Total Deliverance from Occult and Phobic Bondage by a CLU Student

Mark Virkler's picture

We received the following powerful testimony from one of our CLU students, Pastor Kudzanayi Parirenyatwa: I am a graduate of one of the prestigious theological seminaries in Zimbabwe (Africa) and leading one of the biggest churches in our 2.5 million member international church with its headquarters in Zimbabwe. Our city centre assembly has a membership of over 500 people of diverse backgrounds and social status, but all suffer a general bondage of spiritual phobia.

          Kudzanayi Parirenyatwa

I have been in ministry full time for 5 years and God has communed with me on the subject “From Bondage to Bondage: The State of My Church” but I did not understand it and just thought it was my own mind. Thank God that when I studied the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice, I then understood that the message of “From Bondage to Bondage: The State of My Church” was a spontaneous flow of God’s thought, that the church in Africa and Zimbabwe in particular was delivered from the occult bondage to a phobic (fear) bondage which is caused by lack of knowledge in my people. The belief system of Diviners was completely delivered from God’s people but there was only a title change to Prophet, resulting in Christians relying and being dependent on the prophets for all spiritual issues. The Christians were taught to believe that the Deliverance ministry is for special people who are loved by God more than any other person and hence one has to constantly consult the Prophet.

The phobic bondage led the church to be under captivity of satan until I began to spiritually walk (studying) with Christian Leadership University. The devil has and is continually suffering trampling under my feet because The Authority of the Believer has taken me and the entire congregation to a high Spiritual realm that has plundered the devil’s kingdom. The teaching of the Authority of the Believer to the church has led to the manifestation of power of God by deliverance of evil spirits without inviting a so-called specialist (Prophets in the church who put on flashy – bright coloured suits as a sign of a special gift of deliverance). Ten of our members gave testimonies on how through the God-given authority they have overcome bondage in areas of lust, repentance from believing in prophets than Jesus, and vain bubbling. We now have a healthy church focusing on Jesus Christ which is enjoying the God-given authority and our walk with Christ. Amen.

Thank you CLU staff for such a powerful ministry with special mention to my Instructor Dr. F. Williams and the ones I have had direct contact with - Dr M. Virkler, Cheryl and Karen.


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