The Power of Visionary Intercession by Charity Kayembe

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Ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science both reveal that observation causes transformation. We know that as we gaze upon Jesus we are transformed into His glorious image (2 Cor. 3:18). We have also explored how quantum physics correlates with our walk in the Spirit. We learned about the “Observer Effect” and that a simple understanding of this principle states that when we observe something, we change it. Just our very act of looking at something affects it.

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Jonathan Cahn - A Call For Day of Prayer & Fasting On Election Day

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Watch the seven-minute prophetic declaration by Jonathan Cahn as he calls Christians to fast on election day, November 3, for God's divine intervention to block evil and raise up righteousness in the national elections. This is a historic moment for our nation. We can step forward into righteousness or backward into darkness. It is a crucial day. Join Patti and me as we fast and vote for God's chosen leader, who is against the murder of innocent babies and capable of restoring righteous choice to all in our nation.

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Warrior Angels Fighting for Us

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We have just returned from our ministry trip to New Zealand and God did so much during our time there. Leo and I conducted workshops on the sacred supernatural: Hearing God Through Your Dreams, Everyday Angels, and 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice. At every event people had incredible encounters with Jesus and the company of Heaven and learned how to receive Holy Spirit’s ministry to them even while they sleep. So exciting!  

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Prophetic Prayer Releases Kingdom Promises

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Prophetic prayer begins by hearing God’s voice in your heart. For me, this comes as flowing words which just appear. For example, as I was wondering how to pray for a situation in which there was animosity, the following phrase appeared effortlessly within me as a spontaneous, flowing thought:

“My peace which surpasses all understanding shall fill their hearts and their minds, their sleep, their dreams, their bedroom, their home and their office.”

It was clear to me that I was to pray and speak this prophetic reality into the situation. This was the way God was moving in that situation. The phrase came to me day and night over three weeks, and each time it came, I declared in faith that this was God’s will, purpose and promise concerning this situation. This is prophetic prayer. In each case the timing of the fulfillment comes from the Lord. In this case, after three weeks I received a wonderful letter of peace! Prayer answered! Thank You Lord!

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Why Repeating Healing Prayers Releases MORE of God’s Healing Power

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After my heart surgery I prayed numerous times for healing of my heart. I used the prayer approach Inner Healing for an Organ. Every time I did this prayer exercise, I felt the healing power and presence of the Holy Spirit moving upon me. This was experienced as a manifestation of shaking which I believe to be my body's reaction to the Holy Spirit’s healing presence and power.

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Satan as the Wizard of Oz

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If we are so powerful and have such tremendous potential to move mountains and live the abundant life, why don’t we experience it more often? When we struggle and don’t see the victory the Bible says is ours, we try to explain that. One common excuse we give is that it must be satan. He’s attacking me and that’s why I’m sick, that’s why I’m defeated, that’s why this bad thing happened to me.

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5 Enemy Entry Points You Probably Haven't Thought Of

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Now that we have firmly established the enemy is not a scary threat to us, we will examine how he does try to sneak in and affect our lives. Genesis 3:1 says that the serpent was the most crafty and cunning of all the animals. The enemy’s strategy is so subtle, the devil and his cohorts prefer we not even realize they are infiltrating.

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Satan Exposed: Rethinking Everything You Thought You Knew

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We are continuing our discussion on the spiritual battleground of our hearts and minds by examining just who our adversary is and what he can and cannot do.

Awhile back I had shared this message with a small group, but realized I had not yet written about it here. This is an incredibly important understanding for us to live into. We never want to have too big of a devil and too small of a God!

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