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CWG Ministries Newsletter - February 2007

February 2007 – God’s Voice Worldwide – From Dr. Mark Virkler
Author of How to Hear God’s Voice and President of Christian Leadership University

Mission: To equip you to do everything as an outcome of your daily conversations with God, and to train others to do the same.

This newsletter contains:

Attend an Upcoming Seminar Free
Now Available: MP3s at 40% Off!
Help Mark Write His Next Book
CLU Students Journal
Tent-Making – Overcoming Fibromyalgia?
Laughter Is Healing to the Bones
Get “Good News” Daily at…
A New Free Downloadable eBook
New Translation Posted
Start a Lamad Encounter Group

msthemelist>Bring a group to an upcoming seminar and receive FREE books, free admission to the seminar (maximum value $20), and $125 off your next Christian Leadership University course! Click here to find out how.

Date Seminar Location
Feb. 23,24   How to Hear Gods Voice   Buffalo, NY
Mar. 11-14   How to Hear Gods Voice   Orchard Park, NY   
Mar. 30,31   Christian Dream Interpretation   Trafford, PA
Apr. 27-28   How to Hear Gods Voice   Las Vegas, NV  

Now Available: MP3s at 40% Off!
Many of you have requested it, and we are pleased to offer our teaching series as downloadable MP3s. Now you can easily listen to this life-changing teaching on your iPod, your computer, or create your own audio CDs at a huge discount!

Not only are these MP3 audio series priced 40% below the cost of the corresponding CDs, but you also save 100% of the shipping charges, which can be substantial! And no more waiting days or even weeks for delivery, because in most cases youll receive your download link within 24 hours.

If you have questions about what MP3s are and how they work, click here to learn more.

Currently available:

Counseled by God
Go Natural!
Hear God Through Your Dreams
How to Hear Gods Voice
Naturally Supernatural
Prayers That Heal the Heart
Rivers of Grace


Would You Contribute Ideas for a book Mark Virkler is hoping to write in 2007?
It is tentatively entitled: How to Activate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit & Release the Compassion and Power of Almighty God! (
Mark 1:41)

Mark wants to provide a list of simple techniques we can all use that will help us move comfortably in an ongoing operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 12:7-11). The goal is that we could naturally release the power and love of God into our everyday lives. If you have suggestions of effective techniques that you have used which could help us accomplish this task, please send your ideas to Thank you!

Journaling Breaks the Lie Art Maybury
I have been leading a discussion group as we view the
DVDs of How to Hear Gods Voice. The first time in the series that Mark Virkler suggests asking the Lord how He sees me, I intended to, but felt the bottom of my stomach fall out at the thought. I thought that I had forgiven myself for all the sin God has forgiven, but I was afraid of what He might say.

However, as I recognized the enemys hand in this, I started to smile. At that instant, the fear vanished and has not returned. Following is the journaling.

Lord, how do You see me?

“My child, I love you. You are the apple of My eye. I am so proud of you, Art. Although you have been visually impaired you have not given up or gotten bitter. Instead, you have been a beacon of love and hope. I am proud of you, My son!”

I couldnt have done any of this without You, Lord!

“I am so happy that you realize this, Art. It is the beginning of wisdom. Lean on Me, and I will fill your mouth and mind with My wisdom. The world and My Church need wisdom. Continue to be My mouth, My son!”

Lord, I dont feel worthy of these glowing words. I am not the doer of these things.

“You are most correct here, My son. It is I who am doing it through you. Continue to be My channel to bless. There is so much more that I want to do through you, My son. Trust Me, and I will amaze you and everyone around you. I AM THE ALL-MIGHTY LORD OF LORDS!”

Amen, Abba Lord! Your will be done.

The Wonderful Counselor Offers Great Parenting Counsel - Journaling from Mike Blackburn
Is my idea of writing a story with Tim (my 14-year-old son) ordained by You, O Lord? Is this a good pursuit?

“Walking together down the path, talking as you go. This is the way of bringing up your child as I have said before. Walk with him. Talk to him. The methods are varied. This is a method. Do not focus on the result. Focus on the process. The result will take care of itself. Do not allow pride to drive the result. Allow love to drive the process. The use of My logos and rhema in the process is a noble goal and will realize success.”

Thank You, Lord.

There Is a School of the Holy Spirit Journaling from Pauline Burthwick
You are the most wonderful, most high and only God.  Lord, how did people come so far from Your truths?
“They established their own paths. They left My Word behind and followed the logic in their minds. They focused on words, ideas, concepts, philosophies and left worship behind. They separated themselves from Me and My love. I became an idea to them. I became a concept. One who is far off and not near. They ran their race without Me and My power and they lost the experience of union with Me.

“They began to study Me and My word and try to make sense of it. When they separated themselves from worship and loving Me, their hearts got cold and hard and they lost the understanding and experience of My voice and My power.
“I am faithful to every generation. I have that remnant in every generation who reads My Word in order to know Me instead of to know about Me. I reveal Myself to them and give them My power and authority. Often they are rebuked and rejected by others because there is jealousy and they don’t fit the mold of what the church is doing. I do not fit in molds. I Am a free and creative Spirit. I Am the Spirit of God. I Am the Holy Spirit.

“I reveal Myself to you. Sit at My feet. Spend time with Me. I will teach you. There is a school of the Holy Spirit. You, who sit at My feet, you are My students. I will teach you My ways as I taught My ways to Paul – yes, even as he was in Arabia. It is as he said: I was his teacher. No man taught Paul.”
 [Note: See Galatians 1:1524.]

Tent-Making Activity (Acts 18:1-4) Overcoming Fibromyalgia?
The following testimony comes from a woman who was introduced to a powerful superfood through these Tent-Making updates in the CWG Newsletter.

Ive had fibromyalgia for around 20 years. I first noticed it when my cat jumped on my lap and the pain was excruciating. I have taken muscle relaxers at night for the pain, and Tylenol at times. I have also tried other nutritional supplements, and although they are wonderful, I saw no change in the way I felt as far as the fibromyalgia.

When I saw the testimony of others about fibromyalgia on your website, I thought Id give it a try. I continued taking the other supplements and this new superfood until just recently when I ran out of the other product. I now only take this new superfood.

I am still amazed that I havent felt the storms or the fronts coming through the last few days. I used to be like a barometer and could feel a change coming a day ahead of time. Now I dont know it until it happens. I am excited that I can offer this to others who are in pain and need healing.

Billie J. Mundt
Jackson, TN

Do you know anyone who is suffering like Billie? Perhaps you are personally facing a health challenge that you havent been able to overcome? Of course, nothing is for certain (except Gods faithfulness!), and you may not experience the same results that Billie did. But what if you do?
Click here now to learn more.

Laughter Is Healing to the Bones
A child came home from Sunday School and told his mother that he had learned a new song about a cross-eyed bear named Gladly. It took his mother a while before she realized that the hymn was really Gladly the Cross Id Bear.

Hear Good News Everyday

A new free ebook is now available for downloading from our website. It is titled Passionate Intimacy With God Through Dialogue by Ben C. Lunis, and it is excellent! Click here to download this Microsoft Word file.

New translation posted Spread the word to those who could benefit!
Special thanks to A. Israel Krupanandam for
translating Experiencing God in the Small Group into Hindi.

We have received offers from individuals around the world to translate our books into various languages, and we now have free material available on our website in 24 different languages (plus English!). We appreciate each and every person who has given of their time and talent for this work. If you would like to volunteer to translate any of our materials, please contact Mark Virkler.

Start a Lamad Encounter Group in your home or church today!

Websites: and
Enroll in Christian Leadership University:
Marks speaking itinerary:
Online shopping for books by Mark and Patti Virkler:
Ordination opportunity:
Establish a church-centered Bible school:



Results 201 - 210 of 485


Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams DVD Set

1 DVD set

Can I succeed like others have? What do I need to do? How do I go about it? What if I don't have the gifts necessary to do something great? The wonderful truth revealed in Scripture is that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary feats, especially when they say, "Yes, Lord" to the destiny He has prepared for them!

Price: $39.95

Your Extraordinary Life DVDs

Mark Virkler | 16 DVD Sessions

Can you imagine starting new believers off with the Holy Spirit! What if the first thing you were taught as a newborn Christian was how to connect easily and daily with the Holy Spirit Who was living inside you, anointing you, empowering you and transforming you?

Price: $39.95
4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Audio CDs

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Audio CDs

by Mark Virkler | 10 Discs | Produced 2006

This CD set of the 10-hour course will draw you into a classroom experience with others who are learning to hear from God right alongside you. It follows along with the LEARN 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice notebook (available for $4.95). Because Dr. Virkler is teaching directly from this booklet, it is recommended that you purchase both the LEARN notebook and the complete book entitled 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice. You will want to meditate on the teaching and do the exercises found in the large book if you intend to fully internalize the skill of living daily out of God’s voice.

Looking for the new Abridged Edition? See this blog post to learn more and order.

Price: $59.95

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice CDs - Abridged Edition

by Mark Virkler | 5 Discs | 10 Sessions

A complete description is available by clicking here, where you will find information on the 60-minute version of this product. The main difference is that these 10 sessions are shorter, averaging 40 minutes each. You asked for it and it's finally available! The same core teaching now abridged, making the sessions easier to fit into your Sunday School class, home group meeting or lunch hour Bible study.

Price: $39.95

A Stroll Along the Sea of Galilee CD

New life for your daily devotions!

The #1 Tool in the World for Introducing People to Hearing God's Voice! Pop this into your CD player during your morning devotional time and let us paint a scene of you and Jesus walking together along the Sea of Galilee. We'll encourage you to ask Him one of the following questions, "Lord, what would You like to say to me?" "How do You see me?" or "Do You love me?" We then guide you into using the four keys for hearing God's voice, which are: quieting yourself down, fixing your eyes on Jesus, tuning to spontaneity and writing.

Price: $2.95

Counseled by God Audio CDs

by Mark Virkler | 6 Discs

Just Released: 35th Anniversary Edition

The foremost training in the world helping you become emotionally whole by hearing the voice of the Wonderful Counselor! ? You will receive an impartation as you listen to the 13 sessions of Mark Virkler sharing life-transforming principles on how to restore your heart by receiving daily counsel directly from God.

Price: $59.95
Prayers That Heal the Heart CDs

Prayers That Heal the Heart Audio Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition CDs

by Mark Virkler | 15 Sessions | 7 Discs

Prayer counseling that breaks every yoke! Everything you need to experience deep healing of your soul and spirit. Did you know that you don’t need to be continually plagued by negative thoughts, feelings, pictures or memories?

It is not part of the "human condition" to feel the constant nagging of doubt, insecurity, or anger. No matter what sin you are trying to overcome, what lie you think you’ll always believe, or what traumas your heart has suffered in the past, you will receive total freedom and restoration by praying these prayers in faith.

Price: $59.95

A Stroll Along the Sea of Galilee 50/50 Pack

50 CDs and 50 DVDs

The #1 Tool in the World for Introducing People to Hearing God's Voice! Pop these into your CD or DVD player during your morning devotional time and let us paint a scene of you and Jesus walking together along the Sea of Galilee.

Price: $100.00

Everyday Angels CDs

by Charity Virkler Kayembe

You can partner with Heaven’s angelic hosts!

Do you have guardian angels? Does God want you to know them? Find out what Scripture reveals and how YOU can interact with the company of Heaven!

The supernatural realm permeates our natural world! Therefore, experiencing angels should be an everyday occurrence–we simply need to open our spiritual eyes to their reality and role in our lives.

Price: $49.00
Hear God Through Your Dreams Audio CDs

Hear God Through Your Dreams Audio CDs

by Mark Virkler | 5 Sessions

These CDs correspond with the Hear God Through Your Dreams workbook by Mark and Patti Virkler. For maximum growth and internalization, we recommend utilizing the book together with either the CD or DVD set. The book provides an outline to follow as you listen to the CDs. Also included are application exercises and classroom activities. (NOTE: There are 5 sessions on 3 discs.)

Price: $24.95
