Two Secrets to Getting Your Healing Breakthrough by Dr. Patty Sadallah

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Patty Sadallah has a new book which she describes below. 

Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?


My First Encounter with the HEALER

I remember the day I met the HEALER up close and personal for the first time.  I lost my temper in a monumental way at the “specialist” whom my doctor recommended to help me with my Lyme’s disease.  I was sitting in his office, excited to get some real treatment.  I had my tick bite story, my symptom list, and an expensive lab test result that my primary doctor had ordered.  The report identified pertinent details about the exact strain of Lyme’s bacteria that were burrowing into every bone, muscle, and organ in my body.  I was ready to get healed.  I had prayed, asking the Lord to direct my doctor to recommend the specialist the HE wanted me to see. 

The doc walked into the room condescendingly, and without even looking at my lab report, he told me that Lyme’s disease was a myth. He was going to recommend that I see a psychiatrist for my hypochondria.  Yeah, that happened!  What happened next is a bit of a blur, but there was a lot of yelling on my part.  I  threatened to call the I-TEAM… an investigative reporting group from our local news station if he even dared to charge me for the session.  Then I stormed out of his office.

I was ranting and raving at God the entire way home.  I was so upset that I took a shower and found myself still screaming at God.  I remember asking,  "WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU SEND ME TO THE MOST UNQUALIFIED DOCTOR IN THE WORLD?"  Then He answered in a LOUD AUDIBLE voice, “I AM THE GREAT PHYSICIAN!”

I  was stunned into silence and repentance.  I immediately knew God planned to heal me Himself!  And HE DID!  That entire incredible story is in my Clips that Move Mountains 2nd Edition book.   Since then, the Lord has healed me miraculously seven more times, and I have learned a lot about how Biblical healing works.

God Wants You Healed, Too!

Maybe you have constant physical challenges or an illness that preoccupies your day.  Perhaps you suffer from depression and can’t seem to get out of bed.  Do fears and anxieties paralyze you and rob you of your joy?   Have you prayed and asked God to take away your illness for years and still haven’t found your healing?  Or have you resigned to the belief that you simply need to live with this thing and count it a win that you are managing your illness?

I have been there.  But it was not God’s will for me.  And it’s not His will for you either! God doesn’t want to help you manage your illness.  He does not desire your limitations to become part of your identity,  restricting the fruit of your calling.

Galatians 5:1 (AMP)  "It was for this freedom that Christ set us free [completely liberating us]; therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery [which you once removed]."  

God wants to set you completely FREE!  It’s one of the reasons He died for you. Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual illnesses are forms of bondage. 

Jeremiah 29:11 AMP says  "'For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.'”

How can you live out those plans God has for you if your focus is on your anxieties, aches, pains, and illnesses?   The enemy’s primary plan for Christians is the limit their impact.  God does not want you to allow for that!

Two Secrets

Through my healing journey, the Lord has revealed to me in the Word exactly how miraculous healing works.  There are two secrets to manifesting healing miracles. 

The Word records four times where Jesus healed the blind.  Each time was different.  He never spoke identical words or did the same activities.  How did He do it?

Jesus showed us the first secret to healing in the book of John.

 John 5:19  AMP "So Jesus answered them by saying, 'I assure you and most solemnly say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself [of His own accord], unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever things the Father does, the Son [in His turn] also does in the same way.'"

Jesus looked and listened for the direction from the Father and ONLY did and said what the Father directed.  Jesus shows us that this is how to know the will of the Father for healing.  God not only shows us what He wants but how He wants it done.  Jesus did it that way, so we need to do it that way!

God is so big that calling on Him in the bite-sized Names of God is helpful to identify the promises in the Word needed to anchor your faith and prayers.  Fix your eyes on the Name of God related to your healing need and only do and say as He directs. This allows God to release His healing power according to His perfect will.

The second secret is that It’s not all God’s job, and it’s not all yours.  Healing is a partnership. There are ALWAYS conditions to God’s promises in the Bible.   There is a role you play and a role God plays. When you look and listen to what God is doing, He reveals the conditions for your healing.  Once you know the conditions and obey them, watch what God will do!  Obedience to the conditions ensures that God will do His part. 

Encountering the HEALING of God: Experience Jesus Book 2

The Encountering the HEALING of God book is the 2nd in the Experience Jesus Series. Each book introduces you to five Names of God by facilitated direct encounter exercises. There are 21 encounters in this book. Each Name of God book addresses a different healing need.

  • The Great Physician addresses your physical needs,
  • The Comforter takes care of your emotional needs,
  • The Mighty Counselor heals your mental needs,
  • The Deliverer addresses your spiritual needs, and
  • The Miracle Worker helps with all of your healing needs by showing you how to pull down miracles from heaven.

The good news is that these book resources have designed encounters that facilitate your connection with each Name of God so He can lead you along the journey. The Prayer Process Workbook allows God to guide you step-by-step to your healing. Your job is to cooperate with Him to experience your healing.  I have lost count of all the miraculous healings that I have been privileged to watch the Lord do by using the same process in these Healing books.  And for those in the U.S. there is a customized Experience Jesus Healing Journal with healing Scriptures and many more encounter prompts by each Name of God.

Jeremiah 29:12-13 "Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."

When Jesus leads you to pray as He did, and you obey His conditions, you will find your miracle.  All you have to do is cooperate with Him!

For more information about the Encountering the HEALING of God book resources, check out this special offer:  or contact

And look for the Experience Jesus by Dr. Patty Sadallah podcast that will launch June 9, 2021!  For more information on that, and to follow in advance so you don’t miss any episodes, check out



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