Do I Know How to Effectively Sever an Ungodly Soul Tie?
A biblical example of a soul tie is David and Jonathan.
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A biblical example of a soul tie is David and Jonathan.
I must acknowledge the spiritual energy empowering a sinful action, and replace it.
About 11 years ago I ministered in the church of a pastor in Kenya. At that time, I would leave with them your teaching materials on “4 Keys to Hear God’s Voice, Counseled by God, and Prayers that Heal the Heart.” I am not sure how much he really applied them at that time, but I know he did read them and still has them as a reference. He has apostolic and prophetic giftings. I have mentored him over the years and there have been times in his own life where he has dealt with depression and other life stresses, as most of us do.
Kirsten Himmelberg has written in the excellent article below the reasons why she flags:
Some people think I have been a little sidetracked with my passion to flag for Jesus so I have created the following statement about why I flag.
Like most of you, we are now watching our pastor livestream his sermons into our home as the new way of doing church. Pastor Joel recently preached an excellent message on Walking Fearlessly, sharing faith-building Scriptures reminding us that God is our refuge and we are more than conquerors in Him. Joel also shared very transparently about his lifelong struggle with anxiety, and how just a few years ago, he experienced breakthrough in this area and now lives free from panic attacks. Hallelujah!
I was excited to meet Bill at a recent workshop. He is enrolled in our Hearing God Through Your Dreams e-Learning module and had begun receiving incredible revelation from Heaven through his visions at night. In a dream, the Lord revealed that self-hatred was a root cause underlying the autoimmune issues he had been dealing with for years and how to address it by learning to feel about himself the way God feels about him. That is, unconditional love.
God did not create employees for a corporation or soldiers for an army. He created children for a family. That is His heart for us and our reason for being—so He could love us!
We had a wonderful time in Atlanta this past weekend teaching on how to hear from heaven all day and all night. We are grateful for the many breakthroughs and supernatural work Holy Spirit did in people’s lives and hearts as they began hearing His voice for themselves and translating the language He is speaking to them at night. Yay God!
When we have a physical injury – a stubbed toe, a broken arm or worse – we automatically assume we “should” hurt. We figure obviously we ought to be in pain, because something is physiologically wrong with us! However, sometimes our physical bodies have already healed, but the emotions surrounding the injury have not yet been addressed, which leaves the residue of pain still lingering.
“The Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21 KJV)
The word Kingdom means the domain of the King. It is where the King has dominion and where He rules. Although we absolutely want to experience the glory of His Kingdom manifest in our natural world, it must first manifest within us—in the hearts and minds of the children of the King.