Following is some journaling from the Lord, which Lyle sent to me (Mark Virkler) and I asked if I could share it with you all.
I am the creative force of the universe. I made the universe. I made it all by the word of my mouth. I am the creative force of life, and of everything that is creative. Your creativity is an expression of my creativity. I have given you life and all the creative capacity, and its corresponding authority that goes with it.
For all the creativity I give you, there is an anointing to use it, to build on it, to make that talent grow and produce fruit. I have said, go and be fruitful, and multiply, so go, use that creativity, and make more.
My creativity continues through you. I bring order out of chaos thorough you, through the works of your hands. You are my ambassador, my envoy on the earth to do that which I have delegated to you, that which I have ordained for you to do.
Of course it is bursting within you, because you have the creative force of the universe within you, bursting to be expressed, to be known, to impact, to move people, to move nations, for this is my creative force waiting to be born in you.
I am excited for what is in you, as I am for what I have invested in all my delegates on earth.
You can respond like few have, because you are letting me more and more take ownership. Let me rule in your heart, and you get more rule in the earth. Let my creativity have its place, and you let your creativity have its place in the earth.
I have spoken through you, and so it is a word that speaks forth into the earth, and that word will not come back void, without producing that which I set it out to do. I ordain, I send. I am the vine, and you are the branch, so I will see to it that you produce the fruit that I have designed for you.
Do not think this a small thing. This is big, for there is no other God that would be so honoring of the creative life force in his subjects like I do. All other gods protect their turf, control their subjects. I release you to greater and greater things, for in THIS I get glory, that you produce much fruit.
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