February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
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Revival Occurs When the Church Offers the World Encounters with God

Mark Virkler's picture

I, along with millions of others, have discovered that we experience a personal revival as we learn how to easily commune with God in our daily devotions. It is a restoration to the Garden of Eden experience as we walk and talk with Jesus in the cool of the day.

Learning how to hear God's voice, see Him, and record our dialogue with Him is the key to these personal spiritual revivals. A living encounter with Almighty God is what our souls hunger for. The response of just about everyone who learns to easily dialogue with God is to share these how-to keys with friends so they can experience the same. Thus the fire of revival spreads. We currently have students in 127 nations using these keys, experiencing revival and spreading it.

The heart of this revival...

This revival focuses on a restoration of all the spiritual encounters we find in the Bible. Spiritual encounters abound from Genesis to Revelation. Fifty-one percent of the Bible contains records related to spiritual encounters. It is time to provide practical training and opportunities for such things as hearing God’s voice, seeing visions, interpreting dreams, sensing the moving of the Holy Spirit, ministering healing (both physical and emotional), casting out demons, angelic encounters, and any other such experiences found in Scripture that I may have missed. This is the banquet table that God is offering. This is the kind of spiritual reality people are hungering for!

Young people may be turning away from religion, but they are going to Schools of Ministry where spiritual encounter is offered. Such schools include: Catch the Fire SOM, birthed by John Arnott, Randy Clark's School of Supernatural Ministry, Bill Johnson's Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, Shawn Bolz' Spiritual Growth Academy, Steve Schultz' ElijahForce, YWAM in Kona, founded by Loren Cunningham, among many others. I list these as I know them best having taught hearing God's voice at all of them (except Bethel SOSM). In addition, we have our own CLU School of the Spirit

There are many more that could be mentioned. The hunger is evident, and many schools are rising to meet this need and offer Spirit-infused training and experience which I would call "whole brain and heart" training. The biblical word "meditation" includes whole brain and heart learning, as opposed to limited, rational-only Christianity which is what I was exposed to in my childhood. Christianity is so much bigger than left-brain rationalism. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible demonstrates this to be true.

In the past month, I have had the honor of leading two lifelong Assembly of God church members into the gift of speaking in tongues. This shows the need we have to be able to train on how one has spiritual encounters. They hungered for this spiritual experience for years but had never been provided the clear instructions as to how to step into this miracle. It is good to believe that biblical spiritual experiences are available, but it is even better to know and teach how one enters into such experiences. "The Church owes the world an encounter with God" (Bill Johnson). People want this. God wants this. Christianity must offer this!

There are many ways to lead people into a living encounter with God. One way Bill Johnson does this is through Throne Room Worship. John Arnott accomplishes it through Soaking. We achieve it through Two-Way Journaling. Randy Clark offers Miracles and Words of Knowledge. YWAM produces it through Evangelism.

As we bring God's banquet table to the hungering souls of today, we will see revival sweep across our lands!

Action steps

  • Get prepared to offer training on how one enters into spiritual encounters and couple this with opportunities to experience these various kinds of supernatural encounters that are recorded throughout Scripture. We can live the Bible! The upcoming generation WANTS to! Let's guide them as shepherds into this Promised Land.
  • If it's simple, why do we need teaching on it? The teaching is about how to separate oneself from the false god of rationalism and be restored to childlikeness so we can enter in (Matt. 18:3).
  • Click here for a blog which 1) Shows that the majority of the Bible was written by people who used these four keys to hearing God's voice, and also points you to 2) Training resources available to teach Hearing God’s Voice (and more) in churches, home groups and Zoom groups.
  • Blog: Surveying 100 individuals from Catch the Fire Church who experienced "Soaking in God's Presence." It answers the question, "How did soaking benefit them spiritually?"

A bit of my history

Having taught four keys to hearing God's voice to 1400 students in 29 School of Ministry groups at Catch the Fire in Toronto, I have been able to tally up some interesting statistics about how God has designed these individuals. God makes each of us unique. One way of noting our differences is that we generally tend to fall into one of two camps: intuitive/visionary (right-brain) or analytical/reasoning (left-brain). In the charts below you find that the majority of my students were right-brain, especially when we look specifically at the younger generation. They were attracted like a magnet to the Catch the Fire SOM because they hungered for spiritual experiences and that is what the Catch the Fire church in Toronto was famous for. This church was the number one attraction in Toronto during the heyday of their revival. Talk about spiritual hunger being radically demonstrated by the numbers who flock to your city! How many churches do you know that are the number one attraction in their cities, and receive visitors from around the world?

Reflections on left and right hemisphere scores from 1400 students I surveyed in 29 schools I have taught

  1. Everyone uses both hemispheres of their brains. They simply favor one hemisphere slightly more than the other. After 12 years of education in a Western school, the left hemisphere weights slightly more than the right hemisphere. When I poll people in an average church setting, I see half to two-thirds of the attendees raise their hands as preferring logic and reasoning over intuition and vision.   
  2. Younger people are drawn to attend experiential spiritual encounter training and services, as there was more than double the number of right-brainers in the 21 SOM classes I taught at Catch the Fire (see charts below).
  3. Older leaders (Leadership Schools) who are seeking to understand and pastor and cultivate right-brain faculties tend to be closely balanced when divided into left and right brain groupings, according to the charts below.
  4. The validity of the test was checked as I asked about 4 students in each class, “Do you feel the score you received accurately describes your leanings, loves, and giftings?” This was asked of a total of approximately 100 students, and 100% of them answered "yes."

Left/Right-Brain Hemisphere Scores

The test I had them take as part of these 8-hour seminars can be freely downloaded and easily taken and scored by yourself. It is here: https://www.cwgministries.org/sites/default/files/files/left_brain_right_brain_test.pdf

School of Ministry at Catch the Fire Toronto (i.e. younger students. There are more than twice as many right-brain students as left-brain students): Left-Brain (4.9 or less) vs. Right-Brain (5.0 or more) 

       21 SOM          Left Brain   Right Brain

  1. 2/1999                 13           37
  2. 9/1999                 19           38
  3. 3/2000                 9             38
  4. 9/2000                 15           36
  5. 3/2001                 10           35
  6. 9/2001                 17           44
  7. 3/2002                 20           28
  8. 9/2002                 18           43
  9. 3/2003                 10           43
  10. 9/2003                 27           44
  11. 3/2004                 16           43
  12. 9/2004                 14           38
  13. 3/2005                 16           29
  14. 9/2005                 13           37
  15. 9/2006                 12           36
  16. 3/2007                 16           32
  17. 9/2007                 15           49
  18. 3/2008                 12           23
  19. 9/2008                 23           44
  20. 3/2009                 6             30
  21. 9/2009                 7             17

      Totals                    308        764

Leadership Schools at Catch the Fire Toronto (i.e. older students. There are slightly more right-brain leaders): Left-Brain (4.9 or less) vs. Right-Brain (5.0 or more)

       8 Schools        Left Brain   Right Brain

  1. 7/2000                   13           24
  2. 7/2001                   25           34
  3. 7/2002                   21           20
  4. 1/2004                   17           27
  5. 7/2004                   24           31
  6. 2005                       28           29
  7. 2007                       20           12
  8. 2009                       6              9

       Totals                      154         186

Click here for a downloadable version of this blog and share it with others (or simply click on the "Share" button). In this way, you are fanning the flames of spiritual revival!


Decoding Deception World Premiere Free Video Event (Begins Nov. 10th)

Registration link: https://go.cluschoolofthespirit.com/decoding-deception

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Results 341 - 350 of 485


Gifted to Succeed eBook

Gifted to Succeed eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 189 Pages

There is no joy so complete as knowing who you are -- who God has made you to be and what your basic giftings and drives are. The goal of this book is to get you effectively functioning in roles which allow you to adequately express your heart motivations and gifts. The fulfillment you experience when you function in your gifts and calling is a joy almost beyond belief.

"Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men." (Prov. 22:29)

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God Speaks to Me eBook

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Now God has allowed me the privilege of raising up an army of writers who are sharing what God has spoken to them. This devotional by MaryAnn contains 100 amazing journal entries of God speaking. Below is one sample:

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God's Heart for You eBook Cover

God's Heart for You eBook

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Do you sometimes struggle with thoughts and feelings that you don't measure up? I do and I sometimes need a second opinion and a different perspective. In 2006, during an intense season of first doubt and then searching, God gave me His opinion, His heart for me. It set in motion the victories and freedom I now experience in life. I pray you'll be encouraged by the Scriptures and thoughts God gave me during that time.

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The Great Mystery eBook

Great Mystery eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 54 Pages

This is a workbook which guides you in meditating on hundreds of New Testament verses which speak of Who Christ is within us and how to touch and release Him and His wisdom, power and might continuously and effortlessly out through our lives. You will look up every New Testament verse on being "in Christ," "in Him" and "in Whom." In addition, you will meditate on the various names given to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and realize that all that He is is available within you and even joined to you (1 Cor. 6:17)! Absolutely amazing!

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Health Mastery Through MRT eBook

Health Mastery Through MRT eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 82 Pages

Wouldn't it be great if there were a way for my body to tell me exactly what it needs and desires, without having to take expensive or invasive tests? Wouldn't it be amazing if I could perform these tests as often as I wanted, right in my own home (or anywhere I wanted), with no costly instruments necessary? 

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Healthier Today than Yesterday - Book Cover

Healthier Today Than Yesterday eBook

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I am healthier at age 60 than I was at age 40! That excites me. I want to share with you what I have learned in the last 18 years since I wrote the book Go Natural. I researched and wrote that first book on health when I was 40 years old because my body was beginning to break down. The truths I learned then improved my health and many others have written to tell me that it improved the quality of their health, as well.

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Hearing God Through Biblical Meditation ebook

Unlocking fresh revelation daily - by Mark and Patti Virkler | 179 Pages

For many years I studied the Bible incorrectly, and it produced death rather than life. Even though I had a knowledge of the Scriptures, I did not personally experience the life and the realities they revealed. The Bible calls this the ministry of death, rather than the ministry of righteousness (2 Cor. 3:6–9). Upon coming out of Bible college, I found myself just like the apostle Paul, attacking those who disagreed with my theology. 

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Hearing God's Voice for Healing e-book

Mark and Patti Virkler | 281 Pages | Retail: $23.99

Explore the many methods Jesus used to heal. Recognize the significance of the fact that more than half the time, the word used for these healings was the Greek word for "therapeutic," which means "cure". Become aware of 28 therapeutic cures which are either mentioned in the Bible or, if not specifically mentioned, are compatible with biblical principles.

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How Could I Have Been So Wrong? eBook

Mark Virkler | 80 Pages

This book is my story of how my cardiac event was resolved by combining the best in medical care, Christian spirituality, and nutrition. 

I was NOT supposed to have a cardiac event. I ate a healthy diet, exercised several times a week, consumed lots of great nutrition and sought to live destressed by abiding in Christ. This story contains the lessons I learned in the months of healing after having emergency surgery which involved five heart bypasses.

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How Do You Know? eBook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 180 Pages

How do you know? What is the process you use to discover truth? I did not ask that question during the first 25 years of my life. I used various methods for discovering truth such as: if my parents said so, then it was so. If my teacher said it was so, then it was so. If my pastor said it was so, then it was so. If my theology said it was so, then it was so.

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