daily word - seek and find

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever looked for something and found it? Have you ever looked for something and not found it? Most people have had both experiences. Part of the nature of the search is that while you are doing it you don’t know how it will turn out. Are there exceptions to this? Can you imagine a search with a  guaranteed successful outcome? You have my promise that if you seek you will find, so this applies to the Kingdom of God. How can I make such a strong claim? Seeking the Kingdom of God is not a search for a passive inanimate lost object. If you seek the truth, the truth will find you.

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daily word - mirrors

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My word refers to seeing in a glass darkly before seeing face to face. Mirrors at the time this was written were of limited quality, but now you have high quality mirrors that provide bright accurate reflections. Do you see a spiritual aspect to mirrors? They reveal you as you are, but provide no judgment or commentary. But if you are serious about growth you can use the images they provide to judge yourself. Can the same concept be extended to people? Do you know people who provide a dark reflection back to you distorted by their own biases, deficiencies, and other issues?

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daily word - solidarity

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Can you make a case from the Bible for solidarity within your own community? Can you make a case for solidarity with all humanity? Which do you think has stronger evidence? For you can claim the bond of common belief in your own group. Are you your brother’s keeper? Yes. Bear one another’s burdens. Love one another. In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me. Love your neighbor as yourself. And who is my neighbor? The one who showed him kindness.

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daily word - future plans?

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Do you like to be able to plan confidently for a certain future? This is an illusion that you can live by in times of stability and affluence. You are fortunate if such times are the rule rather than the exception for you, but this has not been the case for the span of human history, and events can remind you that you can’t count on this going forward. You can mark your calendar with your intentions, but you should do so in humility, knowing that all your plans are tentative.

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daily word - doctrine and values

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Do you have values? Do you believe in doctrine? Do you think they are the same thing? You can think of your doctrine as elements of the faith, such as my identity and events in my life. Values are less specific. They would include a commitment to honesty and freedom of conscience, free speech and equal protection under the law for all, a respect for the life and human dignity of every person regardless of any circumstances of their condition or belief. So do you see the difference between these things?

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daily word - liminal space

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Have you ever been in liminal space? Do you know what it is? Certain situations in life are ripe for learning and growth. People desire these things but they don’t often seek them out because the same situations are characterized by instability, uncertainty, and discomfort. How much growth has occurred in your life during times of predictable stability and comfort? Do you intentionally seek times of instability because of their growth potential? Few people do, but they will come whether you seek them or not.

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daily word - power of attorney

Dale Cresap's picture

In the Old Testament, the priesthood was a conferred office. This is still true in some denominations today, but not in others. Within those churches, those holding the office have recognized authority and responsibilities. Outside of those churches, the accepted position is that all believers hold the priesthood. What have I given you the authority to do in my name? Heal the sick? Declare the good news of the Kingdom to the poor and the lost and the blind? An easier question is what have I denied you the power to do in my name. Nothing. I have given you a durable power of attorney.

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daily word - how large?

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Do you know how large the Body of Christ is? You do not have a way to take a census of all believers, but I do. I know those who are mine. There are many members and many denominations. Some of these have a strong hierarchy structure with a visible leader and others do not, but even within well-defined organizations there is a wide range of opinion. With no structure in your world to unify my body it is remarkable that it is as unified and consistent as it is in core beliefs. Does this point to a unifying influence beyond this world?

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daily word - pastor quals

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What do you look for in a pastor? Education is highly rated, and an important part of being a theologian. So seminaries select professors for high academic credentials and they create institutions and graduates according to the same value system. What is the core value of the Christian faith? Don’t believers claim that love is more important than anything else?  How would you describe me and rank the things that I considered important? Would education ever appear at the top of the list? How is love expressed in every aspect of your church life?

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daily word - hope

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Are you a hopeful person? What are you hoping for? People generally use this term in connection with a specified outcome, such as, I hope my car will start, or, I hope I don’t get sick, or lose my job. These are valid concerns but is this the Biblical type of hope referred to along with faith and love? What if those things you hope for do not come to pass the way you want? Is hope still a valid concept? Even if you don’t get what you want, do you still believe that you live in a favorable and benevolent world and that I watch over you in love to secure your ultimate good?

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