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daily word - winning arguments?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever won an argument? How do you define this? If your opponent ceases to oppose you? What if they turn their back on you and walk away in an icy silence? In that case, what have you really won? Certainly you have not won your brother, and which is more important? Argument implies an element of strife, discord, and confrontation. You may prevail by facts and logic, or at least decibels, but a gentler approach at persuasion is necessary if you want to win your brother’s heart. Have you ever changed your mind based on the argument of an enemy? What about the entreaty of a friend?

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daily word - happy?

Dale Cresap's picture

Think of the happiest people you know. Think of the people who have the most fun. Are these the same people? There is a cultural assumption that the pursuit of happiness and the pursuit of fun are the same thing. Has your experience proven this to be true? Fun as commonly understood can be self-oriented and indulgent. The superficial appeal is obvious, but true happiness is more complex, and is more reliably obtained through connections and involvement with other people, through the satisfaction of worthwhile investment in their lives.

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Daily Word - Are you Right?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you been taught and accepted the premise that when you are right you should pursue the matter to the very end and never let it go? How has this worked out for you? You may think it is weakness if you back down. Could other people see it as stubbornness if you do not? Do you have an objective and certain means for knowing you are right? Other people feel the same way, but have you ever found out later that you were not as right as you supposed? There is wisdom in knowing what is truly non-negotiable and what you can let go of.

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daily word - Knowing God

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know me? Do you have me figured out? Some churches act as if their doctrinal positions are a complete explanation of ineffable divine mystery. Yet it is possible to know me, and I want you to do so, and I open the door by revealing myself. Do you understand that some things can be known relationally that do not lend themselves to propositions? Do you insist on an answer for everything? It is better to leave some questions on the table than to grasp at answers that are incomplete or just wrong.

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daily word - sanctuary

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard of special undeveloped areas set aside as refuges or sanctuaries for birds or other wildlife? These terms imply a safe place free from harm. Do you think there are such places for people too? A place of worship is also known as a sanctuary, and I declared cities of refuge for my people. You live in a dangerous world. Do you feel safer in the woods or in the city? I promised to be with you always. That means that my sustaining presence is with you wherever you go.

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daily word - outdoor church?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of church being held outdoors? Some churches will have an Easter sunrise service but these are infrequent. Most church services are held indoors, in buildings constructed for that purpose. But that is the world that you made, and the world outdoors is the world that I made. Do you think of your church as the house of God. Consider my rhetorical question, where is the house that you would build for me? For the heavens are my throne and the earth is my footstool. I understand that there are valid reasons to have a structure dedicated as a meeting place for worship.

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daily word - privilege

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider yourself to be privileged? Do you live with a sense of gratitude for it? Do you have an education? Do you understand that not everyone had this privilege, especially if you consider the span of history? This was what separated the upper and lower classes, and slaves from free men. Your education makes you more knowledgeable. Does it also make you more aware of the advantages it confers on you? You had to work for it, but you were not able to obtain it on your own. A sense of gratitude is beneficial for you in every aspect of life.

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A Banner for Jesus - An Expression of Divine Creativity by Linda Burton

Mark Virkler's picture

The Holy Spirit releases creativity within all of us all the time. Most often it will be in the area we are asking Him about. Many brilliant inventions came this way, as have wonderful solutions to problems, and beautiful music and artistry. Below Linda Burton shares one example of such creativity. May it inspire us all to seek the Spirit for His constant creative flow out through our lives.

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daily word - one ultimate truth

Dale Cresap's picture

Does it ever seem to you that there are as many versions of ultimate reality as there are people? You would expect everyone in the same church to be on the same page, but even there you find variation. Do you ever get the sense that some people are making it up? Everyone takes their own journey of faith and you can’t force someone to go faster than they are able, but there is a difference between the discovery experience of seeking and finding, and making up a story. Even if people don’t agree on transcendent reality it is not fiction.

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daily word - hang out?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to hang out? Do you consider it a spiritual activity? I did. I was accused of being a friend of sinners (I was, still am), and a glutton and a drunk (I was not). This was because I spent time with those outside the religious establishment. What do you think took place during those times? Do you think I was conducting a Bible study in the same way you understand them today? Do you think I did all the talking? You can have spiritual encounters in everyday life, in the give and take of conversation in which you listen as much or more than you speak.

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