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What Does God Say About Your Business? By Deb Brown Maher

Mark Virkler's picture

Hearing God’s voice is the beginning of business success.

Recently, Mark Virkler and I had a chance to share stories about hearing God’s voice. When Mark asked who taught me, he was surprised to hear, “No one.” I’d read the book “God Calling” and thought, if those two ladies can do it, so can I! God honored my assumption as I set time aside each day to pray, listen, write what I heard and check it against Scripture. Through that process I learned how to discern the Lord’s voice with clarity. That was 30 years ago. To this day I am increasingly dependent on hearing the Lord’s voice to guide me in all that I do.

I depend on hearing the Lord’s wisdom in every aspect of life, especially in my day-to-day business activities. The workplace is my mission field, and the work God gave me to do is sales coaching. The truth is that without sales, all businesses fail. He taught me how to sell in a Godly way, and perhaps more importantly, teach others how to do the same. After all, Jesus did most of his teaching, healing and miracles in the marketplace (town square). He met the people right where they were doing everyday life, addressed their deepest needs, and built relationships that gave him eternal influence in their lives. Again, I thought if he could do it, I can do it too! Besides, his Word promises that I can do even greater things than he because of his sacrifice on the cross.

The Truth About Wealth and Business Success

There is so much false teaching on prosperity, wealth and success, that we need to get this straight before we move on.

God wants us to succeed in business. Deuteronomy 8:18 says: You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day. This author’s paraphrase: “Give God the Glory when you succeed, for it is he and only he who gives us the power to get wealth. The reason he blesses us with wealth is to confirm his covenant that he cannot, and will not, renege on. And that is still true today.”

Success in Business Starts with Hearing God’s Voice

I wanted to hear God’s voice as it pertained to my work. If I told you that I hated being in sales, and fought God every day about it, would you be surprised? Hundreds of times I’ve heard Christian entrepreneurs say, “I love what I do but I hate having to sell it!” Most people won’t even call it sales! Instead, they call it marketing, business development, customer acquisition -- anything except sales. No one wants to be associated with the high-pressure sales shark. I had the same hang-up until God pressed me to make a choice. He said, “Stop your doublemindedness. Either agree with the talent I’ve placed in you or reject it. Get off the fence.” Yikes! He was serious and I knew it. It took nine months, but I finally found the courage to agree with God’s plan for my work-life, and I’m so glad I did.

Freelancers, Solo-Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners Must Learn to Sell

Yep, some of you are bristling at that statement as you read it. The reality is that most people who start a business are consumed with passion about what they do. They also hate the fact that to get customers, they must sell – or else they won’t get paid to do what they love.

God knows your reluctance, and just as he equipped Mark as a resource to help others hear God’s voice, he equipped me as a resource to help others learn to sell in a way that’s congruent with Godly values. I diligently sought the knowledge that I now pass along. It gives me great joy to shorten peoples’ learning curve and set them up for business success.

When I made the commitment to start my own sales coaching consultancy in January of 2008, I burned all my bridges. I promised God that I would align with his will for my life and told him I knew he would bring the financial provision as I stepped out in faith. He has never failed to do so.

Allow me to brag on God for a moment. I had a modest but successful year one. Year two, I tripled year one. Year three, I tripled year two. Yes, I was diligent to do whatever I knew how to do. But my efforts alone did not yield those results. My alignment with his will for my life, plus his blessing and favor, did. Even when the craziness hit in 2020 and I went through two years of the lowest income ever, I never lacked. All financial obligations were met. It was lean, but he provided in ways I can’t even explain. He is faithful.

Ponder the following:

  • Have you ever thought to seek the Lord about your business direction? What does he want you to accomplish through your business? What’s holding you back from fulfilling his will for your life?
  • Is a negative perception of sales holding you back from all that the Lord has for you?
  • What have you done to equip yourself to sell your own “stuff”? Are you frustrated that it seems like everything you’ve tried hasn’t worked?

If you seem to have more questions than answers, I invite you to dialogue with the Lord about it. If he prompts you to connect with me, I’d welcome the chance to offer whatever assistance I am able. The first hour is always free, no strings attached.

Parting Thoughts

Sales is not a dirty word. If you feel that it’s somehow tainted, the Lord wants you to know there is a better way to sell. It’s better because it’s his way. All the answers you need are in his rhema and written Word. Ask him. He’s ready, willing, and able to help.

Deb Brown Maher is a sales expert and the author of “Sell Like Jesus: 7 Characteristics of Christ for Ethical Sales” sold at all major retailers. She can be reached at

Note from Mark Virkler – I have been receiving and enjoying Deb’s blogs for the last couple of years.

Click here for an amazing example of two-way journaling from Deb... as God takes her to heaven (Even includes a discussion on quantum physics!)

Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   

Related Blogs: 

Business and Creativity   
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