LaWanda – O precious Jesus, I give you honor and praise. I worship you, Jesus, my Lord and My Savior and My King.
Your words poured out to me in my Journaling Prayer astound me with their profoundness. They should obviously be profound, since YOU are speaking them, but every day I am astounded by how beautiful, how loving and how wise you are. How grateful I am to have you speaking into me. Help me to hear you, Lord. Keep my ears and my heart clear of all the debris that would stop me from hearing you. Thank you, Jesus, that you hear me and by your word must answer when I cry out to you.
I see you again, Lord, directing the traffic of our lives. In your white robes you stand pointing this way and that. And the people just seem to know where to go, having heard the Holy Spirit’s whisper. There is peace in hearing His voice and they are all moving perfectly. We are all moving perfectly even when we aren’t moving at all. Thank you, Jesus, for leading our comings, our goings and our stayings and for allowing us to rest in you.
Jesus – “LaWanda, my dear one, my precious one. You know that I am always directing the traffic of your life because I have said your days are written in my book from the foundation of the world.
"LaWanda, precious one. Going or staying, you are in my arms, under the shelter of the wings of the ALMIGHTY. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, even those you devise yourself in your flesh or with sin. They shall not PROSPER. This means they may come. They may knock you down. But they cannot take root, for your soul is planted in MY soil. Even as the attacks come, the roots of My word in you are growing deep and deeper still. You shall not be uprooted. You may bend but you WILL stand. I have called you by your name and you are Mine. You are Mine, dear one, now and forevermore. Forever…more.”
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