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daily word - consumers?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you live in a consumer culture? This is based on the premise that more and newer and better stuff will give you a better life and make you happy. This is another name for materialism. Have you found this to be true? The fact that this outcome is elusive serves to keep the customers in the game and coming back. But there are benefits from this system as well – an unprecedented level of prosperity and abundance of resources for multitudes of people. You are one of those people. Can you partake of the benefits of the consumer culture and at the same time reject the values it represents?

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daily word - all human

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you come into frequent contact with bureaucrats or other people who serve in menial functional tasks? Has this ever been an unpleasant experience for you? Is it easy to criticize them or the system they are involved in? Don’t forget that they are first of all people, who are created in my image just as you are. This modern world has produced some jobs that are dehumanizing, but they are still performed by humans. Look beyond the functional exchange and learn to see these interactions as encounters.

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daily word - sin?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see sin in yourself? Is it easier to see it in others? Sin is something that everyone can see, but generally by looking outside themselves and their group. Republicans can see it in Democrats and Democrats can see it in Republicans. The rich can see it in the poor and the poor can see it in the rich. You can repent for your own sins and even for those of groups you identify with but you can only offer judgment and condemnation for those whom you consider entirely different from you.

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Put Your Marriage Over the Top

Mark Virkler's picture

It is so easy to focus on the imperfections in your spouse rather than the amazing God-given gifts which cause you as a team to be strong.  Whatever you gaze upon creates your reality. If I want an amazing marriage, I need to focus on the gifts in my spouse. So here are two questions you can ask the Lord:  Lord, would you show me all the gifts my spouse brings into my life so I can honor and appreciate and love my spouse properly? Lord, would you paint a picture of the full destruction my lack of gratitude for my spouse will bring to my life?

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Spirit Anointed Christian Counseling Group on CWG Facebook Page

Mark Virkler's picture

This group is designed  “For people who want to take the next step to having a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father by being transformed through His counseling and healing.” Within it you will find blogs, devotionals, free events, quotes, teaching video snippets  - all used for discussion purposes with the members. You will learn about available resources, attend free online events, be part of a group of people who have similar interests and desire to learn from each other.

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daily word - hard knocks

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you been to college? Higher education is expensive, and not everyone can afford it. Yet everyone has experiences in life that can serve as learning opportunities. Everyone at some point makes bad choices. This has been called the ‘school of hard knocks’ and you don’t need a trust fund to be able to pay the tuition, but if you look at the costs of bad decisions you realize that this education comes at a very high price. Do you maximize the potential of these occasions as learning opportunities? They will come and you will pay the price whether you do or not.

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daily word - miracles?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you experience miracles in your life? What is your criterion for considering something a miracle? By one narrow definition the only things that qualify are those that defy logical explanation. Have you ever experienced the convergence of independent unlikely events that all worked together in your favor? This may not qualify as a miracle by the narrowest definitions, but it can if you can accept an argument based on probability, which you do routinely in other areas of your life. If you suspect that I am intervening in your life on your behalf you are right.

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daily word - of this world?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you live in a Christian nation? That concept invites some questions about just what that means. The Christian faith was understood to be outside of both the political and theological power structures when it was founded, and those who embraced this way knew that they were not of this world. The commandment to come out from among them and be separate was meant for my followers for all generations. How can you come out from them if you are of them? How can you be a peculiar people and strangers and sojourners in this world from the position of the majority?

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Daily word - Judge yourself

Dale Cresap's picture

You are called to judge yourself. Not everyone does this, and some who take this seriously do it poorly. It is possible to judge yourself too harshly, or too leniently, or to ignore important things and give too much attention to unimportant things. As much as you should be willing to judge yourself, can you judge yourself by yourself? Do you recognize your dependency on me even in this? I gave you a comforter to be within you always and lead you into all truth.

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daily word - transformed

Dale Cresap's picture

The eternal life I offer you includes the promise of transformation. Do you regard this as necessary and desirable, or are you fairly satisfied the way you are? What do you think transformation consists of? Would you like to be taller, younger, and slimmer? Have supernatural powers? Do you think those would be popular? Consider the promise in my word that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Does a new way of thinking seem mundane in comparison to the alternatives listed above?

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