Linda - I love You, Lord, I love our time together. You truly make my day!
Lord, I have read many references to being a vessel. There are Scriptures where you describe Yourself as the Potter making the vessel. As Creator, You make each vessel for your specific purpose. You talk about gold and silver and wood and clay. You talk about vessels of honor. Father, what makes a vessel a vessel of honor?
Jesus - Beloved, every person that I have created was given a purpose specific to each man. I gave man the freedom to choose. I planted inside of man a gnawing hunger to know his purpose. Many look far and wide searching, while some appease that hunger by filling their lives with anything that will suppress the gnaw.
The purpose of a man can only be found by seeking the one who created him. Vessels were made to be filled. It’s what is inside the vessel that makes it honored. You can have the most beautiful vase, but if it is full of trash and rot, then it is not a vessel I would call honored. You could have a clean plastic five-gallon bucket and fill it with life-giving water and it is a vessel honored, for many, many are thirsty. A vessel of honor is not about the vessel itself, or how beautiful it is; the value is in what it contains.
Beloved one, I have made every vessel unique for a purpose. Each person that comes to Me can be filled by Me. Every vessel that is filled by Me is a vessel of honor, useful in My hand, available to be poured out and filled again.
Linda - Thank You, Lord.
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