A Witch Doctor Gives His Life To Jesus After Demons Are Bound

Mark Virkler's picture

This story is in the form of an email dialogue I had with Pastor Erick from Uganda.

Pastor Erick – Mark, I need your advice. Two months ago, 213 students gave their lives to Jesus during school outreaches where I share daily messages about how to hear God’s voice. Part of this training is having them share what God has spoken to them. Two months ago, when 213 students joined the fellowship and gave their lives to Jesus, a certain girl aged 19 years also gave her life to Jesus. When she told me her father is a witchdoctor, I gave her a copy of Your Extraordinary Life and a Bible.

Pastor Eric

Yesterday the girl came and told me her father sent her away from home and he does not want to see her until she has stopped following Christ Jesus. She slept in the church for now two days. She said she does not want to follow the ways of her father. I took her back to her home today. Her father said I am the one who converted his daughter and caused her to stand against him. I shared with him about salvation but he didn’t want to hear and asked me and his daughter to leave his home.

What can I do? Can I take this girl to the police and file a case?  Today she did not even go to school. So she is at my home today and I have let her sleep here.

Mark - I don’t see how going to the police can help. I would encourage your prayer team to pray for the conversion of her dad, binding all demons and spiritual forces operating in his life. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict him. Ask God to send him dreams and visions to convert him. Show him love and compassion as he is so bound by demons. He has perhaps never tasted true unconditional love. Does he need something you could provide him?

Pastor Erick – We prayed as you suggested and he now wants Jesus to save him. I prayed for him on the phone and led to Christ Jesus. Tomorrow I will go and talk to him. His wife also gave her life to Jesus Christ. Here are the details of what happened.

He said he made sacrifices to a spirit in 1984 when he was still a youth. He wanted power and wealth. He never got the wealth. He was practicing more as traditional healer. He said he used to sacrifice something monthly on the last day of the month at night. It would be a hen, goat or cow but he needed to cut something and take the blood and smear on the three stones which was built inside his house.

His most recent sacrifice was a big sacrifice, that of a cow, with the aim to make the spirits happy. However two days later the spirit spoke to him saying they had no peace. I think this was because his daughter became born again and was praying against these demons and what his father was doing. We were in constant prayers and fasting with her. Other ministers also prayed for her father that he would come to Christ.

The witch doctor said the spirit beats him up and he cannot sleep since his daughter left home. Demons that he been worshiping came against him and ordered him to convert his daughter into worshipping them. However she refused to go back. He became sick himself and had no peace as the demons were against him.

The witch doctor was sick for three days and believed he was going to die. He then saw a vision of a man coming to him with bright shining light which filled his house. He said he saw bright light coming toward him, and he could not hide from the bright light. He tried to run away but instead began seeing rainbow colors. He was surrounded by a big pit dug around him and he could not run away. The bright light disappeared. Fear came upon him and he could not sleep for hours. Sleep finally came upon him early morning and he saw a vision of his daughter and me, pouring oil in his head.

We prayed for him over the phone and he gave his life to Christ Jesus. His bad dreams disappeared and he became well. Now he has asked us to come and pray for his home.

I went to his home and broke and scattered the three stones which made up his demonic altar. We leveled the place which he used to worship and make sacrifice. We replaced it with the altar to Jesus. We shall have 7 days of night prayers using that altar, starting today. The altar we built is a godly altar where no need of sacrifice. His other two sons gave their lives to Jesus along with him and his wife.

So many are happy about this man becoming a born again Christian. The last time this witch went to church was in 1987 but now he is holding prayers in his house and on Sunday he is coming to church. Many in the village are saying Jesus is alive. His daughter is happy and she will testify at school tomorrow. This will encourage the other 20 other students who were saved recently in our campus ministry, and who fear to tell their parents that they are in Christ Jesus since their parents are Catholic or Muslim.


  • Lord, what would you like to speak to me concerning this testimony?
  • Lord, pour within me a holy boldness to know that binding demons and does release miracles in people's lives. Lead me into doing this more often. Thank You, Lord.

Related Resources: 

Prayers That Heal the Heart   
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