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daily word - seek and find

Dale Cresap's picture

My word tells you to seek me, and promises that if you do you will find me, if you seek for me with all your heart. So where do you begin your search? In most searches, such as your car keys or other lost items, you know where to start. You also know where to start looking for information. In the case of a person you go to places you expect them to be. But a search for me is not based on locations. In telling my disciples not to go here or there chasing reports of my presence I told them that my Kingdom was within them. Is this the one place you are afraid to look? Yet you have my promise that if you do I will find you there.

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daily word - always saved?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard believers discuss the question of ‘once saved, always saved’? This is a theological proposition that is also referred to as the question of eternal security. It has remained an open controversy over the centuries with opposing schools of thought. Can you lose your salvation? This question comes close to one you are told to avoid; who shall ascend into heaven, and who shall descend into hell. It is also a question that is more legalistic than relational. If you are deeply immersed in a relationship with me it should be incomprehensible to you that it could ever be discontinued.

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daily word - you helped me

Dale Cresap's picture

I was hungry and you fed me, and thirsty and you gave me a drink. You are probably familiar with these entries from a list of ways you can help others, and there are a few others mentioned. Do you think the list was meant to be exhaustive? You could apply the same principle to the world you live in. My car broke down and you gave me a ride, or my battery was dead and you gave me a jump start. If thoughtfulness, kindness, and generosity are your guiding principles then you will look for every opportunity to exercise them, and you will be doing so unto me as much as in the Biblical list.

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daily word - confession or gossip?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do people confide in you? Do you find it flattering when they do? Do they confide their own faults and shortcomings or those of others? This is a crucial distinction. In the first case it follows the Biblical concept of confessing your faults to one another that you may be healed. In the second case it follows the Biblical concept of gossip and tale bearing. Do you know intuitively who is a receptive audience for what information? It doesn’t take much discernment to figure this out, and it is just as easy for others to see it in you. So the harmful things that people are willing to confide in you about others may tell you something about yourself.

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daily word - Heaven?

Dale Cresap's picture

What comes to mind when you think of heaven? Great wealth? The descriptions you find in my word describe a magnificent place. What is the deepest longing of your heart right now? Is it for money? Or is it for belonging, connection, meaning, and purpose? I placed these within everyone and you see people using a wide variety of approaches to satisfy them. I know you need money, but doesn’t your soul have a greater hunger for these things? I do not promise that you will have money in heaven; you won’t need it there. But if heaven is a place where these deeper desires are satisfied, isn’t that better?

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Daily Word - Who you know

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard the saying, it isn’t what you know but who you know? This is most commonly used as a cynical expression in the world of commerce where, for example, the most qualified applicant for a job was not hired because they didn’t have connections. Yet there is still an underlying transcendent truth in this concept. For your faith consists of relational truth. Doesn’t every believer describe the essence of their faith this way? In this case it isn’t enough to know about me, but eternal life is for those who know me. No amount of classroom or book study will get you there but it is readily available to children.

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Daily Word - Trinity

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the doctrine of the Trinity? Do you see it as a math problem? How can three be one? Other faith traditions reject this concept and Christians struggle to come up with metaphors to explain it. You may have heard many of these and perhaps used some of them yourself. I want you to understand the concept of the Trinity as an expression of relationship rather than a math problem. It is a mystery but not a riddle. This is important because you use the concept of relationship to describe the very essence of your faith in me, and one of my last acts on earth was to invite you to be a part of it.

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daily word - the best you

Dale Cresap's picture

I offer you the promise of transformation. What do you expect this to look like? Is this something you greatly desire, or do you think you are OK the way you are? Do you think that transformation would require the loss of your identity and leave you in a condition that is not uniquely you? You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and I created you with a purpose in mind. You are unique in all creation and this is my doing and I have no intention of changing that. Yet transformation is still the greatest promise I offer you. I want you to understand this and value it as the pathway to being the best version of yourself.

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daily word - Everywhere?

Dale Cresap's picture

There is an important distinction between your faith and animism, but they are not as far apart as you may think. Animism is the default faith of primitive peoples and is based on the premise that everything has an indwelling spirit. You do not concur that all things are god, but can you see me in all things? I left my fingerprints on everything I made and you shouldn’t need a microscope to see them, but they are also visible with a microscope. I promised that if you would seek for me then you would find me, but also that you would not have to go to a special place to do it. If you have eyes to see you can see me everywhere.

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Daily Word - Invisible Kingdom?

Dale Cresap's picture

I tell you to seek those things that are above and to seek first the Kingdom of God. How do you seek that which is not visible? Even this present world can be divided into things that are tangible and things that are intangible. Money and all that it can buy are tangible, but even in this world you can give up tangible things for intangible things, such as giving money to those in need and satisfying your impulse for generous benevolence. You can give of your time to assist others as well. You do not need to look very far to seek the Kingdom of God which is above. It is as near as the least of these.

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