Three Health Websites You Must Know About

Mark Virkler's picture

Living long enough to fulfill your destiny, and living in vibrant health are two important issues to each of us. I have been passionate to discover the principles of health and apply them to my life. The three books I have written concerning health and some key health products I take are available here. (Note: click through the full three pages of information.) Here are my three favorite health websites that I trust and whose information I regularly use. I encourage you to spend time on them and receive their free blogs. (DISCLAIMER: This is NOT an endorsement of the philosophy, theology or belief system of any of these websites. This recommendation ONLY applies to their research and knowledge of physical health and healing.)

Life Extension - The Best in Scientific Research

Life Extension - This is my most trusted source for health research. They have invested $100 million over the years in cutting edge clinical anti-aging research. The search feature on their website allows you to type in any ailment you have a question about, and it will pull up articles they have written over the years on that topic, explaining lifestyle changes as well as the best health products they have formulated to deal effectively with the problem. It is a wealth of information at your fingertips. Click here for a topical arrangement of articles.

They have promoted many items over the years which the FDA has acknowledged and approved 10-15 years after Life Extension promoted them. So receiving their magazine and accessing their website puts you about 15 years ahead of the approaches being used by a typical doctor. 

Any time a major study comes out which says vitamins are not effective, within one to two months, Life Extension will do a rebuttal article showing the weaknesses and fallacies in the vitamin study.

Dr. Schultz - America's Number One Naturopath and Herbalist

If you want to get a taste for how effective Dr. Schultz's natural health approaches are, read and sign up for his weekly blogs here. I love them.

At the age of 16, after a year of ill health, medical doctors diagnosed Dr. Schulze with a genetic heart deformity and heart disease. The doctors told him that unless he underwent open-heart surgery, his weak and deformed heart would not be able to pump sufficient blood to an adult body and he would be dead by the age of 20.

He declined to have the surgery, walked out of the hospital and instead, made it his quest to discover alternative ways to heal his heart. Over the next three years he made radical changes to his teenage lifestyle. He became a vegan, began an intensive exercise program and literally changed everything that went in and out of his body, mind and spirit. He immersed himself in literally hundreds of intensive alternative-lifestyle and Natural Healing programs, herbal-formulae and detoxification routines, as well as cleansing, fasting, flushing and health-building programs. After three years he returned to the same medical doctors who had told him he would die without surgery. This time they told him his heart had miraculously healed itself. Read more about Dr. Schultz here.

I used and recommend his cleanses and his superfood. Call in your first order (1 800 437-2362) and receive a 10% discount by mentioning code PR195

Dr. Mercola - The World's Most Visited Natural Health Website

The site is mammoth with a wonderful search bar allowing you to research articles on any health topic you desire. With over 1 million subscribers you can discover here why this website is so popular. He is a medical doctor who is passionate about natural approaches to healing. He regularly interviews experts and archives all these interviews so you can enjoy them anytime. Just practical, down-to-earth information that makes a real difference in your life.

Additional Health Websites

There are obviously many other wonderful health websites. Click here to discover additional amazing health websites which we love and use.

Go Deeper - Get Healthy!

Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?


Related Blogs: 

Gifts of Healings   
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Anonymous's picture

Hello Mark, Just wondering why you haven't included the McDougall diet website in your list of websites. It is extensive! Particularly when you largely used his information for your book "Edens Health Plan. Go Natural." Also Doctor Mercola's diet philosophy seem totally at odds with what you included in Edens Health Plan?

Mark Virkler's picture

We do list McDougall in the additional list of websites which is linked to at the bottom of this blog.
And Mercola has a ton of great information. So take what you like and leave the rest.

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