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daily word - shunning

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard of churches that use the practice of shunning as a means of discipline? Those who depart from acceptable practices are cut off from contact by those who remain. There are not many churches left that implement this practice formally and by this term, but how many do this in effect if not by formal policy? You have seen people leave your church for a multitude of reasons. Do you maintain contact with those you considered friends, even if you no longer have the same church in common? Whether you do or not is an indication of the quality of your friendship.

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daily word - sacrifice?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know what sacrifice is acceptable to me? Have you heard that it is a broken spirit and a contrite heart? Do you know people that you would describe in this way? How do you suppose they got there? This isn’t something you can put on your ‘to-do’ list in the morning and check off at the end of the day. Longsuffering is only acquired by suffering long. This isn’t something you can structure and work as a part of a self-improvement program, but if you give your consent I will make it happen. I don’t promise that it will be painless or easy; quite the opposite.

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Free Access to Brand New Video Series + Hidden Gems Discount

Mark Virkler's picture

We have died with Christ, and Christ is now our life (Gal 2:20). I memorized this verse shortly after I was saved but I never pictured it. I still saw myself as the one living out my daily life. The truth is, what you see is what you get. I said, “Christ is my life,” but I was picturing that it was me living independently from Him. 

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daily word - monolithic?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you found that every group looks monolithic from the outside? But you know this isn’t true because you have seen groups from the inside. Do you think that all atheists are militant opponents of God? These exist, but you will also find hopeful skeptics who are looking for an excuse to believe if they can find one. Is it an exaggeration to say that there are as many opinions and positions and beliefs as there are people? Even if it is, you can see every person as a special case, and understand where they are coming from so you can help them get where they are going.

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daily word - lead and inspire

Dale Cresap's picture

Students applying to prestigious academic programs must demonstrate that they have developed the discipline and perseverance to excel. In other words, they must prove that they can make a difference in their own lives. This is desirable and necessary beyond the world of academics. It should be true for every disciple following me. What about making a difference in the lives of others? This is a still more demanding task, but of what value is your virtue if it applies to you alone? You have your reward.

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daily word - unwrapped gifts

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you expect gifts to be labeled to identify the recipient? This makes it clear who the gift is intended for. Yet there is a type of gift that is not meant for the one receiving it. Does this seem like a riddle and a paradox and a mystery to you? The gifts that I give do not come wrapped in colored paper. They come wrapped in people like you, for I have not neglected anyone. Yet I didn’t give your gift to you for your own consumption. Have you met people who bestow all that I have given them on themselves? Is there anything less attractive?

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daily word - whose glory?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard people give testimonies and then declare that all the glory is due to me? Have you heard testimonies in which it is not obvious from the story how much of the glory is due unto me and how much is due unto them? People tend to tell stories that reflect well on them. It is good for you to acknowledge me, and I don’t expect you to bear your shortcomings openly. Paul was in a dilemma about presenting his own credentials and concluded that he would only boast in the Lord.

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daily word - church hopping?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard of the practice of church hopping? In some circles it is considered an act of betrayal to change affiliation from one church to another, and within these circles the length of tenure at a particular church is regarded as a measure of spiritual maturity. Can there be valid reasons for changing church affiliation? Yes, but the motive makes a difference. The term church hopping implies that those who leave are offended and disgruntled, and you have seen this happen. They go from church to church unaware that they are taking their problems with them.

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Scandinavian Speaking People Now Have Access to a Book of Two-Way Journaling

Mark Virkler's picture

The message of communion with God has spread to Scandinavian countries! Anne Cathrine Dale has just had her book of two-way journaling published in Norwegian. This beautiful story is available below, along with a sample of her journaling in which God expresses His unending love.

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