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"You Are of Your Father the Devil!" Wow! Who Said That?

Mark Virkler's picture

It was Jesus Who spoke these confrontational words, and He spoke them to the religious leaders of His day. Do you think He would speak them to the religious leaders of today? Let’s find out.

What had the religious leaders done that caused Jesus to say such a thing?

"And He said to them, 'Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: "IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING AS DOCTRINES THE PRECEPTS OF MEN." Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men.... You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition.'" (Mk. 7:6-9)

The Baptist church where I was saved refused to allow musical instruments as part of worship. I showed them Psalm 150:3-4: “Praise Him with trumpet sound; Praise Him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with timbrel and dancing; Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe.” They said, "That’s not our tradition." Tradition overruled the Bible, so I left that church at age 16.

Asbury Theology Seminary demanded that I promise not to speak in tongues, even privately. I showed them 1 Corinthians 14:39: “Do not forbid to speak in tongues.” They said, "Not on our campus during the years you are here." Tradition overruled the Bible, so I did not attend Asbury Theology Seminary.

The denomination I worked in as a pastor did not want me teaching on imagination. They believed it was New Age. I showed them 1 Chronicles 29:18 KJV: “Keep this forever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart.” Tradition overruled the Bible, so I was fired from my job on that pastoral team because I had a commission from God, “Let My people SEE!”

My co-pastor wanted to be ordained by Elim Fellowship of Churches. He was told he needed to promise to give up believing that God speaks through dreams, even though the Bible says, “In the last days, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams" (Acts 2:17). He refused to be ordained by Elim.  

A CLU student submitted his book to a publisher, and it contained two-way journaling. They said: "Take the two-way journaling out and replace it with Scripture verses." The student refused and chose not to publish his book through them.

If we do not choose truth above all else, we WILL enter into deception!

  • They did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
  • I am absolutely astounded at the level of deception I see around me on all fronts: in the Church, in politics, in the media, with the CDC and other alphabet agencies. It is an endless trail of destruction that is robbing people of their lives, their health, their joy, and even their salvation.

It is time to choose

Choose to LOVE and pursue truth and walk in the light with all of your heart so you are not sent a spirit of delusion. It doesn’t appear to me that there is a middle road. It is one or the other (Lk. 14:33; 2 Thess. 2:10-11).

Right now we need a revival in the Church and a reformation in our nation. I challenge each of us to be a part of both. This is not a day to sit back while evil consumes the world. That already happened with Hilter. It is a day to come apart and stand up and to declare the truth. 

Every verse where Jesus speaks about discovering the truth

  1. Beholding Jesus: "We saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." (Jn. 1:14)
  2. Practicing truth: "But he who practices the truth comes to the Light." (Jn. 3:21)
  3. Continuing in Jesus’s words: "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." (Jn.  8:31-32 the word “know” in this verse is ginosko, the word for intimate knowing)
  4. Truth comes by hearing God’s voice: "a man who has told you the truth, which I heard from God"(Jn. 8:40)
  5. Jesus is the truth: "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.'" (Jn. 14:6-9)
  6. Spirit of Truth within teaches us: "The Spirit of truth … abides with you and will be in you." (Jn.  14:17)
  7. Spirit of Truth within testifies about Jesus: "When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me." (Jn.  15:26)
  8. Spirit within guides into all truth: "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth;" (Jn.  16:13-15)
  9. Evidence you are of the truth is that you hear Jesus’s voice: "Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." (Jn. 18:37)

It is evil ...

  1. For a church, Bible school or seminary to invalidate the word of God by their traditions, rather than teaching that “you can live the Bible.” They must repent and be reformed and if they are not on that path, you should come out from them (Mk. 7:6-9).
  2. To focus on the rapture, eschatology and escaping to heaven, rather than focusing on leading in the area God has called you to, using His voice and anointing (Deut. 28:1,12,13 NKJV).
  3. For media and technology to only allow one opinion to be heard, therefore we support alternative media (Prov. 18:13, 15, 17).
  4. For voting machines and voting processes to allow for cheating, therefore we must clean up this mess.
  5. For hospitals and doctors to be forced to do what the CDC orders them to do or they will lose their funding and licensing, therefore we promote doctors being allowed to follow their conscience and alternative health care to be readily available.
  6. For pharmaceutical companies to not be held liable for death and deformities their products cause people.
  7. For Christians to prophesy gloom and doom rather than being the light of the world which, when set in a lampstand, lights a home, a city, and a nation (Matt. 5:15; Matt. 28:18-20).
  8. Abortion and transgender are both evil (Isa. 5:20,21). 

Here are some of the resources which provide truth

  1. Flashpoint start with this broadcast (Lara Logan will blow you away)
  2. Citizenship training for your congregation
  3. Mercola free newsletter (scroll to the bottom to sign up)
  4. Coffee and Covid 2022 – you can subscribe for free
  5. America's Frontline Doctors
  6. Intercessors for America
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Results 61 - 70 of 485


Supernatural Church

Supernatural Church

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 62 Pages

This book is designed to be used in a 13-week new members' class of a church which is pursuing intimacy with the Holy Spirit. As people come to your church, they come with many different theological backgrounds and expectations as to what church ought to be like. It is crucial that you align these people's hearts and minds as they join the church, or they will end up pulling in many different directions and causing division.

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Talking With Jesus - Front Cover

Talking with Jesus

by Evelyn Klumpenhouer

A full year of daily devotionals in which the Holy Spirit “opens up” Scripture!

These short, powerful devotionals for every day of the year are easy to read in less than two minutes. Each daily verse (with reference) is followed by God speaking directly to you concerning that verse. These inspiring messages provide an incredibly uplifting way to begin each day.

"Were not our hearts burning within us…while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?" (Lk. 24:32).

Price: $14.95

The Faith Zone

by Steve Long and Mark Virkler

Click here for Kindle version.


Have you ever thought that before? Most of us have thought it, or even heard it from others, at some point in our lives. But what exactly is faith anyway? And how do we get more of it? And if we did get more of it, could we actually move mountains into the sea?

Price: $15.99

The Utter Relief of Holiness

How God's Goodness Frees Us from Everything That Plagues Us - by John Eldredge

What a relief it would be to be set free from all that plagues us -- the inner struggle with anger, or contempt, the habitual sins. Is such an experience possible?

Price: $5.00
Through the Bible

Through the Bible

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 142 Pages

Listening to God through Scripture! Were not our hearts burning within us while He was...explaining the Scriptures to us (Lk. 24:32)?  This book will guide you in letting God reveal truth to you as you meditate on the stories and teaching of those who have gone before you. Your heart will be set afire by God!

Price: $19.95
Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Management

Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Management

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 111 Pages

Does the Bible contain principles which should be followed if you are managing a business, a church or a home? Do the most successful businesses, churches and homes follow these principles? The answer to both questions is, "Yes!" Do you know what these key principles are for successful management? If not, this book is for you. The book is designed with quick, easy evaluation worksheets provided for each of the 20 principles.

Price: $12.95
Wading Deeper Into the River of God

Wading Deeper Into the River of God

by Mark Virkler | 212 Pages

This book is the story of Mark’s personal journey toward revelation knowledge. With his trademark transparency and humor, you’ll identify with his challenges along the way and rejoice in his breakthroughs as he endeavors to continually wade deeper into the river of God.

Price: $16.95

When Heaven Touches Earth

by Greig, Virkler, Rogers, Goll, Fuller | 140 Pages

The central theme of this book is that average Christian believers can learn to exercise the eyes of their hearts and receive Spirit-led visions to worship in heaven, to receive the Lord's healing of their hearts, His authority, and His strategies to bring heaven down to earth (Matt. 6:10). Heavenly encounters initiated and led by Jesus with angels and those who have gone before us may sometimes be a part of these visionary experiences, as they were in Scripture.

Price: $14.95

Your Extraordinary Life! - case of 52

by Mark & Patti Virkler | 197 Pages | $14.99 Retail (Per Copy)

Purchase a case of 52 at ONLY $4.79 each - Distribute widely - Impact future generations of Christians

Can you imagine starting new believers off with the Holy Spirit! What if the first thing you were taught as a newborn Christian was how to connect easily and daily with the Holy Spirit Who was living inside you, anointing you, empowering you and transforming you?

Price: $249.08

Counseled by God Complete Discounted Package

2 books, 13 sessions on 6 CDs and 6 DVDs, save 15%

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