I wish there was a simple way to introduce people to Supernatural Christianity

Mark Virkler's picture

Finally a Salvation Website That Honors the Role of the Holy Spirit!

“Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

Would you love to be able to send a person to a website that explains salvation as restoration to daily walks with our Heavenly Father in the cool of the day where you fellowship together? The website would honor the role of the Holy Spirit Who empowers believers to cast out demons and heal the sick. Well, now you can! It is BornOfTheSpirit.Today.

Simply add this hyperlink to your website, Facebook, and email signature:
Discover How to Be Born of the Spirit!

Or add it one of these ways:
Life’s greatest gift can be found here!
Life’s Biggest Decision is…
Make YOUR Life-Changing Decision TODAY!
Do you know what life’s biggest decision is?

If you do, how many lives might be rescued? Become part of the company of believers which sends out emails with this hyperlinked signature line. Our goal is one million souls being presented with the Gospel every day.
On this website we offer people an experience with Jesus, where they are brought back into relationship with Him, their sins are washed away and they receive the Holy Spirit into their lives. They are immediately taught they can hear God’s voice as they walk with Him daily in the garden and they canrelease His miracle-working power. It took me 25 years to learn that. Wouldn’t it be nice to have it all there readily available as soon as they welcomed Jesus into their lives?

Born again at age 15 where I joined fundamentalism

I was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep and a thought kept going through my mind: “If you die tonight, you are not prepared to go to heaven.” Little did I know that this flowing thought was actually the voice of the Holy Spirit calling me into God’s kingdom. I could not shake it so I got up and went downstairs to tell my parents I wanted to get saved. They drove me to the minister’s home where he explained the plan of salvation, prayed with me and that night my life was forever changed. The church I joined at age 15 believed that anyone who was not a member of that denomination was not saved. Wow! Saved into intense judgmentalism!

My early experiences—no Holy Spirit

My first Bible included marginal notes that taught dispensationalism, which is the belief that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for today. Liberals, on the other hand, teach demythalization, which is the belief that the miracles Jesus did were myths and need to be stripped away. So both ends of the spectrum marginalize the role of the Holy Spirit. I led people to the Lord with no mention of the Holy Spirit and no expectation that they would necessarily experience anything when they were saved. They were just guaranteed heaven if they said the right words.

Learning about the Holy Spirit took me 25 years!

  • Five years into my Christian experience I received the gift of speaking in tongues.
  • Ten years in, I learned to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  • Fifteen years in I learned to cast out demons.
  • After 20 years, I learned to interpret dreams.
  • Twenty-five years after being born again, I learned to lay hands on the sick and see them recover.

Amazing things happen when you honor the Holy Spirit

My 25 year process can be shortened. New Christians can move in the power of the Holy Spirit immediately, and if they do, all heaven will break forth in their lives. Do your friends and acquaintances a favor: Make the following phrase a hyperlink and add it to your website and your email signature line:Discover How to Be Born of the Spirit! (The actual link is:www.bornofthespirit.today). Or use one of the variations suggested above.

How many souls might be saved? How many healed? How many delivered?

You can make a big difference in people’s lives. Spread the good news of the gospel: Mankind is restored to relationship with God through acknowledging the Lordship of Jesus, being cleansed by His blood and receiving the Holy Spirit Who heals, delivers and restores. Help them discover the Bible is meant to be lived!


I just went through the four steps to be born in the Spirit. I have been a Christian since 1970. I have been baptized twice, the second time being a rededication. What I experienced this time was so incredible. I was crying so hard I could hardly read or write. The joy I felt in The Lord's presence was so powerful. When waiting quietly in His presence, I was filled so full and I heard so much love pouring from Him. The robe I wore was so beautiful. He kept telling me of His love and that His love had filled me so full that I could not contain it. It would flow and bubble out of me and would bless and heal many. Wow, amazing, incredibly amazing!
It’s for everyone – Gary S. Greig, Ph.D., adjunct professor, United Theological Seminary:

“Even long-time believers need the overall picture of salvation and sanctification outlined on this website. It was very helpful for me to read through and be reminded.”
Visit BornOfTheSpirit.Today


Related Resources: 

How to Be Empowered by the Holy Spirit!   
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