April/May 2010 Gods Voice Worldwide
From Dr. Mark Virkler, Author of How to Hear Gods Voice and President of Christian Leadership University Mission: To equip you to do everything as an outcome of your daily conversations with God, and to train others to do the same.
![]() We have a wonderful new tool for you to use to draw people to your group. You can post the location and topic of your current or prospective home or church group meetings on a map on the CWG website, and invite others to join with you. And if you dont have enough people to begin the group, you can mention that you will start when you have at least six people interested in joining. The purpose of this map is to let others find locations where Mark Virklers key courses are being taught, so if your church regularly teaches his materials, encourage your leadership to list those courses here as well. You can view the Sid Roth interview here and you can pass this link on to your friends to get them interested in coming to your home or church for a 12-week Prayers That Heal the Heart Group. Note: If you want to run a group on How to Hear Gods Voice, then you could use this link to stimulate interest. Please get your group (or prospective group) listed as soon as possible. Thanks. From now until June 1, 2010 we are offering you a 50% discount on DVDs for Prayers That Heal the Heart (discounted to $34.95), so you can use these for the teaching portion of your small group meeting. After watching the video, the group would also pray for each other as people desired or requested prayer, and together, you would help each other heal. You will have learned the prayer approaches on the DVDs and then you get to apply them to yourself and to one another as requested. You grow much faster when you join with others. One can put 1,000 to flight and two, 10,000 (Deut. 32:30). So team up and pray together and receive the healing you are desperately seeking God for. Lets run these groups until all in our communities who need healing, are healed.
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Definitely let your friends know so you can all learn and grow together! This is an excellent study for a group, so get a set of the DVDs and then take advantage of our Quantity Discount to receive 10% off when you buy at least 10 copies of a single item. So order enough books and seminar guides for your entire group. We are also offering a 25% discount off the current retail price of the Prayers That Heal the Heart CDs. From now until June 1st, the price is only $29.95! With our international friends in mind, we are putting the downloadable versions on sale as well. Until June 1st, choose either MP3 audio or the brand new streaming video (which can also be saved to your computer or transferred to an iPod) for just $20!
College Course COU301: Regularly 25% off tuition plus discounted CDs only $344.77! Or choose DVDs instead of CDs for only $5.00 more.
Make the investment in your spiritual and emotional life today to receive the healing Jesus wants to give you. The dividends will be enjoyed not only by you but also your family, your co-workers and everyone you touch for the rest of your life. Dont wait another day.
![]() God used the book Dialogue With God to re-awaken the imagination he had used as a child. God taught him how to sanctify his imagination and present it to Him by priming the pump visually, and then stepping into divine visions. God explained to him that Imagination is not manmade! And God showed him that you Dont drink the primer water!
Web address to experience the live interview:
Call-in Number During the Interview:
To listen/download/share:
Listen to Mark's previous broadcast from April 12th:
Am I hearing You on this, or did Hagerman become an idol and you reacted accordingly? Yesterday, You said You were opening doors for me. I took this to be in Hagerman. This morning, the thought came to me that the doors may be elsewhere than Hagerman. Lord, we do want to be where You desire.
Patty is offering the brochure template she developed to raise translation donations to others who are seeking to sponsor languages. See the wonderful brochure she designed here! Would you help sponsor the translation of 46 Hours of Foundational Teaching by Mark Virkler on Spiritual Intimacy? The series includes Communion With God, Prayers That Heal the Heart, Counseled by God, Christian Dream Interpretation, Naturally Supernatural and more. Please contribute toward this amazing project! We are currently seeking donations toward the $1,000 still needed to complete the French translation. Special thanks to Nina Paisson for helping adopt the French language and thanks to all the individuals and churches who have contributed toward this project. We are so grateful for your partnership in spreading the message of how to hear Gods voice to the uttermost parts of the earth! ![]()
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Also look for the Thank you in advance for helping us help others achieve their destiny!
![]() Start a Lamad Encounter Group in your home or church today! ![]()