daily word - wisdom sources

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want good guidance and counsel? Do you pray for these things? Have you ever had someone you know come up with a bad answer for a situation and stick with it because they had prayed about it? Are you able to avoid this condition in your own life? Praying about something doesn’t release you from the need for counsel and accountability. Don’t you want as many sources of wisdom as you can get for difficult things that affect your life? For you can be wrong in what you think I say, or more likely, interpreting it incorrectly.

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daily word - trust

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Do you know where you are going? Are you following me? If you are following me, and you don’t know where I am going, then you don’t know where you are going. Could you have predicted the path your journey would take from the time you started to follow me until now? Do you usually set out on a long journey without knowing where you are going? Yet you made an exception in this case. This is an expression of trust. You have gone places with knowledgeable friends trusting them to handle the details of the trip.

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daily word - Sabbath

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Are you familiar with the story of my disciples being rebuked for plucking grains and eating them on the Sabbath while we were walking on our way? This is a lesser known passage of scripture because modern believers are less concerned about keeping the Sabbath and don’t harvest grain to eat while they walk from one place to another. But there is a larger underlying theme emerging from the details of this story. Can you see it? Can you see the principle and apply it to actual situations that you face in your own life? What other Bible stories have lessons that apply to your real life?

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daily word - faith essence?

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If you were asked about your spirituality, what would you say? Would you respond with the name of a faith tradition or a denomination? Would you recite a list of doctrinal positions? Would you describe practices such as church attendance, bible study, and prayer? What other possibilities are there? Is your spirituality what you profess or what you live? The Bible declares that the son who worked in his father’s vineyard after saying he would not did the will of his father rather than the one who said he would but didn’t. Are you letting your light shine to glorify me?

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daily word - faith and works

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You know that you are saved by grace through faith, not by works lest any man should boast. But is that the end of the story? By this reasoning in some circles good works have a bad name. Do these concepts really work in opposition to each other? Rather than thinking faith or works you should think faith and works. James makes this clear. Faith without works is dead. How strong is a faith that leads to no changes in behavior? He proposes a profound challenge: show me your faith without your works and I will show you my faith by my works. Can you raise any objection to that?  

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daily word - mystery?

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Do you think you have me all figured out? Your church may have concise answers to all the questions of the eternal realm, but can the divine mystery be reduced to a list of assertions? Is it something that you can fully comprehend? If I inhabit the heavens and my ways are higher than yours it should make you suspicious that anything you can fully comprehend is an insufficient description of me. You live in an age of rational explanations and find assurance and acceptance for addressing reality this way but there is a reality that does not entirely yield to this approach.

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daily word - favorite teachers?

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Do you value every learning experience? If you love learning you will seek it everywhere it is offered and will have encountered a wide variety of teachers. What type of teachers do you like best? Those who have studied their subject or those who have lived it? Who is better able to communicate enthusiasm and passion? Even in the academic world experience matters. What about instruction in your faith? Do you look only for academic credentials? If there is more to teaching than line upon line and precept upon precept, what would it be? What type of teacher are you?

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daily word - shadow

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Are you afraid of your shadow? This is a childhood taunt and is not a problem for adults, but could there be a way in which it is a problem through life? Do you have weaknesses, bad habits, insecurities, and fears that have a negative influence on you that you try to keep hidden, from others, and even from yourself? This could be considered as your shadow, and how you respond to it shows whether you are afraid of it or not. Everyone has one and they work as hard to keep theirs hidden as you do. Can you face your shadow and deal with it directly?

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daily word - dreams

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Do you take your dreams seriously? What is your basis for deciding one way or the other? Have you noticed that there are many dreams in the Bible, and in every case they are considered to be full of real meaning? This principle holds up from Pharaoh to the wife of Pontius Pilate. Neither of these were covenant people in the way you understand it, and further they were separated by gender, time, language, and culture. They could hardly have been more different. Do you wonder how they knew their dreams had meaning? You won’t get the right answers by asking the wrong questions.

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daily word - better or worse?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is your faith making you better or worse? Do you find this question disturbing, and think that your faith can only make you better? Yet have you ever met anyone who used their faith to justify a narrow, exclusive, judgmental approach toward others and could only see righteousness and justification in themselves? Seeking to justify yourself is a bad practice in any situation and attaching it to a faith practice only makes it worse. Do you refer to my word as a sword, dividing soul and spirit? Do you use it as a weapon against others or a scalpel on yourself?

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