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CWG Ministries Newsletter - God's Voice World Wide - July 2007


July 2007 Gods Voice Worldwide From Dr. Mark Virkler
Author of How to Hear Gods Voice and President of Christian Leadership University

Mission: To equip you to do everything as an outcome of your daily conversations with God, and to train others to do the same.

This newsletter contains:

Attend an Upcoming Seminar Free
Two-way Journaling
Laughter Heals!
How to Reduce Cancer Risk 60%
Save $70 on the CLU Course of the Month
Personal Spiritual Trainer Program
Tent-Making Activity
A Catholic View of Communion With God
Astounding Miracles in Peru!
Five Steps to Grace
Job Available
New Translations Posted
Start a Lamad Encounter Group

Bring a group to an upcoming seminar and receive FREE books, free admission to the seminar (maximum value $20), and $125 off your next Christian Leadership University course! Click here to find out how.

Date Seminar Location
July 13,14 How to Hear Gods Voice   Toronto, ON
Aug. 24,25 How to Hear Gods Voice   Birmingham, AL  

Seminar details available at cwgministries.org/itinerary.

Journaling from Lisa Steinbrueck (06-05-07)
My prayer to Him: Father, help me please to stay focused on things above, on Jesus, by the power of your Holy Spirit You are the only One that can help me. I need You, but help my motives to be pure and unselfish. I dont want to hurt You like others have hurt me.

Oh dear Father, Im realizing more and more how much You want to bless us and how much it hurts when we tie Your hands with our rebelliousness and unbelief. Forgive my unbelief and fear I am truly sorry for my lack of faith in Your unfailing love for me.

I am so tired of being afraid and thinking of all the things that could go wrong instead of believing for all the things that could go right. I need to quit talking and focusing on the problem and start listening to You. Please forgive me for not listening.

The Fathers words back to me: Lisa, I am more powerful than words can express, riches can reveal, or truth can unfold. Dont pretend any longer, youve experienced brief glimpses of what I can do, release Me within you to flow that power to those around you. My love is My power, My power is My love discern what My love is in each situation.

Love is wisdom and truth together with compassion true compassion, not pity. Flesh is moved by pity, Spirit is moved by compassion.

Compassion brings healing pity prevents it. My ways are higher. I see all and know all therefore My ways are often hidden from you since you see only bits and pieces. That builds faith and develops obedience in you. I will never ask you to do something you cannot do. Thru Christ, His ability and power in you you can do all things.

Focus on Me and My power and ability die to your own ability for it is limited. When you try to do something apart from Me you will have limited success. My ways always bring victory and freedom: freedom from striving and condemnation, freedom from guilt and pain, freedom from senseless toiling and working.

I can do what you cannot. Relax, rest in Me and those things that look impossible will come to pass. Yield to Me, let Me take the burdens, I can handle it. I made you to fellowship with Me so you can bring all your situations to Me, for I am well able to handle them.

I want to show myself strong on your behalf I love to reveal what only I can do I LOVE IMPOSSIBLE SITUATIONS thats My specialty put Me to the test by faith and I will prove Myself faithful for I cannot lie. The truth is My Word and My Word can never fail.

My question to Him: (06-23-07) What do You want to say to me today?

(As I closed my eyes I got a general picture of Jesus smiling and holding my hand as we walked happily. Im not used to seeing Him smiling. Ive never really thought of Him as smiling that much; I guess because Ive always focused on the sadness and heartache in this world. I think He was even laughing!! Amazing, I feel happy just being near Him and seeing Him smile! If Hes smiling then I know things are ok.)

His words to me: I love to laugh laughter is a gift from Me to help you experience the joy in My heart over you. I dont feel anger towards you or regret or sadness because I know who I have created you to be. You are someone special to Me and I want you to laugh with Me.

Yes, life has dealt hard blows but if you will learn to laugh, as youve told others, it will deal a blow to your enemy that he cant recover from. I laugh at the devil, My enemy he is nothing to Me. Ive already defeated him and nothing can harm you when you learn to completely trust in My ability to deliver. I always deliver those who love and trust in Me.

Dont be afraid to believe for good things to happen. They are more possible than the bad you focus on. Get your focus on ME!! I can do all things, you cant. When you do that I am released into your life in greater measure each time you learn to relax in Me.

I can handle anything that comes against you believe that receive that as truth and know that I AM in you always ready to help every time you remember that.

Dont ever give in to the enemy its not necessary because he cant win unless you let him. I can stop him every time, thats why you can laugh at him. It shows him who you are truly trusting in AND IT ISNT HIM!!

Laughter is healthy its My medicine and heals more than you can imagine.

Release yourself to laugh and I will flow healing through you to others that you never thought possible.

Laughter Heals!
A friend of Charlenes noticed that her little son Noah had begun using a new expression when angry or frustrated: You brutal viper! After much reflection, his parents realized where he had learned the expression: the family had recently viewed movies on The Gospel of Matthew and The Gospel of John, where Jesus addressed the Pharisees as You brood of vipers!

She saw him playing on the floor, yelling at a lego that wouldnt fit: Go in you brutal viper! You brutal viper!

Journaling from Ben Lunis, Certified CWG Facilitator
Lord Jesus, dear Friend. As I draw closer to You and receive more of Your love into my life, I see the great need to have Your power working through me. You have showed me Your love through the many healings I have received, some being miraculous. I see Your love through Your going to the cross for me, and then Your resurrection to fullness of life.

Lord, if I am to minister as You did and do, I need Your love and Your power. To walk in Your love, I need Your power working through me also. There are so many big needs. Where is Your power?
Ben, My power is in you. It is waiting to be released. Faith is the key to the release. Continue to come into My presence, to hear My voice speak to and with you, to see Me in vision as I do things. You have three recent examples of seeing Me do the miraculous.

Continue to spend time with Me. That is the secret to receiving from Me and being guided by Me. You have much unlearning to do, as do most of My people in the western Church. You have been taught to disbelieve. Though your word understanding is correct, your heart understanding is not. Your heart reflects your training and your experiences. It reflects disbelief.

Note: To read more of Bens journaling as he dialogues with God about The Tabernacle Experience, see our Free Books and Articles section.

Health Corner: A simple way to reduce your cancer risk 60% Joshua Virkler
In case you havent heard, there is some astounding new research coming out about the sun, Vitamin D, and disease. The first large-scale, randomized, placebo-controlled study on vitamin D and cancer has shown that vitamin D can cut cancer risks by 60 percent or more! In response, the Canadian Cancer Society is now recommending vitamin D for all adults. (
Click here for more on this study.)

Its starting to become clear that the popular advice about avoiding the sun at all costs has had some unintended consequences. The primary way that we obtain vitamin D is through sun exposure, and now a large percentage of people in the United States (and likely throughout the Western world) are deficient in this vitamin. The results have been devastating. In addition to cancer, vitamin D deficiency can contribute to a host of other ailments (from Autism to Osteoporosis).

Action to take: Twenty minutes per day of sun exposure (without sunscreen, just dont get burned) is enough to obtain your dose of vitamin D. If you live in an area where this is impractical or impossible, cod liver oil is one of the best alternatives. A quality brand available in most health food stores is Carlson, and it even has a pleasant lemon flavor (nothing fishy like you might expect). Dr. Joseph Mercola suggests one teaspoon per 50lbs of body weight, and since there is a chance you may already be getting enough vitamin D, he also suggests getting bloodwork done to check your current levels before supplementing heavily. Click here for more about this. When buying supplements, dont bother with synthetic vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), but instead go for natural vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

Exciting, isnt it? A simple way to massively reduce your risk from the #1 cause of death in the United States, and it doesnt even have to cost you a thing! Would you like more practical, actionable suggestions like this of ways to improve your health, based on biblical principles that are being confirmed by modern science?

If so, then check out

CLU Course of the Month: HEA102 Take Charge of Your Health Save Over $70!
Are you satisfied with the state of your health? Do you have the energy and enthusiasm you need to accomplish everything you want to do each day? Is bodily weakness preventing you from doing things you believe God wants you to do?

When Mark Virkler faced a health challenge several years ago, he did what he always does: he went into research mode. He explored everything he could find that promised him improved health and well-being. And, of course, he examined the Scriptures. He meditated on not only the verses where God promised us miraculous physical healing, but also on all of the Scriptural principles in Gods Law that were designed to keep His people in health.

What he discovered were some wonderful correlations between biblical injunctions on diet and health and the most recent scientific research. He summarized his findings in three vitally important keys for overcoming sickness and degenerative disease and living in vibrant health: 1) Detoxify your body; 2) Rebuild your immune system; and 3) Nourish your bodys cells.

In the thoroughly practical course HEA102 Take Charge of Your Health, you will learn how you can live in vibrant health in the midst of a sick society. You will examine all aspects of healthy living, and learn how you can take charge of your own health, keeping yourself young, vivacious, attractive, and free of degenerative diseases! You will learn a variety of things you can do in each of the three key categories that will restore your health and help you live long enough to fulfill the destiny for which you were created!

HEA102 Take Charge of Your Health is our Course of the Month for July. All students who pay full price for CLU courses will receive a 25% discount on books and tuition for the course HEA102 if you order it during the month of July 2007. Financial aid students will receive an additional 10% discount on HEA102 books and tuition.
Download a sample of the course syllabus and place your order online today.


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Tent-Making Activity (Acts 18:1-4) Exploded to a whole new level of health!
Following is Charity Kayembe's personal story. (Charity is Mark and Patti's daughter.)

Having been a vegetarian for over 10 years and committed to working out regularly, I always considered myself pretty healthy. When Dad suggested I try his new health food, I must admit, I wasnt too excited about it. But, as a faithful daughter, I listened to my Dad and gave it a try   :-)  And am I ever so glad I did!

My health exploded to a whole new level!! Before trying it I used to sleep in until noon on my days off and take naps after church on Sunday, always excited for a little extra sleep. Ever since I started drinking my juice that has all changed. Now, I usually wake up before my alarm clock during the week, and get up early on the weekends, even when I dont have to and feel great doing it! In summers past I would swim 50 or 60 laps and call it a day. Now I can easily swim at least 100 laps, and even over 200 on the weekends I love it!!

Are you ready to launch your health to the next level? Feel free to contact us for more information at 1-800-466-6961, 716-907-0554 or ckayembe@cluonline.com. Click here to place your order online and start your 90-day risk-free trial, backed by a 100% empty bottle money-back guarantee.

As a Catholic, heres what I think of Communion With God
Dr. Virkler,

Just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how enjoyable your courses and audio CDs are.  While they are all good, in particular I am very fond of
REN103 Communion with God / How to Hear Gods Voice.  It is so well laid out and coordinated that, in effect, it forces you to learn the subject matter.

The Benedictine Order, of which I am an Oblate, practices a very similar method of Hearing the Voice of God / Dialoging called Lectio Divina but it rarely entails journaling which is basically left up to the individual. In line with the teachings of your courses, I have incorporated this new element into my daily prayer life and am benefiting from it.  Tremendously benefiting from it is a better way to put it as are those to whom I have exposed this to.

As you know, us Catholics are a bit hesitant to jump into something we feel is non-Catholic, such as universities, methods of prayer, etc., etc.  However, your audio CDs and the accompanying texts are refreshingly different.  I am confident in saying they will spiritually benefit anyone who takes them.

I can only imagine how beneficial it would be to a student to have this as a required course in all private religious/parochial schools throughout America... say from the sophomore year up... and certainly in all the so-called religious/Christian universities. In my personal opinion, such a Christian educational underpinning is desperately needed in our ever decaying immoral society.

CLU clearly leads the way here regarding affordable education that is Biblically rooted and Biblically principled at the highest level of quality. In jest, my counterparts are sometimes commenting that while I follow the Bible and the scripturally based Rule of St. Benedict in my daily walk, I have been a bit Virkler-ized as well. Again, thank you for all your tremendous efforts.

Aloha and God Bless,
James M. Rollison, RC, Obl., O.S.B.

Astounding Miracles in Peru!
Dennis Walker (
www.dunamisarc.org) has great resources available and conducts evangelism healing crusades into South America.

This report came from his last trip: I just returned from 2 weeks in Peru. I taught on Doing the Works of Jesus extensively in 5 cities and I also interpreted from English to Spanish in 6 nights of Evangelistic crusade in 3 cities for Evangelists Jim Drown and David Herzog.

We had a great time in the harvest and we saw many notable miraculous healings: A deaf and dumb man in the central plaza of the city of Trujillo, Peru received his hearing as we caught the initiative to blow in his ears. An approximately 18-month-old girl with some sort of infection in her lips had gold flakes appear all over her face and was instantly healed with the eruptions disappearing from her lips.

In the city of Casa Grande, David Herzog released words of knowledge concerning healings that were occurring in the audience, including a word concerning a blind man who was being healed. A 79-year-old man came forward and said he had been blind for 60 years. He looked right at me and said, I can see your eyes! He was healed without anyone touching him or personally ministering to him.

We saw many more healingsIn Lima, in a church on Sunday I called out several words of knowledge that were very accurate and healing followed, but the most glorious of all was seeing many people in the markets, on the streets, and in our meetings give their hearts to Jesus as they saw the living evidence of His love for them pouring through the 70+ team members as they moved in the power of God.

Five Steps to Grace Dennis Walker
Grace Divine enabling to meet the need at hand.

We need Gods power for the provision of the many needs we face daily whether it be the need for healing, deliverance, financial provision, wisdom, or favor. Gods provision for all these needs has already been given; we just need to learn to access it.

These five steps to seeing divine intervention will help anyone access what we have been given. (Freely you have received, freely give.)

  1. You must cry out to God. The truth is that many people miss Gods provision because they simply do not ask for it. They rely more on their own means and abilities than on Gods power.
  2. You must get quiet. Some people cry out but dont know when to stop. You must get quiet because Gods usual means of provision is through instructions. You will find this throughout the Bible: God spoke to those who were listening for Him and brought miraculous intervention through instructions that had to be obeyed. While you are talking, God is silent! When you get quiet, God will speak!
  3. You must focus your thoughts on Him. It is easy to close your mouth, but not so easy to quiet your thoughts. In fact I believe that it is impossible to bring your mind to quietness; the more you try to quiet your thoughts the more they get out of control. So instead of fighting this losing battle just learn to focus your thoughts on Him. Colossians 3:1-2 says to set your mind on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. An easy means of focusing your thoughts is to just begin to see Jesus in your mind setting your mind on Him.
  4. You must catch the initiative of Heaven. As you focus your mind on Him, a spontaneous flow of thoughts and pictures will come to your mind. This is Gods normal way of communicating His instructions. Jesus said in John 5:19 that the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do. Whatever the Father does, the Son does just the same. This is possibly the most ignored step in seeing Gods help show up for our needs. This vital step is often replaced with religious traditions, producing powerlessness.
  5. You must do the heavenly initiative on Earth. When you have received the initiative of Heaven, you must step into Hebrews 11:1, Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You make the things asked and hoped for substance by doing on Earth what you see or hear being done in Heaven. The instructions that God gives in the invisible realm, you bring into the visible by writing them, speaking them, or doing them on Earth. When you bring substance to the things hoped for, God will give the evidence of the invisible and coming Kingdom.

Job Available
A Spirit-filled church in Butler, Pennsylvania is looking for a full-time pastor. If interested, please call 724-282-2099.

New translations posted Please spread the word to those who could benefit!
A special thanks to Israel Krupanandam who has
translated Counseled by God Teachers Guide into Telugu.

A special thanks to Utomo Iman Santosa who has translated the Four Keys to Hearing Gods Voice into Javanese.

We have received offers from individuals around the world to translate our books into various languages, and we now have free material available on our website in 26 different languages (plus English!). We appreciate each and every person who has given of their time and talent for this work. If you would like to volunteer to translate any of our materials, please contact Mark Virkler.

Start a Lamad Encounter Group in your home or church today!

E-mail: mark@cluonline.com
Websites: cluonline.com and cwgministries.org
Enroll in Christian Leadership University: cluonline.com/apply
Marks speaking itinerary: cwgministries.org/itinerary
Online shopping for books by Mark and Patti Virkler: cwgministries.org/catalog
Ordination opportunity: cluonline.com/network
Establish a church-centered Bible school: cwgministries.org/college



Results 351 - 360 of 485


How to Build a Winning Team eBook

How to Build a Winning Team eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 105 Pages

Can I succeed like others have? What do I need to do? How do I go about it? What if I don't have the gifts necessary to do something great?  The wonderful truth revealed in Scripture is that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary feats, especially when they say, "Yes, Lord" to the destiny He has prepared for them!

Price: $12.95

How to Deal Effectively with Your Sexuality eBook

by Six Contributing Authors | 80 Pages

Question: How do I handle my sexuality? It is such an intense, persistent and driving force. I battle with pornography. How do I tame this monster within me? I see so many people and even Christian leaders fall, and I don't want to fall. I want this to work! I feel trapped and no-one is preaching a sermon on how to handle this. So I grit my teeth, try my hardest, and fail over and over again, and then get consumed with shame. Can you help me? Have you found any answers that work?

Price: $9.95
How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit eBook

How to Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 44 Pages | Published 2002

This brief booklet walks a person through the main obstacles to speaking in tongues, and shows how each one can be successfully overcome. It is down-to-earth, practical and biblical, and in it Mark Virkler shares the struggles he went through before he was able to speak in tongues. Some were theological issues and some simply practical issues, like the fact that if I am going to speak in tongues, I will need to speak. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Price: $2.66
How to Walk by the Spirit eBook

How to Walk by the Spirit eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 136 Pages

Are you like many western Christians who have been taught little about how to sense their spirits? Do you have trouble even defining what spirit sensations feel like within you, much less recognizing them? This training was birthed from Mark’s passion to live out of his spirit, and thus release the anointing of God. The problem he faced was lack of clear biblical definition as to what his spirit felt like. So Mark looked up every verse in the Bible on heart and spirit.

Price: $13.95
Imagine That eBook

Imagine That eBook

by Rev. Jimmy D. Smith | 85 Pages

Beginning sometime around my 72nd year, my imagination really started to wake up again.  I was reading Dialogue with God, by Mark and Patti Virkler, when wheels began to turn.  In the weeks that followed I decided that this was a “do” book, not just a “read to learn” book. I began to do what the book suggested. Somewhere along the line I felt that the Lord gave me permission to experience the freedom of using my imagination to worship Him, to talk to Him, and more importantly to hear from Him.

Price: $7.95

Intimacy With God Through Journaling [Kindle Edition]

by Janet Gilham

It is a joy to celebrate the release of another new ebook of two-way journaling by one of our students, Janet Gilham! It was an honor to write the forward to this book, which contains 28 days of journaling. This makes it ideal to use for a month of your daily devotions. Each journal entry reveals the heart of God toward you and thus brings warmth and healing to our wounded hearts.

Price: $3.99
Intimacy with the Holy Spirit eBook

Intimacy with the Holy Spirit eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 223 Pages

This book leads you in meditating on and journaling about several hundred verses that discuss the Holy Spirit. You will grow in intimacy with the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the anointing within you will increase! You will exclaim as the disciples did on the Emmaus Road: “Did not our heart burn within us…while He opened to us the Scriptures?” (Luke 24:32)! In addition to being led to journal through these verses, you will read numerous two-way journal entries from Mark Virkler, as well as a powerful five-page prayer at the conclusion of the book.

Price: $10.95

Journaling Questions e-booklet

100's of journaling questions arranged in categories

Jumpstart your two-way journaling! People often ask me, do you have good journaling questions I can use in my dialogue with Jesus? The answer is yes! Predicting the date of His return is not going to work out well. So how about hundreds of GREAT two-way journaling questions you can ask the Lord!

Price: $6.95
Lamad Faculty Handbook eBook

Lamad Faculty Handbook eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 78 pages

This book presents lamad (revelation-based learning) standards  for teachers and curriculum writers. Lamad is a Hebrew word found in the Old Testament and it is translated "to teach" or "to learn."  It is a kind of learning that involves the Holy Spirit granting divine revelation to the heart of man. Thus it goes beyond western rationalism as a learning methodology.

Price: $7.96

Meditation: How to Study the Bible in the Presence of God ebook

Click here for Kindle version.

This book is our more academic version of this topic, designed more for the theologian.

Our practical, hands-on, user-friendly version for personal or group use is Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation.

Price: $2.99
