February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

daily word - first commandment

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you follow the first commandment? Are you thinking that you shall have no other gods before me? But the very first commandment was that you shall not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Did you notice that there was no commandment against eating from the tree of life? Yet when the man and woman ate from the wrong tree, it was necessary that they be denied access to the tree of life. Do you realize that this same choice is being offered to you? Do you want to live in relationship with me or do you want to figure it out on your own?

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daily word - rich or poor?

Dale Cresap's picture

When you need help, do you go to the poor or to the rich? It would seem obvious that the rich have more resources with which to assist, and this is true, but how willing are they to help? The Bible describes those in need of help as the least of these. In your own experience, is it the wealthy who come to their aid, or those who are only one step up from the least of these themselves? The story about the least of these says that those who are kind to them enter the kingdom of heaven.

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daily word - consumer spirituality?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you live in a consumer culture? This is prevalent in the world and becoming more so. If you are immersed in this value system there is a temptation to treat everything as a commodity. This is a consequence of materialism. Do you treat your spirituality as a commodity? Is it something to acquire and possess like everything else? If you find this idea disturbing you should examine yourself, because it takes intentional effort to go against the current of your culture. You are bought with a price. So you do not own your spirituality, it owns you.

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daily word - justice?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the idea of poetic justice? This isn’t implemented by a formal court ruling, but when someone appears to get what they have coming anyhow; this phrase is commonly used to describe it even if no poetry is involved. Or do you prefer to think of these events as divine justice? That implies more structure and intention than correlation of circumstances. Do you think my justice is only occasional, or is it always in effect? The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine. My justice will not sleep forever. Do you see this primarily in a negative sense?

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daily word - Blessings?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you grateful for your blessings? Do you know they come from me? Do you think that they represent a report card for your performance, or an indication of my approval on your life? But what about the wicked? Where do their blessings come from? I send rain and sun on the just and on the unjust, and you have seen the wicked prosper in ways that you think are unfair. Surely you don’t think their blessings are a validation of their conduct, and neither are yours. I go beyond this and open my hand to satisfy the desire of every living thing.

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daily word - your teachers

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have an education? Do you value it and continue to pursue it? Do you look for the best sources of information? There is an abundance available and do you know anyone who isn’t eager to share what they know? So you can be selective in your sources, but have you learned that everyone you meet knows something that would be of value to you? I told a story that suggested that your entrance to the Kingdom of God would be based on the way you treated the least of these. Do you know anyone in this category? Do you think of them as your teachers?

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daily word - sow and reap

Dale Cresap's picture

Christians talk about the law of sowing and reaping, for it is in the Bible, and one of the most obvious lessons of nature. In this day and age you could just as well talk about investment and return. The underlying principle is that effort brings forth results according to the nature and direction of the effort. The spiritual parallel is also obvious, but when people say you reap what you sow they don’t usually mean it as a compliment or affirmation. I want you to learn to think of this primarily in a positive sense. Farmers sow good seed with positive intention.

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daily word - scapegoat?

Dale Cresap's picture

In ancient Israel a scapegoat was used to deal with the sins of the people. All of their sins were pronounced on the hapless animal and it was driven away. Do you see any logical problems with this approach? You may smile and roll your eyes thinking this is a foolish ancient ritual, but the term has survived to modern usage. Has the practice survived as well? How many people do you know who can find someone else to blame for all of their problems?

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4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice - Charity Kayembe

Charity Kayembe's picture

Leo and I just returned from a wonderful time of ministry in the United Kingdom. Hundreds of people were registered for the conference and had driven in from all over the country, so they came hungry and ready to receive! It was an honor to share on dream interpretation as well as the ministry of angels. And then on Sunday morning, the host pastors asked if I would share on how to hear God's voice.

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daily word - tares

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of the wheat and the tares? In the context of the story these refer to individuals who are the children of the Kingdom and the children of the evil one. The workers propose to pull the weeds during the time of growth, but the master decides to wait until harvest for the separation to take place. Could the same concept be applied at a finer scale? Do you have activities in your own life that could be considered wheat, and others that could be considered tares? You don’t have to wait until the end of your life to make the separation.

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