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CWG Ministries Newsletter - God's Voice World Wide - August 2007


August 2007 Gods Voice Worldwide

From Dr. Mark Virkler, Author of How to Hear Gods Voice and President of Christian Leadership University

Mission: To equip you to do everything as an outcome of your daily conversations with God, and to train others to do the same.

This newsletter contains:
Seminar Schedule (plus free group bonuses)
August Special Through the Bible on MP3
Two-way Journaling What Friendship with God Isnt
A City on a Hill A Journaled Poem
CLU Student Shares the Four Keys in Burundi
Prayers That Heal the Heart Helps Restore a Marriage
Laughter Heals!
Tent-Making Activity
Positions Available
New Translations Posted
Start a Lamad Encounter Group

Bring a group to an upcoming seminar and receive FREE books, free admission to the seminar (maximum value $20), and $125 off your next Christian Leadership University course! Click here to find out how.


 Aug. 24,25 How to Hear Gods Voice   Birmingham, AL  
 Sept. 14-16    How to Hear Gods Voice    Stratford, ON 
 Oct. 5-7 How to Hear Gods Voice   Rocky Mount, NC  
 Oct 12,13 How to Hear Gods Voice   New Freedom, PA  

Seminar details available at

August Special: Save Big on New Through the Bible MP3s
In this extensive collection of almost 40 hours of teaching, Rev. Paul Schenck utilizes Mark and Patti Virklers
Through the Bible manual, providing you with an overview of the entire Bible. This is not an in-depth study of any one part of Scripture, but rather a survey of it all, from Genesis to Revelation. This is the perfect way to complete your Spirit-led journey Through the Bible.

All segments are currently available in MP3 format, and some are available for purchase as CDs (eventually all will be). Why download in digital MP3 format? You save 40% and pay no shipping! (What are MP3s?)

Each of the eight segments includes from three to eight discs worth of audio, and ranges in price from $11 to $30 when purchased as separate sets of MP3s or audio CDs. Click here for more details and to order online.

Discount Offer
Get all eight sets of MP3s, plus the eBook of Through the Bible.

Total value of all MP3 series: $148.56
+ $15.96 for Through the Bible eBook = $164.52

Bundle savings: take an additional 39% off!
Only $99.95 (Buy now)

Alternate option: Add $10 to upgrade to a hard copy Through the Bible book Only $109.95

    Browse other MP3 teaching series

What Friendship with God Isn't Journaling
I have been praying about what it means to be a friend of God, knowing that not every believer is a friend of God automatically. While singing to the Lord recently He spoke to me that He wanted to tell me something and that is what I recorded here.

Yes, Lord, Your servant is listening.

Prophetic words alone do not indicate that someone is My friend. Remember Samuel? He was just a boy and did not know Me when I spoke to him the first time. Remember also King Saul? My Spirit came upon him and he prophesied when he was in rebellion.

Friendship with Me includes knowing My ways and not only My words. Remember how I spoke to Abraham My servant and Moses as well? They knew why and not just what I was doing. Remember how others in the camp of Israel prophesied on the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land? Yet they only knew what I was saying and not why I was saying it.

Revelation of Scripture and prophetic words do not equal friendship with Me. Friends know that because or the so that of the action or command, whether it pertains to them or if it is for intercession on behalf of someone else.

(Then God began to describe to me how friendship with God is different from regular friendship.)

The heart of the King can only be shared with those who are fully committed to the King and His Kingdom. Only those committed to the King and His Kingdom can handle the truth and the weight of the Kings heart. All others will become selfish or afraid. They will use the ways of the King for their own gain in the eyes of the other subjects. Or they will leave the King because the weight of the Kings heart is too heavy to bear.

This is why friendship with Me begins with servanthood. Servanthood is loving obedience to the King. Those that love Me and those that are friends with Me obey Me. In this place a person finds commitment to the King and His Kingdom.

The lower a person goes the closer they will be to hearing My heart. Pride has no room in My Kingdom. As a person is low and obedient they will see that I am faithful and they will dream of knowing My ways. This is the beginning stages of becoming My friend. Serve Me, son, and you will see this is true. I love you with an everlasting love.

Obviously the Lord wanted to correct some ideas that I had. I thought that being a friend of God looked like being able to prophesy or to know great mysteries from Scripture. And while those things can be included in being a friend of God, it is clear to me now that they do not equal being a friend of God. The Bible even records that people will go to hell that have prophesied in Your Name and that even if I know all mysteries but do not have love that I have missed it.

I must be fully committed to God and His Kingdom. We all start as subjects to the King (Rom. 10:9) and perhaps grow into friendship with Him. I do not think that I am a friend of God right now. It is my prayer that I will be. Even as I thought about this I wept that God shared with me some of the whys of being a friend with Him.

A Journaled Poem: A City on a Hill Pam Lina

You are a city on a hill, a lighthouse to the nation,
A royal, holy, priesthood, a chosen generation.

I have called you out of darkness, to manifest My light,
You are now My people, Go up and fight the fight.

As you climb My mountain, you must throw off every weight,
If others leave, dont listen, theres no time for debate.

I need your full attention, as you grip hold of jagged rocks,
Each step you scale is crucial, for My Kingdom it unlocks.

My Spirit is compelling you to seek My face and not My hand,
Buy gold from Me, refined in fire, this is My command.

This is My holy mountain on which you now ascend,
I require your participation so you may apprehend.

My resurrection power is here it lifts you to the top,
For I have heard you say to Me, Lord, Im tired, I want to stop.

You have pursued and honored Me, when you felt like turning back.
Your earnest prayers went up to Me even when the times were black.

At every plateau you waited, for the breath of My fresh air,
As each trauma that unfolded left you feeling stripped and bare.

You know there is a price to pay, you must lay down your life,
You cant afford offenses now, it causes too much strife.

You are empty now and broken you have identified with Me,
Youre drawing from My virtues, for you have found the key.

I have taken you beyond yourself, you stand together on the peak,
Youll see great signs and wonders, and with boldness you shall speak.

As the kings of the earth take their stand, and the nations rage in vain,
My mountain top will thunder and declare My imminent reign.

Theres a breaking in the heavenlies, in which My glory will appear,
For you have heard the clarion call, thats ringing sharp and clear.

And as you speak the words you hear, you send out My decree,
You are a city on a hill, where all nations will be free.

CLU Student Shares the Four Keys in Burundi! Joe DiLeo
I returned from Burundi, Africa last week, after a two-week mission there with Times Square Church.


While there I had the opportunity to share some of the teaching on
keys to hearing Gods voice. I gave out the 4 Keys tracts in French to some pastors there whom I met. I also asked one of the pastors who served as our pastors translator to translate the 4 Keys tract into their language, Kirundi, and he said by email this week that he would do that.

Prayers That Heal the Heart Helps Restore a Marriage
(names have been changed)
Last fall when I initially started praying
the 7 prayers over my life, I started to see changes happening in people who were related to those prayers. Then I heard Mark speak in one of the lecture CDs about the possible correlation that when we pray to have things break in our own lives, or situations, that its possible that it also breaks in the lives of others. I believe this, and I experienced this while at Elijah House.

The first situation has to do with my lack of trust in my husband. This started when his addiction to pornography was exposed. These past 4 years I have struggled with the fear that every time I leave home, I will come back to hear how this time hed had a full-blown affair. This led me to try to control the situation by saying who could be in my home and who couldnt when I was gone, etc...

My trust rebuilding has been conditional on whether or not my husband follows through on his recovery work, which he should, but my trust cannot be based on his performance; my trust needs to be based on God, and God taking care of my needs through my husband in spite of his weaknesses, because it is God who moves the hearts of people like channels of water turning them where He desires them to go.

While confessing and repenting of the Negative Expectations/Inner Vows [judgments] I had been holding towards my husband, God gave me a vision of my husbands hand, palm turned up, and I could see his wedding band. When I asked God what this meant, He said, Sally, you can trust that hand, because My hand is in that hand. I cant tell you how healing that was for me, and the burdens that lifted off of me.

Later that day when I talked with my husband, he was struggling with lack of trust and doing things in his own strength, I felt God say, Tell him about that vision. When I did, my husband started to weep, (I have not seen my husband cry in over 3+ years), and out of his mouth came, I want to trust God.

He went on to pour his heart out, and the conversation ended well. This moment I believe also opened the door, 2 days later, for my husband to be open to spend an hour conference call with me and my prayer minister to pray for areas of his life where he was struggling also.

The same day I had this vision, I had already confessed and repented of my Negative Expectations/Inner Vows [judgments] towards my parents and was interceding for my extended family, and the need for reconciliation there.

Two years ago my parents both verbally and emotionally bashed me in front of my daughter and brother, and even though I had written letters to reconcile; after a few months I heard from my parents with no apology, and to this day almost 2 yrs later, I have not heard from my brother. I have not stayed in my parents home since then; staying at my sisters upon visits where I felt safer.

That afternoon my mom called and asked me to go see my uncle who had been brought into the hospital in Spokane, then call her and let her know what the doctor had said. I called the next morning, and before we got off the phone my mom said that my dad wanted to talk to me.

My dad got on the phone and said, Sally, a few years ago you were treated very bad in our home and that was largely my fault I could have prevented it from happening. I know that you have forgiven me, but I need to apologize to you because I want a second chance, and I promise you that if you give me a second chance, [meaning stay in their home] that nothing like that will ever happen again. Now I know that were not supposed to make promises, but the fact that nearly two years later, my dad out-of-the-blue, apologizes to me this is no coincidence; it is directly related to the prayers that were being prayed.

While I was praying God was speaking to peoples hearts, my husband and dad were listening and acted in obedience to what God was speaking to their hearts and it bore fruit. I believe God was also speaking to other peoples hearts, but they were not listening. In the fullness of Gods timing, when those astray become ripe; I believe total reconciliation will happen in my extended family.

Glory to God.

(Click here to purchase Prayers That Heal the Heart books, CDs, MP3s or DVDs.)

Laughter Heals!
Billy Graham was returning to Charlotte after a speaking engagement and when his plane arrived there was a limousine there to transport him to his home. As he prepared to get into the limo, he stopped and spoke to the driver.

You know, he said, I am 87 years old and I have never driven a limousine. Would you mind if I drove it for a while?

The driver said, No problem. Have at it.

Billy gets into the drivers seat and they head off down the highway. A short distance away sat a rookie State Trooper operating his first speed trap. The long black limo went by him doing 70 in a 55 mph zone. The trooper pulled out and easily caught the limo and he got out of his patrol car to begin the procedure.

The young trooper walked up to the drivers door and when the glass was rolled down, he was surprised to see who was driving. He immediately excused himself and went back to his car and called his supervisor.

He told the supervisor, I know we are supposed to enforce the law, but I also know that important people are given certain courtesies. I need to know what I should do because I have stopped a very important person.

The supervisor asked, Is it the governor?

The young trooper said, No, hes more important than that.

The supervisor said, Oh, so its the president.

The young trooper said, No, hes even more important than that.

The supervisor finally asked, Well then, who is it?

The young trooper said, Im pretty sure its Jesus, because hes got
Billy Graham for a chauffeur!

Tent-Making Activity (Acts 18:1-4)
Following is Patti Virklers personal story. Even if you have no interest in the particular superfood that she is referring to, I hope that you catch the vision that your body can heal itself, no matter what the ailment, if you simply provide it with the right building blocks to do so.

Do you have a health quirk from which nothing has seemed to provide any relief? Have you given up, resigned to the fact that you just have to live with it? Why not give this delicious natural juice a try, and see what it can do for you?

Feel free to contact us for more information at 1-800-466-6961, 716-907-0554 or To start your 90-day risk-free trial, backed by a 100% empty bottle money-back guarantee, click here to place your order online.

Positions Available
Alliance Bible Church in Anchorage, Alaska is currently looking for a Youth Pastor/Christian Education Director. See
more information here, and a job description here.

Paid part time hospice Chaplain position. Driving required. Mileage reimbursed. Great opportunity for compassionate minister to work in End of Life Care field. Call Frank at 573-499-4540, Preferred Hospice, Columbia, Missouri.

New translations posted Please spread the word to those who could benefit!
A special thanks to Israel Krupanandam who has
translated Spirit Born Creativity into Hindi.

A special thanks to Utomo Iman Santosa who has translated the Four Keys to Hearing Gods Voice into Javanese.

We have received offers from individuals around the world to translate our books into various languages, and we now have free material available on our website in 27 different languages (plus English!). We appreciate each and every person who has given of their time and talent for this work. If you would like to volunteer to translate any of our materials, please contact Mark Virkler.

Start a Lamad Encounter Group in your home or church today!


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Marks speaking itinerary:
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Results 441 - 450 of 485


River of Life MP3 Download

"I was moved to tears. I sensed His presence in a new and fresh way." Pastor Keith Carlisle

Experience our new “River of Life” 12-minute devotional. It contains beautiful soaking music with a voice-over description of the River of the Holy Spirit flowing toward you and filling the room you are in. It is an amazing experience that often leaves me shaking as the power of the Holy Spirit sweeps over me, flooding my entire being with His healing power.

River of Life & New Creation Celebration MP3 Download Set or CD Set now available, as well as the accompanying book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions!

Price: $4.95

Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions MP3s

by Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe | 14 Sessions | 6.5 hours

Experience the role of Kingdom emotions to engage and release Kingdom power! Jesus, moved by compassion, healed (Matt. 14:14). You can, too! Discover how Kingdom emotions can be born in your heart to carry the Holy Spirit's power to perform healing, as well as turn on healing genes while turning off inflammatory genes. Experience God's Kingdom which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17)!

Price: $59.95
Appropriating Covenant Blessings MP3

Appropriating Covenant Blessings MP3

by Mark Virkler | 1 Session

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 is one of the most complete lists recording the blessings which God wants to bestow upon His children. He wants us to be the head and not the tail, to be above and not underneath, and to lend and not borrow. This CD helps you capture a vision for this divinely-ordained lifestyle, and gives you steps to take so that you may begin to walk in these blessings.

Price: $5.00

Decoding Deception MP3s

Mark Virkler

This eight-part training series takes you through the key biblical principles you need to know so that you can walk in the truth, and be aware of the techniques satan uses to seek to deceive people. Ideal for personal or group study. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!

Price: $34.95
Divine Healing Toolbox MP3

Divine Healing Toolbox MP3

  • Learn how to discover and remove the root cause of the sickness.
  • Learn how to remove blockages to healing.
  • Discover why you would choose to lay TWO hands on a person.
  • Learn to open the eyes of your heart and see what is happening!
  • Discover why the teaming up of prophets and teachers is so important.
  • Discover the value of providing a divine healing soaking experience.
  • Learn to utilize various prayer modalities, including inner healing and deliverance.
Price: $3.60
Fulfill Your Financial Destiny MP3s

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny MP3 Download

by Mark Virkler | 22 Sessions

Newly recorded for 2023! Though the economic system (mammon) of this world is under a curse, we have received instructions for how to move out from that dominion and into the blessing of the Kingdom of God. God’s promises to His children have not changed with the whims of government or Wall Street, nor have His directions for how to walk in those promises. We can “choose not to participate” in the economic recession that is around us if we instead choose to obey the logos and rhema of the Lord and enjoy the blessings that result.

Price: $59.95

Healing Waters MP3

Soaking music by Jim French | 37 Minutes

If you enjoy soft soaking music in the background as you journal or throughout the day, you will love the Healing Waters MP3 by Pastor Jim French. Jim is an anointed musician, and this music is pleasant to the ears and soothing to the spirit. As a matter of fact, there is a short clip to listen to at the bottom of this page. See if it doesn't minister healing to your heart!

Price: $4.95

Heart Physics EFT - Biblically-Based EFT Training MP3s

By Charity Kayembe and Jim Richards | 22 Audio Sessions + 2 Video Downloads

Scripture tells us that we comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received (2 Corinthians 1:3–5). To the degree that we are healed and comforted, we can offer those same gifts much more freely to others.

Price: $74.00

How Could I Have Been So Wrong? MP3s

Mark Virkler | 16 sessions of MP3

This is my story of how my cardiac event was resolved by combining the best in medical care, Christian spirituality, and nutrition. 

I was NOT supposed to have a cardiac event. I ate a healthy diet, exercised several times a week, consumed lots of great nutrition and sought to live destressed by abiding in Christ. This story contains the lessons I learned in the months of healing after having emergency surgery which involved five heart bypasses.

Price: $14.95

How Do YOU Know? MP3 Downloads

by Mark Virkler | 12 Audio Sessions

How do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used eleven different methods for discovering truth including: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so. I have discarded them all and adopted a twelfth method, which is in harmony with what the Bible teaches. We teach you this method in this series.

Price: $59.95
