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daily word - answered prayer

Dale Cresap's picture

Is prayer a matter of asking for and getting anything you want? There are verses that would seem to support this. Has this been your experience? You have agency, but then so do I. if you make all the decisions in our relationship, then which one of us is really God? Have you ever prayed fervently for something, and received it, and in the course of time decided that it was less than ideal for you? Christians wrestle with the problem of unanswered prayer. Did the father in the story of the prodigal realize it was a bad idea to send off his younger son with a lot of money?

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daily word - fixer-upper

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard of houses and cars referred to as ‘fixer-uppers’? This implies that they are not suitable for immediate use in their current condition, but that they would be with some work, and this is reflected in the price. Anyone making such a purchase knows that it will be a project. You do not normally hear the same terminology applied to people, but the same concepts apply. So when you came to me were you ready for use as-is, or were you a fixer-upper? If you aren’t sure, consider how much work I have done in you since that time. I took you on knowing that you would be a project.

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daily word - wrestling

Dale Cresap's picture

Jacob wrestled with a man during the night. Do you assume that this was some random guy lurking around his camp? You know better than that. I was his opponent. Have you ever wrestled with me? I recommend it. It is the process by which your faith is tested and tried, and by which you grow stronger. You don’t have to worry about hurting me. Is there a risk that you will be hurt in the process? You may recall that Jacob walked with a limp from then on, but he got the blessing he asked for. The same rules apply with you. Hang on until you get the blessing.

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daily word - results?

Dale Cresap's picture

The Bible encourages belief and promises results for those who have faith. Have you ever prayed for something you really wanted, and believed with everything you had, and not seen the results you wanted? Did you think that if you had more faith it would have worked? Worse yet, have you ever made this observation to someone else, in a dire crisis, that they should have had more faith? Bad form. Don’t do this. Prayer is not like a computer algorithm with known inputs and results, or a standard operating procedure. It is engagement with the mysterious and transcendent divine.

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daily word - inflation

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of inflation only in literal or monetary terms? Do you think this term can apply to people too? Have you ever heard of anyone described as full of themselves? You were built for connection and inflation interferes with this. Have you ever tried to attach two inflated balloons? Ego-inflated people are hard to connect with. I have given you direction to lay down your life, and pick up your cross. John the Baptist decreased that I might increase, and I made myself of no reputation. Do you find that these are difficult to do? Are the benefits obvious?

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daily word - ATM?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with automatic teller machines? Known as ATMs, they dispense money if you follow the steps correctly and make the right entries. Do you view prayer the same way? Do you think that if you get the wording just right and ‘work up’ your level of belief that money or whatever else you want will pop out? There are verses in the Bible that support this approach, but there are also verses that say you ask and receive not because of your motives. Have you found the ATM approach to prayer to be effective in your own experience?

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daily word - thanks

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever received a ‘thank-you’ note? Have you ever sent one? These are pleasant to give and receive. Gratitude is a universally admired trait, and even unbelievers can see the value of it. But is it possible for gratitude to exist in a detached and unfocused way? Is it possible to address a thank-you note to whom it may concern? Gratitude implies a relationship, for it must involve a giver and a receiver. Both parties can perform both roles in sequence or concurrently, but gratitude is not a meaningful concept in the abstract or in isolation.

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daily word - bread alone?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the phrase ‘bread and circuses’? This came from my own era on earth, when the Roman government wanted to distract the people from deep structural problems in society. They did it with affluence and entertainment. Did it succeed? It didn’t prevent the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Do you see the same principle in effect today? Now you have much more sophisticated versions of affluence and entertainment. My answer is the same as it was long ago. Man does not live by bread alone. I know you need bread, but what else is essential for your life?

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daily word - take it

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard people described as being able to dish it up but not take it? This presumably refers to insults and rudeness and is not considered a compliment. The implied criticism is that if you do one you should be able to do both, being willing to be on the receiving end of what you put forth. But this is a modern example of Old Testament law of parity - an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. There is an alternative. For I say unto you that you resist not evil, go the extra mile, and turn  the other cheek.

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