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Worship is a magnifier and it transforms - Journaling by Linda Garmon

Mark Virkler's picture

Linda - Lord, You gave me a word last night, and then the same word again this morning….“Magnify.” Lord, oh how I love Your treasure hunts. I landed in the middle of the Bible reading David’s journal. Thank You Lord, for preserving this for us, and thank David for me, Lord. I have read and re-read this psalm looking at different versions, I have prayed it and sung it. All the while I am feeling Your presence inside of me moving me from joy to more joy. What would You like to say to me, Lord?

Jesus - Linda, My beloved child, this is worship! It’s powerful, it’s life changing and it propels you from glory to glory. WE receive your worship, but Our joy in your worship is because of what takes place in you. When you worship, you become just like what you worship. This is why all forms of idolatry are so devastating. Worthless idols create worthlessness in those who idolize them.

When something is magnified, you are making it bigger and you are able to see things you didn’t see before. You see it with new clarity. When I am what you are magnifying you will see more, and as you worship what you see, you are transformed into what you behold.

Magnification happens in many different ways. One way is to come closer. If you are miles away from a mountain, you might be able to block the view of it with one raised hand. It’s a different story when you stand at the base of that mountain and look up. Come closer, beloved. I am a big God! You need to know that I am bigger than anything.

Another way is when you, like David, testify to others your personal experiences of healing, freedom, deliverance, peace, joy, love etc. Corporate worship is another way. There is great power available when there is unity in My body. Creative gifts, scientific discoveries, witty inventions, miracle cures all have the potential for magnification, provided the credit is given to the GIVER OF ALL GOOD GIFTS.

Linda - Wow, Lord, thank You….amazing! Sort of feels like I have new lenses in my glasses. Help me to see more and more.

Jesus - That will be My great pleasure!

Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   
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