We are looking for sponsors who want to see our 47 key training sessions translated into Hungarian. You can be a missionary to Hungary by contributing towards the $4500 needed to translate 47 of Dr. Virkler's key teachings into Hungarian. We have a proven translator who is starting this project in faith. Eva has already freely given of her time to translate our two Sid Roth interviews into Hungarian. Below is the email she sent me a week ago.
Dear Mark,
I wanted to express what a great blessing your Sid Roth show (both the Hearing God's Voice and the Dreams) meant. I have translated them into Hungarian to bless my nation with such a powerful tool and I am receiving e-mails after e-mails about people hearing God's voice, receiving dreams and even healing!
Here are the videos in Hungarian with my voice on them.
I have also attached the Word format - if you wish, you can use it, put it on your website or whatever you like! Please pass along this Hungarian translation of 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice, and of Christian Dream Interpretation.
Be very blessed and thank you again!
Eva Gegeny (dunamisfamily.com)
How you can help us
So now we have asked Eva to begin work on the translation of the 47 key teachings on spiritual intimacy which we plan to see translated into 100 languages. The translation and follow up mastering of these sessions will cost a total of $4500. We are asking for supporters who will together raise the monies to completely fund this translation into Hungarian. Please pray about participating in this wonderful project which will bless the Hungarian church. You may give toward this project by clicking here.
Thank you for helping us saturate the world with the message of Communion With God. I believe this is the number one way to bring restoration to our world. That is, getting people hearing the voice of God.
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Adopt a Language
by Anonymous
Hi Mark, do you have these teachings translated into the Albania language yet? This is the land of the ancient Illyrians where Apostle Paul had gone. Both Kosovo and Albania speak this language. Also, there are Albanian populations in Macedonia and Montenegro who speak in this native tongue as well. I have traveled in these parts often and have befriended many over the years, and feel that, especially one believer in particular, who may be able to translate this teaching of hearing God's voice. Thanks.
Not Yet
by Mark Virkler
We do not have anything translated into Albanian, so if you can connect us to someone who would like to translate for us, please do so. Contact me at mark@cluonline.com
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