The Steadfast Of Mind You Will Keep In Perfect Peace

Mark Virkler's picture

When I am in perfect peace, my immune system is switched on, which in turn keeps me in health. I choose health. I choose to stay in peace even while evil arises around me. God WILL deal with it as He has promised! I trust in the Lord. I live in health and peace. Thank You, Lord!

"Open the gates, that the righteous nation may enter, The one that remains faithful." "The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You." "Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock."

God can and will deal with evildoers

"For He has brought low those who dwell on high, the unassailable city; He lays it low, He lays it low to the ground, He casts it to the dust. The foot will trample it, The feet of the afflicted, the steps of the helpless. The way of the righteous is smooth; O Upright One, make the path of the righteous level. Indeed, while following the way of Your judgments, O LORD, We have waited for You eagerly; Your name, even Your memory, is the desire of our souls. At night my soul longs for You, Indeed, my spirit within me seeks You diligently; For when the earth experiences Your judgments The inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. Though the wicked is shown favor, He does not learn righteousness; He deals unjustly in the land of uprightness, And does not perceive the majesty of the LORD. O LORD, Your hand is lifted up yet they do not see it. They see Your zeal for the people and are put to shame; Indeed, fire will devour Your enemies. LORD, You will establish peace for us, Since You have also performed for us all our works. O LORD our God, other masters besides You have ruled us; But through You alone we confess Your name."  (Isa. 26:1-13)

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. (Prov. 17:22)

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Your Extraordinary Life CDs

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4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice PowerPoint

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice PowerPoint

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Price: $39.95
