I sat with the Lord on a Hillside. He softly said “MY sheep hear My voice”. Thank you, Lord, for we can hear Your voice.

He says “My children are being called from far and wide to rise up and take a stand for Me. My children are being called from far and wide to rise up and proclaim My Word! My children are being called from far and wide to rise, and make disciples of all nations! Heed the cry you hear in your hearts, oh children!
Do not look and wonder, who is it? Who is speaking these things? Be still and know that I AM God! Come, dive into the waters of My presence. Come, dig deep into My Word and I will give you hope, peace and life.
Abide in Me and I in you, oh children! Abide in Me and I in you. What have you heard in your heart? Have you heard things which are confirmed by My Word? Have you heard the things which I myself have taught? Listen in! I AM speaking! Learn to discern My voice, and teach others! Come alongside them, walk with them as I walked among MY disciples and taught. Just as I walk alongside you today and teach.”
Eric speaks: I see city streets busy with people; chaotic. I hear loud horns, sirens, the loud overtone of millions of voices clambering.
Jesus says, “If they would only hush for a moment, they would Hear My whisper. Come, the time is now to learn to sit and be hushed in My presence. When My children sit with Me and listen to My voice I change them. I work in their hearts. I open their minds and fill them.
- I will give you words to speak.
- I will tell you to prophesy.
- I will tell you to lay hands on the sick.
- I will tell you to call out in My authority and drive out demons.
- I will give the command as I AM chief of The army and you, oh children, you are my soldiers!
- Come unto ME. Come unto Me. Abide in Me. Incline your ears to hear.”
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