February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
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daily word - Christmas

Dale Cresap's picture

Does it seem to you that Christmas has become an entirely secular commercial holiday? Does it seem that it has lost its Christian distinctive when everyone celebrates it in about the same way? Christians present it as the arrival of the Messiah whose real work is yet to come, at the end of his life rather than at the beginning. Yet there is still much to celebrate at my arrival. I had to arrive before I could ascend. Do you see my coming into this world as fully human already validates the human experience even before the cross? Do you see aspects of redemption in the incarnation?

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daily word - Grace?

Dale Cresap's picture

A central aspect of your faith is that you are saved by grace, not works. So a central part of the message is that you don’t need special clothing, you don’t need to pay money, you don’t need to go to a special location, and you don’t need to study to pass a test to enter the Kingdom of God. This means the gospel really is good news. It is available to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Isn’t this what you would expect from a loving God who is not willing that any should perish but that all should enter into eternal life? So does this mean that everyone will be saved?

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daily word - seeing and believing

Dale Cresap's picture

Some of my disciples struggled with the news that I had risen from the dead, despite the eyewitness testimony of their friends. Thomas in particular said that he would not believe until he put his hands in my wounds; hence the term, doubting Thomas. I did appear to him and he did believe. I pointed out that he had seen and believed, and said blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have believed. In which category are you? Do you know people with powerful testimonies of miracles and other supernatural acts they have observed?

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daily word - walls

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the account of me walking through a wall after my resurrection? Obviously this is no mean feat. Have you ever done it? What lesson do you take away from it? Even if you can’t do it literally, can you do it figuratively? Do the four walls of your church constrain you as to who is in and who is out? Have you built other walls in your life that serve as barriers between you and your brothers and sisters? These things that exclude others serve to confine you. You can also build a prison for yourself with walls that are not visible.

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daily word - dignity

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand the difference between pride and dignity? Christians should be wary of pride which is condemned as sinful arrogance in the Bible, but dignity is different. Pride is grasping and demanding of external validation because it has no secure identity within. Dignity is internally generated and cannot be conferred by anyone else, but neither can anyone else take it away. Have you seen people with a well-developed sense of dignity? Are you amazed at how durable it is, holding up and even being strengthened by difficult adversity?

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daily word - least of these

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the story of the sheep and the goats? Are you amazed that the criteria for entering the Kingdom of God is how you treat the least of these? For I said that inasmuch as ye had done so unto the least of these, ye had done so unto me. Does this seem like a real ‘stretch’ to you? Consider my arrival in this world. Joseph and Mary were of modest means, far from home, in the most humble of shelters possible. Mary’s pregnancy was under suspect circumstances, and after I was born we became homeless refugees fleeing from those who would kill me.

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daily word - heaven

Dale Cresap's picture

I promised my followers that in my Father’s house there were many dwelling places, and that I was going to prepare a place for them. Have you heard the term dwelling places translated as mansions? Do you expect that your home in heaven will be better than an apartment complex? How do you envision it? Do you think that your eternal home will look like an affluent subdivision, or will the Kingdom of God be better than that?

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daily word - work in progress

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you a work in progress? Would you prefer to be a finished product? That would imply that there is no more room for growth. Do you know anyone that you would describe this way? What qualities do you notice in those who think they have arrived? Arrogance? Self-righteousness? Wouldn’t you rather keep company with those who know that they are still in process? The Pharisees asked me if they were blind also. I said they were because they claimed they could see. If you desire true spiritual maturity be humble enough to leave the door open for mystery and for further understanding.

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daily word - hope and optimism

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think hope and optimism are the same thing? Optimists can be wrong. Is hope wishful thinking, or is there real substance to it? The Bible refers to faith as the substance of things hoped for. So in a description of a mystery expressed in lyrical beauty the Bible connects the concepts of faith and hope with substance. And so the transcendent realm makes contact with the world of physical reality. You don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but you need a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

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daily word - open book

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find that you are meeting more atheists these days? Does it look like a trend? Do you read books on apologetics and find them to be convincing? Atheists read books by atheist authors and find them to be convincing. You probably aren’t interested in reading their books, but they aren’t interested in reading yours either. Both sides go where they get reassurance. But your atheist friends will read you. Is your life an open book? Paul spoke of people in his care saying they were an epistle, known and read by all men.

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