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Daily Word - Continue

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that you view the world through a truth/reality paradigm? Everyone thinks that they see the world as it really is, and have a good grasp of the truth. Yet if this were so, people would agree with each other more than they actually do. Do you understand that your world view influences your perception of reality? Have the experiences of life forced you to revisit and revise your paradigms? Hopefully so, for the alternative is that you have learned nothing since they were formed. This is a good start. Are you familiar with my promise that you would know the truth and be free? Do you recall that it involves continuing in my word?

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Daily Word - Yoked?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have any friends who are not believers? You are familiar with the passage that you should not be unequally yoked, and certainly you should not marry an unbeliever, but how far do you take this concept? You conduct business with people every day without examining them concerning their doctrine. You are called to come out from among them and be separate. There have been many approaches to interpreting this, but the Bible does not require you to live in an isolated community. Consider my example. I interacted with all comers. You can maintain your separated identity without isolating yourself from others. You can only let your light shine before men if they are close enough to see it. 

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Daily Word - Peace

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever had the experience of having your mind racing? This is the last step before panic. Is this the way you do your best thinking? This is a race you cannot win, and it doesn’t lend itself to good decisions. Yet do you find it hard to avoid going there in stressful situations? These are not situations that make peaceful reflection easy, but you will make better decisions if you can. There is a peace that is the expected consequence of placid conditions, but if you can experience peace in the midst of turmoil it is the peace that surpasses understanding and this is the peace I give you. 

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Daily Word - + or -?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you tend to seize on positive or negative events? If you see a magnificent sunrise and someone cuts you off in traffic on the way to work, which tends to dominate your thinking for the rest of the day? Do you give them equal weight, or do negative experiences tend to crowd out positive ones? My word teaches you to be grateful and content, and I tell you to rejoice, so my preference in this matter is made clear. Do you find that it takes intentional effort to choose the positive and minimize the negative, or at least hold it in a true perspective? Make the effort. I wouldn’t expect it of you if I didn’t enable you to do it.

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Daily Word - steering

Dale Cresap's picture

I have called you to walk on the strait and narrow way that leads to life. Does this imply no course corrections? Consider the analogy of driving a car or riding a bicycle on a straight road. Do you do this by locking the steering wheel or handle bars? You know from experience that this would not work, and it doesn’t have to. Even when you are riding or driving in a straight line steering is required. Do you ever hear my voice bringing you back to center when you stray to the left or right? You should think of this as normal and expect it. You can trust me to guide you on the strait and narrow way that leads to life.

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Daily Word - Which King?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you make an effort to speak the King’s English, using correct grammar and vocabulary? But the obvious question in response to this question is, which king? For I too am a king, and I didn’t speak English, at least not while I walked the earth. Yet I did speak the words of life in the language of my culture. What matters more to you? For it is possible to speak grammatically correct words of cruel hatred. You are judged by the way you speak. Do you ever have trouble finding the right word or the right way to convey your thoughts? Listen to me before you speak and I will give you the words of life to share with others.

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Daily Word - listen with grace

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you avoid the use of vulgar and profane language? Have you noticed that not everyone does? Blessed is he who understands the power of words, and as a result orders his conversation aright, speaking words of truth in the King’s English. How do you respond to those who do not? In most cases you can discern what they mean even if you would phrase it differently. You can graciously hear what people have to say without judging them for their terms or using them yourself. Often such language is used without hostile or malicious intent and if you have ears to hear you can listen to the intended message.

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Daily Word - return to me

Dale Cresap's picture

Even if you have wandered 10,000 miles from me the journey back is just a single step. How can this be? Even when you depart from me I don’t depart from you. For I am with you always, just as I promised. Do you understand my statement that my Kingdom is within you? I took up residence there and I’m not leaving, so it is easier for you to be alienated from yourself than from me. My word warns against being double-minded or having your understanding darkened. Knowing yourself and knowing me are closely related. Turn to me and open your eyes to see clearly in the light of truth. 

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Daily Word - judge not

Dale Cresap's picture

I told my disciples to do and to teach all that I had commanded them. Does this require you to point out to people the error of their ways? Yet I also told you not to judge others. How can you correct without being critical? How can you judge without being judgmental? The default operating mode of most people is to attach judgment to observation. Therefore you don’t have to make a deliberate effort to do this. You have to make a deliberate effort not to. Can you point out where someone has gone astray without proceeding to condemnation? I did. The gospel is meant to be a message of life and hope. It really is good news. If you have received this good news and been transformed by it then present it in such a way that it will have the same effect on others. 

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Daily Word - Do all thing?

Dale Cresap's picture

My word tells you that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Does that mean you can do anything you want? Do you apply this concept only to positions of prestige and recognition? Even if all things are lawful to you not all things are profitable. Have you ever tried to do anything that I have not given you? Yet you do have a future and a hope, a destiny in me. For I have called you for a specific plan and purpose. No one person can do everything and you weren’t meant to. But I have given you an aptitude, and all the other resources you need to fulfill the calling I have for you. This calling is profitable for you and me and there is no reason for you to be envious of the callings of others or discontented with your own. 

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