February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

Am I Hearing from God? These Skilled Journalers Are Willing to Confirm Your Journaling

Mark Virkler's picture

In the multitude of counselors there is safety (Prov. 11:14). As you engage in two-way journaling, we encourage you to share your journaling with 2 or 3 counselors who are spiritual, biblical, and ahead of you in the area of daily hearing God’s voice. We recognize that finding such advisors can be challenging to some people so we are here to help you.

Everyone listed below has successfully completed the training on How to Hear God’s Voice, and has journaled successfully in their own lives for a significant period of time. They are willing for you to contact them by email, and then submit any two-way journaling to them which you need confirmed. Confirmation helps establish us in faith, and keep us from making mistakes.

How they will serve you

  1. Affirmation: They will email you back with their confirmation that your journaling is from God.
  2. Adjustment: If they feel it needs some correcting, they will compose the corrective word they want to share with you, and then email your journaling, along with their corrective word to Dr. Mark Virkler for his confirmation, input or adjustment, and he will email it back with his comments, which they will then email to you. So what you receive back will have both their comments and Mark's comments.

Your responsibilities to these spiritual advisors

  1. Same gender: We ask that you send your email to a spiritual advisor below who is of the same gender as you.
  2. Spell Checker: Type up your journaling and run it through spell checker before emailing it.
  3. Short term: This is designed to be short term, during your first three months as you work your way through the training module on How to Hear God's Voice or Hearing God's Voice or Communion With God.
  4. Not counselors: The folks below have volunteered to be bouncing boards for your two-way journaling, not to be your life counselor.

Here is a listing of skilled spiritual advisors which you may select from

Beth Erwin

Beth Erwin is from Madison, Georgia, and has ministered inner healing for nearly 30 years; and also holds an active real estate license. She and her husband, Scott, have one daughter and two granddaughters. She is a graduate of CLU (Christian Leadership Ministries) with a bachelor’s in Christian Counseling and received a Masters of Arts in Pastoral Ministry through GATS (Global Awakening Theological Seminary).

Her passion to see others break free from inadvertent agreements with those things that inhibit joy and choose life led to her first book, Wander No More: Stepping Out of the Wilderness into Abundant Life. She loves Jesus, reading, her family and her two puppies, Cooper and Sammy…and laughter. Beth Erwin loves to laugh and often sees the humor in life!

Website: www.ezekieltree.com                  Email: ezekieltree@gmail.com 

Excerpt from Journaling:

Lord, is there an area of my life where I am not experiencing faith energized by love?

Beautiful daughter,

I love you and am energized by my thoughts towards you. It grieves my spirit to see you stressed and feeling overwhelmed, and anxious.

Look to me and I will lead and direct you. Set aside those things that drain you and seek me to be energized by my compassion. Ask me for passion. Ask me for love. Ask me for direction. Be willing to let go of things and embrace new things.

Lord, what do you want me to let go of…

Let go of the lie that if you don’t do it,  it will not get done. Trust me. I will empower others to do what needs to be done. But I cannot when you are holding it tightly in your hand. 

Ivey Rorie

I was a practicing attorney until the call of God on my life became too loud to ignore.  I attended a conference in California where God showed up in a powerful dream, spoke in my ear all week long and then on Saturday I actually saw the Holy Spirit.  There was no room left for denial in my life.

I was an athlete when I was young and I still enjoy sports.  My favorite pastimes are reading, swimming, kayaking, biking and hiking.  I love to kayak with God and I always take him cycling with me.

In 2016 my first book was published.  It is titled, Journey Through the Bible.  Writing and publishing a book have been a wonderful experience.  I am working on my second book now which will be a journaling experience shared between me and the reader. I also produce a daily devotional titled Word of the Day which I began in 2006.  To date we have published approximately 2500 daily devotions which have been read in 65 countries on six continents.  

Website: www.iveyministries.org  Email: irorie@iveyministries.org

A journal entry: I desire to teach you My ways.  I desire for you to walk in My ways.  I abide in you and you in Me.  Wherever you go, there I am.  Show My kindness and goodness.  Let people see the generosity of My heart.  Learn to receive all of the good things I have for you.  Allow Me to exalt you as my beloved.  In you, others will see all that I long to give them.  You believe Me for goodness; now let me demonstrate it through you.  There is no good thing I would not do for you.  I desire to show the manifestation of My love.  Let Me show you my ways which are always the way of kindness and goodness.  Let your life be a billboard of My goodness.  Others will see for themselves all that I long to do for them, how I long to bless them.  I will touch every aspect of their lives with My goodness.  Be an overflowing vessel of My goodness.

Another Journal Entry: Let your light shine.  Believe in your abilities.  Believe in the anointing.  I can do all things through you.  Nothing is impossible to me.  It is time to fly.  Are you ready?  Everyday expect to hear from Me.  Spend quiet time before Me.  Journal.  Let Me speak into your life DAILY!.  Don’t be consumed by the work.  Be consumed with Me and I will do the work.  I love you and I want to do great things through you and with you.  Expect to have fun.  Expect to enjoy this year.  Let’s just take it one day at a time.  I will teach you.  I will guide you daily.  That is what you have asked of me continually for years now.  Finally you are ready to be led step by step and day by day.  Begin each day by looking to me.  Quiet your heart and listen.  I am speaking and you will hear me every day.

Ian Wilkinson - teacher and prophet, retired and working on my doctorate at CLU

Hearing from God through journaling is transforming my life. Since learning the 4 keys to hearing God’s voice I have become more aware and convinced of the love God has for me. I have learned to be still and know that He is God. Hearing his voice has given me hope. It has diminished fear. I now have confidence that I am hearing from him not just imagining that I might be. I have found hearing his voice very encouraging. I appreciate him guiding me and teaching me. I have been a Christian for over 50 years and I pastored for many years before I retired. I wish I had learned to journal 50 years ago but alas it has only been these past few years since I started taking courses at CLU that I learned the 4 keys.

I journal as a part of my prayer devotional time. I also journal to interpret dreams from God. My wife and I journal to hear from God about decisions we are making or anything we need clarity about. I use journaling in my teaching preparation and Bible meditation to be taught of God. I journal to give words of knowledge to others. The 4 keys to hearing the voice of God is the most important teaching I have encountered since being converted and baptized in the Spirit. It helps to equip the saint for the work of the ministry.

Check out Ian's blog: Seven Applications of Journaling by Ian Wilkinson

Example of two-way journaling from a meditation on Phil. 4:6

Jesus:   I am indeed ruling in the kingdoms of men although it doesn’t appear that way. It is so. I am above all things and I have decided that my kingdom will come and my will, will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Speak in agreement with that. Picture that. My angels are dispatched to work things to this end. I rule and overrule. I am the Lord.

Example of dream interpretation:  My dream was about landscaping.

Jesus: The landscape represents the way things are done. Things are changing rapidly and constantly. New teachings will come that are not good teachings. You must stick to the foundation stones for they act as both steps to ascend upon and retaining walls, for new believers to retain truth. For good communication, articulation, and comprehension of truth discussion is needed. I would walk each day with Adam and we would discuss things. Discussion brings clarity. Two-way communication is necessary in the new paradigm of teaching.

Email: ianwilk@shaw.ca

Maxine Carey

Mother [Rev] Maxine Carey is a multi-gifted facilitator, spiritual teacher, group counselor, consultant, mentor/Spiritual Mother (Mother of Zion), Senior Pastor, [senior depart.] “consultant”, Kingdom Change Agent, … addressing issues affecting areas pertaining to relationships and spiritual development. As an overseer to various ministries she provides Words of Wisdom, Words of Knowledge and Word of encouragement through her writings “Mother’s Witt”. She has founded, conducted, and supported many support groups in many states.

She holds a “M.S.” in Christian Counseling from CLU (Christian Leadership University), working on a “M.S. (concentration in Gerontology & Sociology). She has a “B.A.” in Community Service, from U of R (University of Rochester, NY), an “A.A”. in Human Service from WCCC (Wayne County Community College, Det. Mich.) all with a minor in Business. She is a certified teacher with ETA and also teaches “Hearing the Voice of God”, “Prayers that Heal the Heart”, “Spiritual Mentoring” … with materials from, CWG Ministries (Communion with God), using “Lamad Style Teaching” for over 20 years and other classes. Certificates as: “Gerontology” from St. John Fisher, Facilitator from Sage-ing International, Facilitator for Mental Health Support Groups, … Learning always to be continued.

Email: mt.carey@yahoo.com


I have been journaling from a child because I learned as a child I could talk to Jesus. As a child we had conversations Jesus was my hero that I could talk to about everything.  I was not able to talk about it to people because they could not believe the debt of the things that I shared as a child. They would ask me a question and when I answered it they were upset at what I told them from the lord.  I shut down and became a quiet introvert not sharing.  In my bookstore in 1990, I carried books by CWG [Communion With God], Mark and Patti Virkler that spoke to my “Spirit Man” and confirmed things that were already written in my journals.  I learned that my journaling was written one sided.  I knew the questions I asked but I did not write the questions just what was said to me it was not a two way conversation.  In my Spirit I would say Yes Lord! and start writing what I sensed in my Spirit but not writing all the conversation. …

I went back over some of my journaling and start writing the questions and starting writing my two way conversations. One example that was consistent for me was “Heaven Father in Jesus name why did people not understand the things that you show me?  Why could they not see what I see as adults I am just a child?  Daughter see Jeremiah, I have called you from your mother womb … Jeremiah 1:4-7 Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Daughter, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou came forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then I said Lord GOD,  I cannot speak: for I am a child. .. the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shall speak.   Lord what about the faces and things that they say to me?  Jeremiah 1:8-10 Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, said the LORD. Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth… the LORD said unto me, …, I have put My words in your mouth. …, to root out, to pull down, to destroy, to throw down, to build, to expose [for healing] and to plant. …

What I learned was the things that I saw and spoke to the individuals were warnings.  The things that I saw grieved my heart and brought tears that only the Lord could explain to me. He also showed me that they had to know than they could choose what to do with it for their healing.

Writing this example from the many journaling’s with the same message and answer help me writing this and listening to My Abba Father in what I need at this time.  I asked the Lord “What do I do with the current situations of the many sexual sins that come to me in counseling that grieves my heart?

He reminded me, Daughter! you have respect of person, because they are pastor’s, people in ministry, your spiritual  sons and daughters.  Daughter!  in the secular settings you have counseled many with all types of sexual perversions beyond the things you are seeing and hearing about at this time. Your have prayed and held them up to Me [they belong to me, I Am the creator] as you dealt with them legally and getting them counseling. You showed them MY Agape love as you dealt with them, how much more My People who are called by My Name. The church is the hospital and daughter I know I can trust you to show My Agape Love to All people. … 


Related Blogs: 

How to Hear God’s Voice   
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Through the Bible 1: Pentateuch MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy guides you from Genesis through Deuteronomy in 10 sessions. This is part one of our Through the Bible series, which gives you an overview of the entire Bible.

Price: $14.95

Through the Bible 2: United Kingdom MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 11 MP3 Downloads

Dr. Andrew Hardy guides you through Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel along with parts of 1 & 2 Chronicles and 1 Kings in 11 sessions. This is part two of our Through the Bible series, which gives you an overview of the entire Bible. 

In these books, which cover the United Kingdom, you will learn about the conquest of the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua. Read about the early days of the nation of Israel as they lived under judges and kings. The nation prospered under righteous kings and languished under evil kings. Under Solomon, the nation of Israel reached its height in grandeur and glory. Discover what makes a nation prosper and what makes one fall. Learn how one person, living in obedience to Almighty God, can change the direction of a nation! Let us learn from history. 

Pray for God to give you revelation knowledge in your heart and mind as you meditate on His Word (Eph. 1:17,18).

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Through the Bible III: Divided Kingdom - MP3s

Through the Bible 3: Divided Kingdom MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 11 Sessions | Produced 2013

Dr. Andrew Hardy guides you through 17 Old Testament books in 11 sessions. This is part three of our Through the Bible series, which provides you an overview of the entire Bible.

Price: $14.95
Through the Bible IV  Poetry and Wisdom Literature MP3s

Through the Bible 4: Poetry and Wisdom Literature MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 11 MP3s

Dr. Andrew Hardy guides you through the Poetry and Wisdom books of the Bible in 11 sessions. This is part four of our Through the Bible series, which provides an overview of the entire Bible.

Price: $14.95
Through the Bible V  Major Prophets MP3s

Through the Bible 5: Major Prophets MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy guides you through the Major Prophets in 10 sessions. This is part five of our Through the Bible series, which provides an overview of the entire Bible.

Price: $14.95
Through the Bible 6: Life of Christ - MP3s

Through the Bible 6: Life of Christ MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the Gospels, the Life of Christ, in 10 sessions. This is part six of our Through The Bible series,  which provide you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

Why are there four Gospels describing Jesus' life? How are the three synoptic Gospels different from John? What does God want to say to me through the life of Jesus? Can I really imitate Christ and be like him? Yes, Jesus came to model the lifestyle God has empowered us to live!

Price: $14.95

Through the Bible 7: Acts and Epistles MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through Acts and the General Epistles in 10 sessions. This is part seven of our Through the Bible series, which provides you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

In the book of Acts you discover the vibrancy of the early Church. The Holy Spirit descended upon them in Pentecost and filled them and the room in which they were seated. Empowered by the Holy Ghost, they immediatey won 3000 to the Lord. Miracles followed, many were healed, and the world was transformed by these anointed disciples. 

In the General Epistles we learn of the struggles the early Church faced, and the amazing teaching the Apostle Paul provided to keep them on track. You receive a glimpse into the heart of Paul as he passionately encourages his readers to know who they are in Christ and ascend into the heavenlies, where they are seated with Him in heavenly places, ruling and reigning. These books take you into the depths of Scriptural truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit. Pray for God to give you revelation knowledge in your heart and mind as you meditate on His Word (Eph. 1:17,18).

Price: $14.95

Through the Bible 8: Epistles and Revelation MP3s

by Dr. Andrew Hardy | 10 Sessions

Dr. Andrew Hardy takes you through the General Epistles and the book of Revelation in 10 sessions. This is part eight of our Through The Bible series,  which provide you an in-depth overview of the entire Bible. You may choose to begin with the Life of Christ, and work your way through the entire New Testament, and then follow this up by going through the Old Testament.

This eighth series in the collection covers the following New Testament books: I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, Jude and Revelation.

Price: $14.95

Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams MP3s

These MP3s contain the same content as the Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams CD set but in digital format. Receive your product immediately with no shipping costs!

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Your Extraordinary Life MP3s

Mark Virkler | 16 MP3 Sessions

Can you imagine starting new believers off with the Holy Spirit! What if the first thing you were taught as a newborn Christian was how to connect easily and daily with the Holy Spirit Who was living inside you, anointing you, empowering you and transforming you?

Price: $39.95
