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Does Heart Surgery Cause the Heart to Pick Up a Spirit of Fear?

Mark Virkler's picture

A cardiac nurse emailed me. She was convinced from what she had seen over the years that afib after a heart attack was caused by fear. Hmmm. Interesting observation.

I know the heart carries memories and I have written about that here. I also know that Jesus can cleanse memories of trauma stored in my cells and discuss that here.

Download this “Inner Healing for an Organ – Prayer Worksheet and complete it (free and interactive), or you can do your journaling in your journaling notebook.

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daily word - my masterpiece

Dale Cresap's picture

What traits do you expect to see in an artist? Creativity, passion, attention to detail, total intentional focus? Being fully invested in what they make? Do you know that I was an artist when I created you? For you are fearfully and wonderfully made; more so than any human creation on earth. All the positive qualities of an artist were present in this process. You see the beauty of the world I have made in scenic vistas of grandeur, and you are correct to respond in awe and wonder, giving glory and gratitude to the artist who created it. But do you know that you are my masterpiece?

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daily word - good driver?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you a safe driver? Everyone thinks they are, but not all of them are right. People tend to feel safer when they are at the wheel than when they are a passenger and someone else is driving, but this is an illusion that if you are in control all will be well. The person at the wheel may be as good a driver as you, or better. Even if you are a good driver, your safety is still dependent on the driving ability of everyone else you encounter on the road. As much as you would like to have complete control of everything, it isn’t possible.

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daily word - peace

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a sense of urgency for the things you do? You are usually more effective with focused attention than with a lax approach. Are you at peace? You have my promise that this is available to you. Do you see a conflict between these things? Many people have a flawed understanding of peace. It is not lethargy or slothfulness. It is consistent with sharp focus and diligent effort. Haven’t you found that anxiety prevents you from this approach rather than facilitating it? You can have peace, and effective effort, even in difficult situations.

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daily word - mean cycle?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you ever mean to other people? Do you find that you are more prone to do this after people have been mean to you? One rude act seems to set the stage for another. It would be bad enough if it was only a matter of escalation, directed back at the person who was mean to you, but it can spread in a non-specific way to those who were not party to the original offense. It may go against your first impulse, but my commandment to love your enemies and do good to those who hate you and despitefully use you will break the escalating cycle of mean offenses.

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daily word - righteous?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you read in my word that Abraham believed God and he was righteous? That isn’t exactly what it says. It says that Abraham believed God and it was imputed to him as righteousness. You may recall the story of Abraham and Sarah and Pharaoh. It was not an act of moral courage for Abraham to pass off his wife as his sister to save himself. Yet I accepted him on the basis of his belief and so began  the concept of imputed righteousness by faith which is a strong theme throughout the Bible.

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daily word - level ground

Dale Cresap's picture

What is your attitude toward the poor? Do you judge them and blame them for their state of poverty? What about the rich? Do you resent them for their wealth or try to curry favor with them? All of these attitudes are wrong. The poor have special standing in the Kingdom for being rich in faith. And even if there are not many in the Kingdom who are noble or wealthy by the standards of this world you should not single them out for special favor or contempt.

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daily word - good works?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know any believers for whom good works have a bad name? You know that you are not saved by good works; that your salvation is the free gift of God by grace. Once you have this premise settled in your heart, can you accept that good works are not bad? Once you know that you are not trying to earn your salvation, can you see the value in putting forth effort to make the world a better place? In this case you are working from a position of security rather than trying to obtain it. You have some free time that you can use for any reason you choose.

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daily word - Yes!

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever met a contrarian: someone whose first instinct is to oppose you, to find fault with whatever you do, to say no? Unfortunately these are not rare. There are some questions for which the answer is no and some for which it is yes. Which do you favor? Some people think of me this way, but they are wrong. Consider the way I am represented in the story of the prodigal son. The father says yes to some shocking and inappropriate requests and the short term results are exactly what you would expect.

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