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history votes

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you cherish your right to vote? This is your free choice to make according to your conscience. Do you understand that history gets to vote as well? This is in a metaphorical sense rather than in political elections, but it is still a valid concept. Consider the wisdom of those who have gone before you in giving you the world as it is and the way it works. History doesn’t have veto power; otherwise slavery would not have been abolished. You may have strong opinions about things you would like to change in your church, your country, and the whole world. You will be in a better position to create positive change if you honor those who have gone before by learning to understand your path to this point. 

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it was good

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you take away from the creation story? Do you see the heavens and the earth as my creation and people made in my image? Is this what you see whenever you open your eyes; opportunities for divine encounter? But there was a fall after creation. Did this change everything? I said that all that I created was good, and the fall did not change this. It did require effort on the part of men and women for bringing forth the fruit of the earth and bearing children. This did not fundamentally change the world or the fact that it was good. So you can still expect to live in a world of wonder and divine encounter. 

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what do you see?

Dale Cresap's picture

The religious leaders of my time sent soldiers out to apprehend me. They encountered me but they returned without me. They had the authority and weapons to bring me back so the religious leaders asked them why they did not. The answer they gave was that never a man spoke like this before, but I didn’t even try to fast-talk my way out of being arrested. Do you think that power and position are what really matter in getting things done?

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your image?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have an image to maintain? Even if you would say ‘no’, how many people do you know who are doing this, whether they would be eager to admit it or not? Consider the meaning of this statement. An image is not a real thing, only a representation of it, and with this statement it is not likely to be representative of anything real. So why do people go to such great effort to maintain their images? This is a heavy burden that I have not given you. I don’t love your image because it isn’t real, but I do love you.

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men and women

Dale Cresap's picture

In the beginning I created a man and a woman. They were designed to come together to reproduce themselves, and so they have replenished the earth. I gave distinctive masculine and feminine qualities to them that persist to this day. This was part of my creation that I declared to be good. Do you find the whole question of gender characteristics to be a sensitive issue today? Different cultures have handled this in different ways throughout history. Is yours too easily threatened and heavily defended on this issue to hold a serious conversation about it? I have things to teach you about this if you can relax enough to learn them. 

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drought resistant faith

Dale Cresap's picture

Some plants require a lot of water and others are more tolerant of dry conditions. The development of drought tolerant crops enabled the cultivation of otherwise arid regions. When it is difficult for you to hear from me do you say that you are going through a dry time? You depend on me for living water so what do you do when it seems unavailable? I sustain you in more ways than you know and am not distant even when it seems to you that I am. If you understand this then you will have drought tolerant faith. Your understanding that I am with you always will sustain you through to your next experience of my manifested presence. 

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cast your net

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you quick to reject unfamiliar things if you don’t understand them? There are evil influences in the world and some of them are discernable on sight. You are wise to reject them immediately as little children avoiding evil. Other things require more discernment. The gospel message itself was once unfamiliar to you, as were the deep things of the Kingdom of God. In your process of growth I will lead you into new things I want you to accept. If your intentions are pure you can consider new things and accept or reject them without being contaminated by them. Cast your net in the sea, and sort out your catch on the deck. Keep the good and discard the bad and trust me to keep you safe in this process. 

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divine purpose

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you divide the world between the sacred and the secular and consider all economic matters to be secular? Do you earn a living with a sense of destiny and deep purpose? Did you start life with a dream and did economic realities force you to settle for a job? Blessed are those who know who they are and why they are here and have fulfilling work aligned with their sense of purpose and destiny. Don’t be discouraged if this doesn’t describe you. It can. Even in the position you currently hold. Begin by looking at everything from a perspective of divine purpose. Then ask me to show you how you are fulfilling yours. 

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a new world

Dale Cresap's picture

When I was crucified the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom. Why did this happen? The material reality that it signified could not remain intact in the presence of such a profound change in spiritual reality. This changed everything. When it was over most people went about their daily lives as they always had, as if nothing had happened, unaware that they were living in a whole new world. But I really meant it when I said that I was making all things new. You have entered my Kingdom and the post-Calvary world is the only one you have known. Do you have eyes to see its unlimited potential?

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become as children

Dale Cresap's picture

My word says that unless you become converted and become as a little child you shall not enter the Kingdom of heaven. Does this sound like a serious challenge to you? Yet you already were a child, so what have you since lost that you need to recover to enter the Kingdom? Children have a natural sense of mystery and wonder. They have the ability to be totally absorbed in a way that multi-tasking adults do not. I illustrated the same point with Mary and Martha, who was careful and troubled about many things. Mary had chosen the one thing that was best, and it would not be taken from her. Open yourself to a childlike sense of absorption in the things I show you. 

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