looking and expecting Me to show up. I am calling you to take a stand that requires courage and boldness and as you do My grace will flow through and into the situations you are praying for.

Stop settling for mediocrity; use childlike faith when praying for people and the situations in their lives that seem impossible. All things are possible to those who believe. All you need to do is ask and Ill be faithful to answer!


  Karyn asked the Lord some great questions, now you should do the same! Ask Him about your finances, your talents, your prayer life and get inspired with His fresh revelation and personal encouragement for you, for now.  

Need to find out how? Learn four simple keys to hearing the Lords voice and seeing vision today!  




Adopt-a-Language Update: Telugu translation funded!
We are thrilled to announce that another translation has been funded through your generous donations! We are now ready to begin the Telugu translation of our Spiritual Intimacy courses. Praise the Lord!

Would you help sponsor the translation of 46 Hours of Foundational Teaching by Mark Virkler? The series includes Communion With God, Prayers That Heal the Heart, Counseled by God, Christian Dream Interpretation, Naturally Supernatural and more. Please contribute toward this amazing project!

Now we are just beginning to raise the $3,000 necessary for translation work for another Indian language: Tamil. Pray about helping us sow Gods light into this spiritually dark nation. Be a part of what God is doing in India today, and when you support this project, we want to honor your gift! Click here to see how.

We are so grateful for your partnership in spreading the message of how to hear Gods voice to the uttermost parts of the earth!

Click on the lighthouse to see a larger graphic


God Speaks Through a Tattoo??? Robert Davidson, Baraboo House Church
I have used your materials in my House Church and elsewhere, and relied heavily on your teachings when counseling believers to hear God. This week, for the first time, God spoke to me through a brand new medium, and Im anxious to share it with you.

First, a little background on my situation. My beloved wife, Rachel, died from cancer in February. We received a word of knowledge in October that the Lord was going to call her home, and that was affirmed by a similar word of knowledge in December. In the latter word, God told me, After your pain subsides you will do great things for Me. After four months my pain is subsiding, and I have been praying fervently for direction and revelation into the great things.

Although God hasnt revealed the great things as yet, He did speak to me two days ago, via a tattoo!, and that is the subject of this email.

This is what happened: In a local McDonalds restaurant a young woman waited on me at the counter. She had tattooed writing on her right forearm below the elbow. I noticed it and asked her what it said. She put her arm forward and quoted the saying, Never let your memories get bigger than your dreams.

I was awestruck. This was God-directed to me. God spoke! Immediately I saw the extension and application: Never let your memories of Rachel get bigger than your dreams of the future. It wasnt until a few hours later that I realized God had spoken through a tattoo!

Im happy to share this true experience with you. Add it to the list of ways in which God speaks to His children!



Laughter Is Healing



Would You Give Us Some Link Love?
Every day we receive calls and emails in our office from people saying, Where have you been? Christian Leadership University is exactly what I have been longing for! Why didnt I know about you five years ago? We want to make it easier for the people who are looking for what we have to offer to find us.

If you have a presence on the web a church or ministry website, or even a Facebook profile or a blog wed really appreciate your adding a link to:
www.cluonline.com or www.cwgministries.org (or both!).

"Like" us on Facebook:

Also look for the button on the left side of each page throughout CWGMinistries.org. Click it to instantly share that page with your circle of influence.

Thank you in advance for helping us help others achieve their destiny!



Online Giving
Make a financial
gift online to CWG Ministries and help us saturate the world with the message of how to hear Gods voice. We are so grateful for each and every one of you who faithfully partners with us in this way. Bless you!



Lamad Encounter Groups: Get Yourself on the Map!
We have a wonderful new tool for you to use to draw people to your group. You can post the location and topic of your current or prospective home or church group meetings on a map on the CWG website, and invite others to join with you! And if you dont have enough people to begin the group, you can mention that you will start when you have at least six people interested in joining. Maximize your learning experience by growing with others and get yourself on the map.

  Over 57 groups already listed Get plugged in now!  


Koinonia Network The Online Home for Spirit-filled Believers
Over 1,000 people have come to join the party and share their lives in Christ with one another on our new social networking site. If you havent connected yet, come on over and sign up so you can share your journaling and visions. Bless the world with your testimony of your walk of obedience to Almighty Gods voice in your heart and the wonderful effects that have come as a result.

Chat Room Available at www.KoinoniaNetwork.org! We have a live chat available for those of you who wish to connect with other members online. Learn more about how it works here.



E-mail: mark@cluonline.com
Websites: cluonline.com and cwgministries.org
Enroll in Christian Leadership University: cluonline.com/apply
Marks speaking itinerary: cwgministries.org/itinerary
Online shopping for books by Mark and Patti Virkler: cwgministries.org/catalog
Ordination opportunity: cluonline.com/network
Establish a church-centered Bible school: cwgministries.org/college



Results 301 - 310 of 485


49 Lies MP3 Package – 49 Religious Lies Jesus Told Me to Stop Believing

2 PDF eBooks & 49 MP3 Downloads

If you have ever believed any of the following lies, then this book is for you: "Emotions are soulish;" "Money is evil or secular;" "It is wrong to seek vision;" "Don’t trust experiences;" "God gave me a mind and expects me to use it;" "Politics are evil;" God is always beating on me;" or one of 43 more such deceptive lies...

This package is composed of two PDF ebooks, 49 Lies  (100 pages of God's revelation through two-way journaling) and Release from Religion which contains 100 pages of Bible meditation where we search the Scriptures to see if they confirm that these things are so. 

This download package also includes 49 professionally recorded MP3 audio sessions, each 5-12 minutes long, which is my testimony of breaking free from each lie. I discuss what the lie is, its impact on my life, what Jesus spoke, my prayer of repentance and the new freedom I experienced which allows me to step into a new life in Christ.

Price: $69.95

Counseled by God MP3 Audio Download Package

by Mark Virkler | 2 eBooks | 13 MP3 Sessions

Recently Released – 35th Anniversary Edition

The foremost training series in the world teaching you how to become emotionally whole by hearing the voice of the Wonderful Counselor (Isa. 9:6)! This is a great value, and gives you all you will need to ensure this message bears fruit in your life and equips you to share it with others.

Price: $76.85
Fulfill Your Financial Destiny MP3 Download Package

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny MP3 Audio Package

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 1 PDF ebook | 22 Audio Sessions

Newly recorded for 2023! Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

Price: $69.90
Hear God Through Your Dreams MP3 Audio Package

Hear God Through Your Dreams MP3 Audio Package

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 1 eBook | 5 MP3 sessions | Only $24.53

A newer version has just released: Click here for Hearing God Through Your Dreams MP3s by Charity Kayembe and Mark Virkler (featured on Sid Roth in November, 2016).

Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but you’re just not sure what it is? Like Daniel and Joseph, do you long to be able to help others understand their own dreams and win them to Christ as you explain His night messages to them? Wouldn't it be nice if you could receive mid-course corrections from the Lord while you sleep? Do you wish you could be receiving divine inspiration, creative solutions to problems, and direction from the Lord during that third of your life that you’re “just” sleeping?

Price: $36.90

Hearing God Through Your Dreams MP3 Package

by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe | 16 MP3 Downloads | 1 eBook

Learn How to Hear God’s Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping

Receive divine counsel nightly. Increase emotional health, wisdom and creativity.

Price: $56.94

How Do YOU Know? MP3 Download Package

by Mark Virkler | 180-Page PDF eBook | 12 MP3 Sessions | LEARN eWorkbook PDF

How do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used eleven different methods for discovering truth including: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so. I have discarded them all and adopted a twelfth method, which is in harmony with what the Bible teaches. We teach you this method in this series. 

This package includes a 180-page PDF ebook, a 12-session MP3 audio series, and a 40-page PDF eworkbook ($79.85 value).

Price: $79.85
How to Walk by the Spirit MP3 Download Package

How to Walk by the Spirit MP3 Package

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 1 eWorkbook | 12 MP3s

Are you like many western Christians who have been taught little about how to sense their spirits? Do you have trouble even defining what spirit sensations feel like within you, much less recognizing them? This training was birthed from Mark’s passion to live out of his spirit, and thus release the anointing of God. The problem he faced was lack of clear biblical definition as to what his spirit felt like. So Mark looked up every verse in the Bible on heart and spirit.

Includes Revised & Expanded 15th Anniversary Edition MP3s

Price: $73.90
Introduction to the Supernatural MP3 Package

Introduction to the Supernatural MP3 Package

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 1 eBooklet | 2 MP3s | Instant download

You don't have to wait 20 years, like I did, to move in the supernatural power of God. Once you know WHAT to do, it is simply a matter of doing it. You take your newfound understanding of how to move in the Spirit and you walk out on the water in faith and discover the anointing of God rests upon you and flows through you. Let us teach you how!

Price: $8.00
Naturally Supernatural MP3 Download Package

Naturally Supernatural MP3 Download Package

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 2 eBooks | 13 MP3 Sessions

Now with Revised & Expanded 30th Anniversary Edition MP3s!

A step-by-step guide on “abiding in Christ” or how to let go and let God live naturally and powerfully out through you. Disarmingly simple. Mind-blowingly powerful.

Price: $84.85
Overflow of the Spirit - MP3 Download Package

Overflow of the Spirit MP3 package

12 Sessions | Book 284 pgs | Workbook 50 pgs | by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe

Until February 19th, Get 25% Off:

Or 50% off the School of the Spirit e-learning module!

Mark and Charity have teamed up again to create a training series on how to easily manifest the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It took us several years to break through all the confusion and present a clear, simple understanding of how to release the nine-fold manifestation of the Holy Spirit everywhere you go and with everyone you touch. It is not hard! It can’t be since these are gifts of the Holy Spirit, not things you have to work for.

Price: $54.66
