February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

daily word - seeking

Dale Cresap's picture

I said that if you seek, you would find. Do you find this to be a tremendous promise; that your searching would not be in vain? Is there anything more frustrating than a fruitless search? Consider the unstated implication of this promise. If you find what you look for, you have to be looking for the right things in order to find them. For if you look for the wrong things you will find those instead. Do you judge others by the questions they ask as much as by the answers they give? Judge yourself this way too. What does it profit a man to have the right answers to the wrong questions?

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Free eBook by Elizabeth Ellynshaw

Charity Kayembe's picture

I am so excited to let you know about a brand-new book that has just been released and is available as a free PDF download. Elizabeth Ellynshaw is a beautiful woman of God who I first had the pleasure of meeting a few years ago at a Hearing God Through Your Dreams workshop hosted by Bishop Joseph Garlington at his church in Pittsburgh. She had been through our online trainings on the sacred supernatural and traveled in from out of town with a friend to attend our live event. It was wonderful for us all to connect in person!

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daily word - downward favor?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you put forth an extra effort to gain favor with those above you, to whom you are beholden, or who are in a position to reward you? It is your duty to please those that you report to in your job, but this behavior can go beyond good work performance, and it is known by some ungracious terms. How many people do you know who put forth the same effort toward those below them, who are not in a position to reciprocate or reward them? This is rare enough that the corresponding terms in popular jargon do not exist, but love, kindness, and compassion would seem to apply.

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daily word - Wake Up!

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the idea of sleepwalking? Have you ever done it? Is it possible that you have been sleepwalking while you are awake? For it is possible to go through life lacking awareness, and seeing only enough to avoid running into obstacles. You can be aware enough to do your job without being aware of the larger spiritual realm in which you live. This is also referred to as going through the motions. I promised you an abundant life. Are you living it? Are you sufficiently awake and aware enough to know whether you are or not? He who has eyes to see, let him see. Wake up!

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daily word - good soldiers

Dale Cresap's picture

The Bible makes many references to soldiers. This is an image that everyone can relate to regardless of whether they have served in uniform or not. The admirable qualities of a soldier include pleasing the one who has called him to serve, and lack of entanglement in distractions. Good soldiers have discipline, focus, and a sense of mission. These qualities transfer directly to the conduct of believers even if their service to me doesn’t involve weapons. Do you know what your commander expects of you?

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daily word - theology and psychology

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you make a strong distinction between theology and psychology? These are treated as entirely different academic disciplines, and typically not even taught at the same schools. But there are some passages in the Bible that blur this distinction. How can you love God whom you cannot see if you cannot love your brother whom you can see? He who says he loves God should demonstrate this by loving his brother. You will be known as my disciples by the love you have for one another. In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me.

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daily word - Lord's Prayer?

Dale Cresap's picture

My disciples asked me to teach them to pray and I did. You are familiar with the lesson, part of which says, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Do you use this idea as a standard by which to judge your own prayers? Do your prayers contribute to this goal? It is one thing to incorporate this broad policy statement into your prayers. It is another to break it down into specific requests that serve this outcome and taking action accordingly. Blessed are those who pray according to my will in concrete terms, for they shall see the answers to their prayers.

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daily word - Name in Vain?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the commandment that you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain? You apply this to profanity which could be considered cheap oaths. Can you think of anything else this principle could apply to? Does your mind ever wander when you pray? Do you ever pray without belief? Do you pray for things that you know are not my will for you, or pray for the misfortune of your enemies, which is in effect a curse for them? I don’t want to discourage you from prayer. I am aware of your human limitations.

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daily word - Comforter?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you reassured by the fact that the Holy Spirit is known as the Comforter? Yet it was this same Spirit that led me into the wilderness for 40 days to fast and be tempted by the accuser. Does this sound like your idea of comfort? So this Spirit performs multiple roles. Are you in greater need of comfort or challenge? Comfort makes you feel better in your situation but challenge stretches you to the limit of your capabilities and enlarges them. How else do you grow in your capacity? Don’t you seek out challenges for yourself for this very purpose? The Holy Spirit can provide them too.

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daily word - born again?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you been born again? This phrase is so common in Christian terminology that few consider the shocking impact of this statement. Have you become immune to it through familiar usage? Nicodemus was right to be shocked and bewildered at this concept. The impact was not lost on him. It is indeed an eternal truth presented as a riddle and a mystery. Do you see all Christian doctrine as easily reducible to propositional truth claims? What then does it mean to be born of water and the spirit? What does it mean to be sifted like wheat and baptized by fire and die daily?

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