In This Season People Are Going to Fly to New Heights

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The following prophetic word is from Malachi Talabi. This word makes me feel that it's time we all get excited and expectant that God will use us in new and amazing ways.

On the 21st of March -  I was walking in my garden and I saw a flower that I hadn’t planted. The flower was purple and it was beautiful. As I wondered what it was, the thought came, “What is happening in your garden is happening in your life.”

But I dismissed it.

Later that day, I was teaching an online group on the value of speaking in tongues and suddenly the word "tulip" flew through my head.

I realised that this is spring season and this is tulip season. The flower in my garden was a tulip and God was trying to get my attention. He was trying to tell me that we are stepping into a new season.

So, I went to the Lord in prayer and asked, “Lord, is there anything you want to say to me in this season?” Here is what I picked up:

Spring is the time of new life, the time for the butterfly to emerge, the time for the cocoon to hatch, the time when the things that I promised will be made manifest. The winter has passed and now it’s time for those things and those skills and those talents that were hidden to be revealed, to come out, to spring forth.

This is a great time to birth things. This is a great time to start new things as there is newness in the atmosphere. The tulip is significant as it demonstrates newness.

You noticed the tulip because I wanted you to discern that you are in a new season. In this season lots of things are going to happen: good success, fun, joy, this is a GREAT season! It’s a season where you see much happiness and breakthrough.

There is a time for everything, and THIS is a time for success.

This is your season

In the evening I was watching Peacemaker, an action-adventure program, and the team leader said to the hero:

"I have a project for you; it’s called 'project butterfly'”!

The Holy Spirit reminded me that 8 hours earlier God was talking to me about the butterfly’s journey, so I knew God was bringing confirmation.

Butterflies - THIS IS YOUR SEASON!

I know that in this season people are going to fly to new heights for it’s time to come out of the cocoon, to come out of hiding - imposter syndrome will be no more because the butterfly is about to soar.

This season will be a season where people are going to be positioned in places that God has been preparing them for and all the pain and pressure of the past will now make sense because it was all preparation and transformation for this new season and position.

This will be a season to walk in the pre-ordained plan of God and previous pain will turn into purpose.

Resources from Malachi

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