LaWanda – I praise you. I thank you, Lord. How you are continuing to pour yourself out on me! Even in these moments this morning as I read your word. Precious, Jesus, Thank you.
I see you this morning as the Shepherd. You are carrying me again - that sheep with my name on it, is in your arms. If it is possible for a lamb to smile, I am smiling because as we are walking you are speaking words of blessing over me. Words of life, words of joy. Almost like singing, Lord. Amazing, Lord. Just amazing. What are you saying to me, Lord, in that moment and in this one?
Jesus – My precious one, My precious, precious one. It is My joy to carry you, to share My heart with you and to bless you. MY JOY. Can you get that this morning? It is My joy to bless you. I have blessed you since before you were you. Impossible to wrap your mind around, but not your heart. There is a deep knowing in you that feels the eternal love I have for you – that hears the truth I am speaking to you now and KNOWS that it is indeed TRUTH.
I place My hand on you today and bless you, for this day I am filling you with My joy, LaWanda. This morning and continuing all day long this joy will be your strength, LaWanda. My strength – given to you - disguised as joy.
Picture a present, wrapped up with a big pretty bow. It just oozes “joy.” It looks like joy. It feels like joy. It IS joy. But when you open the package, what’s inside is strength. My joy and my strength are given to you this day, My dear one. Revel in it. Dance in it. Share it! Share it! Share it!
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