Free Christian Books to Download

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Most of the following books are only available in electronic form (i.e., they are not available to be purchased in hard copy at this time), and may be freely downloaded and circulated with the one requirement that they must be distributed with the copyright information intact.

There are some shorter articles and also non-English language books available (over 50 languages).

Christian Leadership University also hosts Spirit-anointed scholarly free books and articles.

To read these books you may need to download: 

All materials are by Mark and Patti Virkler, unless noted otherwise.

Mark Virkler introduces this website and Communion With God Ministries in this video.


How to Hear God's Voice!


My sheep hear My voice (Jn. 10:27).

How to Be Emotionally Free!

His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor (Is. 9:6).

The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life (Jn. 6:63).

How to Deepen Your Spiritual Sensitivity!

Jesus perceived in His spirit... (Mk. 2:8).

How to Be Empowered by the Holy Spirit!

Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit (Lk. 4:14).

How to Receive God's Counsel Through Dreams!

God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed. He whispers in their ear and terrifies them with His warning. He causes them to change their minds; He keeps them from pride (Job 33:14-17 NLT).

The Dream Maker - How to Have Mountain-Moving Faith!

God is the Dream Maker. He gives us dreams, sustains these dreams and fulfills these dreams. It begins, continues and ends with Almighty God!

How to Enjoy Vibrant Health!

And He said, "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the Lord, am your healer" (Ex. 15:26).

How to Master Your Bible!

Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us? (Lk. 24:32).

How to Recognize Counterfeit Movements!

Examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good (I Thess. 5:21).

How to Be a Spirit-Led Communicator!

For He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes (Matt. 7:29).

Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams!

And He gave...for the equipping...until we all attain... (Eph. 4:11-13).

How to Start a Church-centered Bible School!

Make disciples of all the nations... (Matt. 28:19)

Anointed Evangelism

Free Books and Articles in Other Languages

Many of these books have been translated into various languages, and are available in electronic form. We encourage you to freely download and circulate them.


Browse 50+ Languages Available


Results 421 - 430 of 485


Through the Bible IV - Poetry and Wisdom Literature - Video Download

Through the Bible 4: Poetry and Wisdom Literature Video Download

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 11 Video Downloads

Dr. Andrew Hardy guides you through the Poetry and Wisdom books of the Bible in 11 sessions. This is part four of our Through the Bible series, which provides you an overview of the entire Bible.

Price: $14.95
Through the Bible V  Major Prophets Video Download

Through the Bible 5: Major Prophets Video Download

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the Major Prophets in 10 sessions. This is part five of our Through the Bible series, which provides an overview of the entire Bible.

Price: $14.95
Through the Bible 6: Life of Christ - Video Download

Through the Bible 6: Life of Christ Video Download

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the Gospels, the Life of Christ, in 10 sessions. This is part six of our Through The Bible series,  which provide you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

Why are there four Gospels describing Jesus' life? How are the three synoptic Gospels different from John? What does God want to say to me through the life of Jesus? Can I really imitate Christ and be like him? Yes, Jesus came to model the lifestyle God has empowered us to live!

Price: $14.95

Through the Bible 7: Acts and Epistles Video Download

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through Acts and the General Epistles in 10 sessions. This is part seven of our Through the Bible series, which provides you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

In the book of Acts you discover the vibrancy of the early Church. The Holy Spirit descended upon them in Pentecost and filled them and the room in which they were seated. Empowered by the Holy Ghost, they immediatey won 3000 to the Lord. Miracles followed, many were healed, and the world was transformed by these anointed disciples. 

In the General Epistles we learn of the struggles the early Church faced, and the amazing teaching the Apostle Paul provided to keep them on track. You receive a glimpse into the heart of Paul as he passionately encourages his readers to know who they are in Christ and ascend into the heavenlies, where they are seated with Him in heavenly places, ruling and reigning. These books take you into the depths of Scriptural truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit. Pray for God to give you revelation knowledge in your heart and mind as you meditate on His Word (Eph. 1:17,18).

Price: $14.95

Through the Bible 8: Epistles and Revelation Video Download

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the General Epistles and the book of Revelation in 10 sessions. This is part eight of our Through The Bible series,  which provide you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

This eighth series in the collection covers the following New Testament books: I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, Jude and Revelation.

Price: $14.95

Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams Digital Videos

The content of these videos is the same as the Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams DVD Set but in digital format. Receive your product immediately with no shipping costs!

Price: $39.95

Your Extraordinary Life Digital Video Downloads

Mark Virkler | 16 Digital Video Sessions

Can you imagine starting new believers off with the Holy Spirit! What if the first thing you were taught as a newborn Christian was how to connect easily and daily with the Holy Spirit Who was living inside you, anointing you, empowering you and transforming you?

Price: $39.95
4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice MP3 Download

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice MP3s

by Mark Virkler | 10 Sessions

As seen on the Sid Roth "It's Supernatural" program, this audio download of the 10-hour course will draw you into a classroom experience with others who are learning to hear from God right alongside you. It follows along with the LEARN 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice notebook.

Price: $59.95

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice MP3s - Abridged Edition

by Mark Virkler | 10 Sessions of MP3

A complete description is available by clicking here, where you will find information on the 60-minute version of this product. The main difference is that these 10 sessions are shorter, averaging 40 minutes each. You asked for it and it's finally available! The same core teaching now abridged, making the sessions easier to fit into your Sunday School class, home group meeting or lunch hour Bible study.

Price: $39.95

Counseled by God MP3 Download

by Mark Virkler | 13 Sessions

Just Released – 35th Anniversary Edition

The foremost training in the world helping you become emotionally whole by hearing the voice of the Wonderful Counselor! ?You will receive an impartation as you listen to the 13 sessions of Mark Virkler sharing life-transforming principles on how to restore your heart by receiving daily counsel directly from God.

Price: $59.95
