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daily word - conscience?

Dale Cresap's picture

In the investigation of atrocities of times past, those whose hands implemented such great evil claimed that they were only following orders. By this they would excuse themselves of any moral responsibility for their acts. But this is a false defense. If you know something is wrong, and do it anyhow, it is a sin against your own conscience, even if you are told to by those in authority. It is easy to go along and get along, and hard to stand for what you know is right. But your conscience is a gift from me, and I gave it to you for a reason. If you understand this you can call on me for the moral courage to follow it.

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daily word - baggage?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever read the writings of spiritual giants of previous generations and been shocked at misconceptions, biases, and prejudices they held? Do you think this means that they have nothing to teach you? Do you travel with baggage? You understand this question as both literal and figurative. Everyone is subject to the values of their generation and culture. They were no exception and neither are you. They were as unaware of theirs as you are of yours. If collective thought has advanced since their time you should be glad, but you should not judge them by the values of your time. Are you willing to look past this and learn the mysteries I revealed to them?

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daily word - snap judgment?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever rushed to judgment? I tell you not to judge at all, but the worst judgments are made in haste. Even your court system allows the accused to speak freely in their own defense. No judgment is rendered prior to this. Are you willing to engage with those who sin in different ways than you do, to hear their stories firsthand before you offer judgment? If you still cannot refrain from judgment this will at least improve your understanding. Have you heard it said that you should seek to understand before you seek to be understood? If you can do that you can also seek to understand before you condemn. Everyone you meet has a story that will break your heart.

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daily word - following orders?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever gone along with a  program because you were assigned to do it even though you had some nagging reservations? Don’t ignore the prompting of your conscience. People have done great evil throughout history and when called to account for it said that they were only following orders. This may have been accepted as a mitigating factor in their defense, but it is still a bad answer. You have inherent liberty by which no one can make you do anything against your will. To do something you know is wrong, even under pressure, is to sin against your conscience. It is heroic to stand against opposition and still do what you know is right.

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daily word - following orders?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever gone along with a  program because you were assigned to do it even though you had some nagging reservations? Don’t ignore the prompting of your conscience. People have done great evil throughout history and when called to account for it said that they were only following orders. This may have been accepted as a mitigating factor in their defense, but it is still a bad answer. You have inherent liberty by which no one can make you do anything against your will. To do something you know is wrong, even under pressure, is to sin against your conscience. It is heroic to stand against opposition and still do what you know is right.

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daily word - prayer list?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a list of things to do? Do you have a prayer list? Are they the same list? Your prayer list doesn’t need to be limited to your daily tasks, but should include them. There are situations in the world of great importance that are beyond your reach for direct influence, but you can influence them through prayer. You put things on your to-do list because you do have a direct influence on them and you don’t expect anyone else to do them, but these things do not occur apart from me, for I have an influence on all things. This is something you should acknowledge on both your to-do list and your prayer list.

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daily word - humor?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that humor has a basis in reality? You are amused by familiar situations presented in an absurd way. In view of this, how do you use humor? It can be used graciously to diffuse tense situations. It can also be used in a mean-spirited way to present insults that would be rude and ungracious if spoken plainly. This is an attack against which there is no defense for the one making the joke can say that he was only kidding. But this does not excuse cruel words. Have you ever done this? Search your ways, and see how you can use humor for gracious affirmation rather than veiled criticism.

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daily word - spiritual?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think some people are spiritual and others are not? To say that someone is not spiritual is like saying they are not subject to gravity. You may describe such people as walking in darkness, and this is an accurate description, because they are unaware of the reality they are immersed in. You live in a natural world, and at the same time you are surrounded by spiritual reality. This is true for everyone whether they acknowledge it or not. You are children of light and know the truth. Don’t compromise your comprehension of the truth by limiting it to what you can see. He who has eyes to see, let him see.

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daily word - orbit?

Dale Cresap's picture

I set the planets in motion around the sun in their proper orbits. Consider the one you care most about. Were the earth closer to the sun it would burn up, and if further away it would freeze. Do you see any spiritual parallel? If you are out of your proper orbit and ‘too close to the sun’ you are subject to ego inflation, on the other hand you get depressed if too far away. Celestial bodies remain in their orbits with no effort. Do you? I have assigned you an orbit of your own, and invited you to abide in me. That is to say that if you remain in the Son, you will be able to remain at the proper distance from the sun.

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Daily Word - judge not

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that the whole world must be categorized into things that must be affirmed and things that must be condemned? This is too big a job for you. Depending on how you interpret the admonition not to judge, nothing requires condemnation, but even if there are some things you cannot ignore, most things will still not require a response from you. To fail to condemn something does not imply that you affirm it. Do you desire to advance in your spiritual maturity? Do you think that progress in this would be shown by rendering judgment against more and more things or fewer things?

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