The following are free Christian books and articles by Mark and Patti Virkler which have been translated into Dutch and are available for free in electronic form. We encourage you to download and circulate them freely.
- U kunt Gods stem verstaan
(Four Keys to Hearing God's Voice)
- Communicatie met God Cursus Werkboek
(Communion With God Seminar Guide)
- Werkboek - Leren verstaan van Gods stem
(How to Hear God's Voice Seminar Guide) -
Vier sleutels om Gods stem te horen <------- New!
(4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice - PowerPoint) - Werkblad bijdragende oorzaken
(Contributing Strands Worksheet)
- Het hartsmotivatie-profiel
(Heart Motivation Profile)
Click here for more books and languages
To read these books you may need to download: