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bitterness immunity

Dale Cresap's picture

I said that it was not what went into a man that defiled him, but what came out of him. For the food you eat passes through you and is eliminated. But divisions and hatred and strife emerge from within. In like manner with bitterness it is not what you eat but what is eating you. Offenses that you do not release will remain and grow within you spreading poison. You have seen this type of toxicity work its way to the surface in others. Don’t let it take hold in you. Is this easier said than done? This is a beneficial side effect of laying down your life and dying to yourself.

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daily word - self-pity?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you feel sorry for those who feel sorry for themselves? By logic this shouldn’t be necessary, since they already have this task completely covered, but your instincts are correct to have pity on those who are mired in self-pity. This is a miserable condition that is not useful for them or anyone else. Does it seem a great burden to lay down your life, and pick up your cross, and follow me? Yet dying to yourself implies that self-pity is no longer an option for you and in this I am doing you a favor.

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daily word - consider the source

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard anyone tell you to ‘consider the source’? This is meant to make you feel better about criticism from those who are not qualified to give it. This may make you feel better, but it is an invitation to judgment. You can consider criticism on its own merits. If it is valid, receive it. If it is not, reject it. Criticism can be given with destructive intent, but it can also be given in love and with redemptive purpose. Do you find this type easier to take? Other people feel the same way.

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daily word - stock answers?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you easy to classify on the basis of your beliefs? Do you think that Christians have a certain set of predetermined political positions that you signed up for when you committed yourself to me? Beware of those who know the answers before the questions are asked, and of those who would pressure you to recruit you to their cause. My word leaves the door open for everyone to consult his own conscience on some issues and be fully persuaded in his own mind. Hold your political opinions with a loose grip. Paul was willing to become all things to all people that some might be saved.

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Stories with Universal Truth

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find that everyone has their favorite subjects to talk about? Given an opportunity and audience they can talk for a long time. Have you ever been the audience and given someone the opportunity to take the lead in the conversation? Did you find this interesting or boring? How do people feel about your stories when you have a chance to do this? Do you find stories more interesting if  they contain something you can relate to rather than being detached particulars?

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humbled and honored?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard someone receiving recognition saying that they are humbled and honored? This is a commonplace phrase, but does it occur to you that these are opposite concepts? How is it that they are so often used together? Is it reasonable to think that both could occur together? If you follow me you may find yourself performing some exploits along the way. If people notice and commend you it is an opportunity for you to say that the credit is due to me. What do you have that you did not receive?

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therapeutic or transformational?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you expect worship to be therapeutic or transformational? It can be both. Therapeutic implies healing, and healing is available in my presence. My healing ministry is as active as it was on earth, and more so, being released from the limitations of time and space. Everyone needs healing at some time, but the purpose of healing is to restore you to a prior functional condition. I offer you that, but I want you to look ahead. The transformation I offer you will take you to a place you have never been before. Are you ready to go there?

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How Do I Walk in the Peace That the Prince of Peace Walked In?

Mark Virkler's picture

Bill Gothard teaches that anger is an inner alarm signal of rights I have not laid down, or if I did, I picked them back up again. I remember getting angry years ago when I was pastoring a church which was experiencing division. My reputation was being ruined by people gossiping and spreading untruths about me to people who had never even met me. The listeners would then take up a reproach against me, even though they had never connected even once with me. How unfair. I was ready to get angry.

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God Says I Am Healed Yet Symptoms Persist

Mark Virkler's picture

Restless leg syndrome started seven weeks after open heart surgery. I prayed for healing and then journaled and God has told me I was healed physically. Yet the symptoms of the infirmity persist. So now what do I do? Acknowledge I still have restless leg syndrome, or acknowledge that I’m healed?

Download this “Inner Healing for an Organ – Prayer Worksheet and complete it (free and interactive), or you can do your journaling in your journaling notebook.

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Put Your Marriage Over the Top

Mark Virkler's picture

It is so easy to focus on the imperfections in your spouse rather than the amazing God-given gifts which cause you as a team to be strong.  Whatever you gaze upon creates your reality. If I want an amazing marriage, I need to focus on the gifts in my spouse. So here are two questions you can ask the Lord:  Lord, would you show me all the gifts my spouse brings into my life so I can honor and appreciate and love my spouse properly? Lord, would you paint a picture of the full destruction my lack of gratitude for my spouse will bring to my life?

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