February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

daily word - Mistakes?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you make mistakes? If there is one thing that is universally agreed on, it is that everyone makes mistakes. What word is most commonly used to describe mistakes? Aren’t they more often referred to as stupid mistakes than anything else? Do you find it discouraging that something considered inevitable is also considered stupid? There is another way of looking at this. Have you learned from your mistakes, not only how to avoid the same errors in the future, but also humility and patience toward others, being more gracious and accepting of their shortcomings?

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Life-Changing Christmas Presents Galore!

Mark Virkler's picture

How about giving a gift this Christmas that powerfully impacts someone’s life? One that speaks directly to a need they have and offers them a real-life workable solution. We have such gifts prepared for you. They come in every price range from free to $200. Do you have friends with any of the needs below? If so, we have solutions. Something for everyone!

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daily word - special?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is it better to be special or be loved? Everyone wants to be special, but this isn’t possible without comparison to others, for the term only has meaning in that context. So the real meaning of special is ‘more special’ and it necessarily brings in a competitive dominance hierarchy. Are you secure enough in your own unique identity that you don’t need to play a game of relative worth? This striving adds stress, insecurity and pride to your life for there will always be those you rate as being above or below you. There is an alternative.

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daily word - true view

Dale Cresap's picture

For most of human history, people have been bound to the surface of the earth. This has given a limited perspective, but that limit no longer applies. With the advent of flight, and then travel into space, a larger perspective is available. Does a view from a high elevation give you a comprehension of things in their true relationships that isn’t available from the surface? This has only been available recently, but this is the way I have always seen my creation. Throughout time I have shared it with those who desired and valued it. Are you one of these?

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daily word - build on a rock

Dale Cresap's picture

You will encounter difficulty in life and this is unavoidable. I told my followers that in the world they would have tribulation. This occurs for believer and unbeliever alike. I do not expect you to seek it, but at the same time if you make it your life goal to avoid difficulty you will lead a diminished life and still be unsuccessful. What should you do? You need a firm enough foundation to make suffering bearable, a large enough and strong enough life narrative to hold it.

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daily word - Shalom

Dale Cresap's picture

What does Shalom mean to you? Do you encounter it in the Psalms and think of it as an invitation to pause and reflect? It means that, and peace, and so much more. It is an all-encompassing expression for the rule of God on earth, and relates to the prophets declarations of a time when the lion will lie down with the lamb, and they shall beat spears into pruning hooks and swords into plowshares. So this is a very large concept. I came declaring the Kingdom of God.

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daily word - keep steering

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you keep finding issues in your life that require correction or resolution? As you get older, do you find this process to be discouraging, thinking that the corrections should become infrequent and eventually cease altogether? What do you expect when you drive your car? Whenever the car is in motion you should be steering and you think this is normal. You don’t expect the corrections to cease as you approach your destination. Can you apply this same concept to your spiritual life? The only way to go wrong is to park your spiritual ‘car’ and remain stationary.

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daily word - a good deal

Dale Cresap's picture

I told my followers to consider the lilies of the field and other examples from nature that they should not worry about their material provision for their Father in heaven knew their needs and would provide them. Has anything changed since then? Even in your modern affluent culture do people worry about what they may acquire? Yet this story was taught in the context of seeking first the Kingdom of God. The deal I offered was that if you would focus your attention on things above and pursue transcendent values then I would take care of your needs in this world. Will you take the deal?

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daily word - social club?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard the church referred to as a social club? This is not meant as a compliment either by those within or without, but do not be too quick to take offense. Social interaction is a valid human need, and it may be easier to accept this reality if you use the more benign term of community. You need a sense of belonging; a connection with those who have a similar identity. I had this with my disciples, who were my constant companions. Would you benefit from more or less contact with those in your own community of faith?

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daily word - those outside

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you treat people of other faiths? You think their doctrine is incorrect, and they feel the same way about yours. Is this a reason to hold them in contempt? But you are called to love everyone, and that is inconsistent with this. If you show them kindness, will they think that you agree with them? If you are mean will they take it as rejection? Which is the greater risk? Can you show respect for their essential humanity without agreeing with their positions? How would you have an opening for a dialogue if you don’t?

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