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Roadblocks Removed on His Highway of Holiness

Mark Virkler's picture

 As I move forward in my Christian life, walking on God’s highway of holiness, being guided and illumined by the Holy Spirit, I discover God is removing lies which have been stumbling blocks to my walk in the spirit. Below are some of these common roadblocks He removes.

Common roadblocks which God removes so we can advance on His highway of holiness

  1. Skip walks in the Garden: You don’t need to hear God’s voice; you can know. (“You” became the false god of “humanism” – it’s about my efforts. “Know” became the false god of “rationalism” - it’s about what I think.)
  2. Dispensationalism: Much of the Bible is for another period, and you can’t apply or live it in this age (dispensation).
  3. Demythologization: The supernatural stories in the Bible are fables, not real.
  4. Fear of rejection: If you embrace this truth, you will lose your job, position, salary, prestige, social position. (Think Nicodemus, for example.)
  5. Fear of inadequacy: I am too ignorant to properly discover truth; I should just leave it to the experts.
  6. Pride: I have truth all boxed up, so don’t confuse me with any countering verses or insights.
  7. False understanding of spiritual authority: I must always submit to what my leader tells me to believe.

I reject each of satan’s lies and I declare...

 I can know the truth through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, especially as He illumines Scriptures, as Jesus did with the disciples on the Emmaus Road!

Removing the roadblock of an accusative stance by becoming a Berean

In Acts 17 Paul came to Thessalonica with a heretical new revelation: "This Jesus whom I am proclaiming to you is the Christ".

Well, that did not line up with their current theology so they reacted: "The Jews [in Thessalonica], becoming jealous and taking along some wicked men from the marketplace, formed a mob and set the city in an uproar; and attacking the house of Jason, they were seeking to bring them out to the people" (Acts 17:5). 

It is interesting that Paul preaches the same message in the next city, Berea, and he gets a totally different response. He is accepted and not rejected. I want to be part of the group that accepts new insights from the Spirit of God, rather than rejecting them.

So what was the difference with this second group? "These were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11).

The difference was the Bereans' heart motivation. Rather than seeking to prove Paul wrong (accuser's attitude), they sought to prove that what he said was so (Comforter's attitude)! The spirit of accusation is demonic (Rev. 12:10). The spirit of comfort is from the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26 KJV). Wow! And I began my Christian walk with an accusative attitude against everyone and everything. Thank You, God, for delivering me!

Journaling application

  1. Lord what are the roadblocks You are seeking to remove in my life?
  2. Lord, what are the replacement truths You are seeking to instill in my life?

It’s Not Heresy! It’s Enlightenment!

  1. What Is a Heretic? Have I Been One? Who Defines Misinformation?
  2. Shall We Remove the Words "Heretic" and "Heresy"?
  3. What Is the Key Trait of a False Teacher?
  4. What Is the Key Trait of a True Teacher?
  5. God’s Highway of Holiness Is SAFE
  6. Roadblocks Removed on His Highway of Holiness
  7. As I Travel God’s Highway, Revelation Is Ever Brighter
  8. A New Day Dawns as the Morning Star ARISES in Our Hearts
  9. Using e-Sword to Explore the Words "Heretic" and "Heresy"
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Naturally Supernatural PowerPoint

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Overflow of the Spirit PowerPoint Set

Overflow of the Spirit PowerPoint Set

204 PowerPoint Slides

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These are also ideal for a person wanting to review the key points of the book.

Price: $29.95

Overflow of the Spirit Teacher's Guide

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Price: $14.95

Salvation Cards (100 pack)

Request up to 25 of the 4 step cards FREE with every order you place! (Excluding download-only orders.) Just specify how many you would like when checking out in the shopping cart. Spread the good news that God has come to live in our hearts and guide and empower us by His indwelling Spirit!

To receive up to 25 free, do not add to your cart! Just choose a quantity of your "Free Gift" at checkout. To purchase more than 25, add to cart here.

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Spirit-Anointed Teaching PowerPoint Presentation

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