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daily word - wonderfully made

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as living in a world of wonder and enchantment? Do you see science as the enemy of this view, trying to explain away the wonder and beauty of creation? It doesn’t have to be this way. The proper task of science is to understand the underlying mechanisms of the heavens and the earth. This task is not in fundamental conflict with an appreciation of and gratitude for its presence and beauty. In fact, the more you know about how it works the better position you are in to be amazed by it and grateful for it. No matter how much science can explain it can’t create a world that is, like you, fearfully and wonderfully made. Only I can do that.

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daily word - Humility

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever realized your own limitations, knowing what you wanted to do and realizing that your own shortcomings held you back? And that changing was not as easy as deciding to be different? Humility is not a meaningful concept for you until you get here. The apostle understood this when he said that the good that he would do he did not, and the evil he would not do he did. At this point he cried out for anyone who would deliver him from this situation. He knew where to turn and offered thanks for his deliverance. Do not be dismayed or discouraged to find that you are not complete and sufficient in yourself. This is the beginning of true understanding, and you also know where to turn.

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daily word - love enemies

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you love your neighbors and hate your enemies? This is the default human response, but my word teaches you to love your enemies. Who are your enemies? Those who hate you and persecute you and despitefully use you? How can you love them? By not returning or escalating their offensive behavior but by showing them thoughtful kindness and generosity. I use the illustrations of giving them food and drink, which are very basic yet concrete and necessary things. In doing this it says that you heap coals of fire on their heads. If you do this you may find that your ‘enemies’ are your neighbors after all.

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daily word - hired

Dale Cresap's picture

If you had to hire someone for a position that was so important that everything depended on it, what would you use for selection criteria? Would you want the most focused, rational, capable person with good judgment you could find? What if someone applied for the position and said they had a dream and immediately did what the dream indicated, and then they had another dream, and did the same, and so on. Would you hire this person? I did. Consider the story of Joseph who was my surrogate father on earth. Who else would have chosen him for this role? My ways are higher than yours, and I confound the wisdom of the wise. I hired you too.

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daily word - good sam

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you get out of the story of the Good Samaritan? Is it no surprise to you that he stopped to help because he was, after all, a Good Samaritan? This has become a common term and you even have laws by this name. But my story was in response to the question of who is my neighbor, and it did have a point. The Samaritans held false beliefs. Do you live in a world where people who believe the right things do the right things? But that is not the real world. How do you respond in a situation where those who believe the wrong things do the right things? The point of the story is that you should be accepting and approving.

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daily word - move on

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see your spiritual life as a journey? This implies that you will not be in the same location you were yesterday. This is obvious when you are taking a conventional journey. Do you see that the same concept applies to a spiritual journey? This must involve letting go of something and leaving it behind. Are there aspects of your spiritual practices or belief structures that no longer serve you and have become burdens rather than blessings? If every time you attend church you only get reassurance that you were right all along, then you are not being given challenge for advancement, and it is time to move on.

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daily word - busy?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you busy? Does it seem that everyone is? Are you busy from things you choose or burdens imposed on you from without? Are the things that keep you busy giving you life and fulfilling your sense of destiny and meaning, or do they leave you feeling exhausted and discouraged? My yoke is easy and my burden is light, so it should give you life rather than making you weary. Do your friends ever use the excuse that they are too busy to spend time with you? Do you ever use the same excuse with yourself about the amount of time you spend with me? You can be busy in serving me and at the same time avoid me.

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daily word - finish my work in you

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think I have completed the good work I have begun in you? No, but you have my  promise that I will. Have you ever looked back and realized that I was at work on problems that you didn’t realize you had? There are some things that you can only see in hindsight. Can you see the implications for your current state? Can you see by inference that you now have other issues that you will not be aware of until some future time when they are resolved? Can you also see that your effectiveness at self-improvement is limited if you are not even aware of the areas that need work? Do not be discouraged. I will complete the good work I have begun in you.

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daily word - have a plan?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you lead a considered life or do you just deal with whatever comes your way in the moment? I told a story about a king who intended to build a tower but ran out of money, and another king who should have considered his prospects of winning against his enemy given the relative sizes of their armies. Do you have a plan for your life? So do I, and if yours does not conform to mine you should choose mine instead. In any context, including this one, you are better off to lead a more considered and intentional life. Any situation can be viewed from successively higher levels of understanding.

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daily word - deja vu

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever gone somewhere and felt that you had been there before although you know you had not? The term for this is déjà vu. Do you think this is just a trick of your mind? I hold your life in my hands, and everywhere you go I have already been before. Some things you have not encountered before may seem familiar because they are part of the spiritual path I have prepared you for. You live in a temporal realm, but I live outside of time, but also within you. Have I not promised to prepare the way for you? If you understand this you can have confidence and peace as you move forward.

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