Where Was The Lamb? - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

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LaWanda – O Jesus, precious Lord, ♪♪ “I enter the Holy of Holies.  I enter by the Blood of the Lamb.” ♪♪ O Lord there is no other way under heaven whereby we must be saved! 

You and you alone allow us access to the heart of God.  Thank you, precious Lord.  What you did for us on Calvary is so beyond our comprehension.  O, we know some of what you did but the depths of it, that is what is beyond our finite minds.  Of course, we know you died for us but all that was included in your death is another matter altogether.  Thank you for continually revealing the “rest of the story” to us and for allowing me to catch glimpses of it.  Thank you, Jesus, My precious Lamb of God.  O yes, Lord, MY Lamb, for until we accept it, we personally have no Lamb to save us.  

O Jesus, I see you at the Last Supper.  There surely must have been a lamb there, Lord, or it could not have been the Passover meal.  But it is not mentioned as a part of the disciples’ preparation.  Lord, speak to me about the Lamb at the Last Supper.

Jesus – LaWanda, my dear one, you have stumbled upon a mystery.  So many mysteries in My word and this is one of them.  But the revelation of them is never “accidental,” even if it appears that way.  It is always by design, for I am constantly revealing myself to those who are seeking me.

Because there is no lamb mentioned does not mean that there was not one.   What is interesting is that very few have noticed that its mention is missing.  The gospels talk of My entry into Jerusalem on a donkey (to fulfill prophesy).  It tells of finding the room to prepare for the meal.  It talks about the bread and the wine but it says nothing about purchasing or obtaining a lamb.  Was it intentional or an omission?  I think you know the answer.  It was - like all of My word – intentional!!!  I wanted  the focus to be on the Lamb sitting AT the table, not on the one sitting ON the table.  The disciples did not understand much of what I had told them about the end to come, about what I would suffer.  And they were confused.  They had all come to love Me and did not want to believe what I was telling them.  It is a part of the human condition, dear one.  You hear something horrific, something beyond your comprehension and because it is so bad, you do not want to hear it and so you convince yourself that you must not have heard correctly.  So it was with the disciples.

But this is the importance of studying My word and getting into the depth of it, reading books by authors I have anointed and listening to them on TV or in person.  There is much to be revealed to you, my dear one, but you must be seeking Me to find it.   So seek Me today, LaWanda, and see what I will reveal to you about Myself that you did not previously know.  If you seek Me, you WILL find Me.  And remember, that  this verse actually means to seek and keep on seeking.  There is a never-ending supply of revelation waiting for you as you do! 

“Keep on asking and it will be given to you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking (reverently) and the door will be opened to you.”  Matthew 7:7 AMP

Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   
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