Quantum Principles & the Spiritual Dimension

Mark Virkler's picture

Question: What exactly is quantum physics, and why would I care about it?

Answer: Quantum physics is a field of study which describes the properties of matter and energy at an atomic and sub-atomic level. It helps some people if they can realize that the absolute cutting edge of scientific thinking and research is verifying the realities we find recorded in Scripture - things like walking on water and Jesus appearing in a closed room without going through a door. Quantum physics does this and more. It proves to scientists that there are more dimensions than the four we are accustomed to (height, length, width and time), thus opening them up to the “spiritual dimension” and spiritual realities.

I had the privilege of speaking at New Earth Tribe in Byron Bay, Australia earlier this year. Phil Mason, an avid, passionate, Holy Spirit-baptized Christian is the spiritual director there. Phil has written the outstanding 400-page book, Quantum Gloryin which he explains the following six key proven quantum principles and how they relate to our faith.

These demonstrate beyond a shadow of doubt that there need to be dimensions beyond the four dimensional world we normally see around us. Actually, physicists, while seeking to find the "unifying principle of everything," have proven with mathematical equations that 10 dimensions are required to harmonize all the forces that they are currently aware of.

Of course, the Bible teaches that one dimension is the realm of the Spirit. This is where God resides (Jn. 4:24). The spiritual dimension created, underlies and sustains the four dimensional world that we know (Rom. 1:20; Heb. 11:3).

What are some of the principles of quantum physics and what are some possible ways we may see them exemplified in Scripture?

Proven Quantum Principles – As Featured in the Bible


Quantum Principles 

Quantum Examples

A Possible
Biblical Parallel

Biblical Examples


Wave Particle Duality - Matter exists as both a wave and as a particle.

Double Slit Experiment 

Spirit Underlies Physical 
God spoke the worlds into being.

Heb. 11:3
Gen. 1:2,3
Neh. 9:6


Uncertainty Principle - Simultaneous measurement of position and momentum is impossible.

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

According to Your Faith 
According to your faith (momentum), be it unto you (your position/blessings) 

Matt. 9:29


Superposition - A particle is present in all of its possible states simultaneously, but when measured or observed, it collapses to only one of its possible configurations.

Quantum Mechanical Superposition

Alive in Two Dimensions
We are seated in heavenly places, while living in the physical world.

Eph. 1:20 Jn. 3:5-8
Col. 1:15-17


Quantum Entanglement  – Particles become connected and are no longer independent of each other regardless of their distance.

Quantum Entanglement

Spiritually Joined 
Our spirits are joined to God’s Spirit AND we are corporately Christ's body.

1 Cor. 6:17
 & 12:12


Quantum Tunneling – Can appear on the opposite side of impregnable wall by dematerializing and rematerializing, even faster than it could travel that distance.

Quantum Mechanical Tunneling Video

Working of Miracles 
The spiritual world breaking in upon us.

Jn. 20:26
1 Cor. 12:10
Matt. 14:24-27


The Observer Effect – By the very act of watching, the observer affects the observed reality. Seeing collapses all possibilities into one reality and creates it.

The Observer Effect Video

Spiritual Transformation
Seeing into the spiritual world crystalizes it, which helps to release it into our lives.

Dan. 7 & 8
2 Kings 6:17; 2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8; Col. 2 

Understanding the Above Chart

Click on the hyperlinks above to gain more understanding of the various principles, theories and experiments. Look up the verses and prayerfully meditate as to how they relate, or may be examples of, the principles in practice.

Check out this 9-minute video on Quantum Mechanics & Biblical Truths. Marvel in wonder at the greatness of God!

More on the Observer Effect by my daughter, Charity Kayembe.

Below is a quote from this article on the biofield  

Information may thus be everywhere instantaneously, but it is active only where it is specifically directed—for example, by conscious intent—and may be considered intelligent information, producing a very specific response only where it is intended. The biofield may be considered as a “massless” or information-based organizing principle.


Related Resources: 

How to Be Empowered by the Holy Spirit!   

Related Blogs: 

Honoring the Holy Spirit   
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Paul Pavao's picture

I would agree those six principles you list and scientifically accepted to the point of being "established." As far as the 10 dimensions, I think a lot of scientists would not agree. It is String Theory that calls for 10 accessible dimensions and an 11th that is not accessible, but String Theory has no experimental verification and scientists are starting to give up on it in favor of new, more testable theories. I also agree that quantum physics is giving verification to creative hand of God and even a bit of understanding as to how he works.

Anonymous's picture

“it has been thought that a quantum particle doesn't exist in one state or another, but in all of its possible states at once. It's only when we observe its state, is when a quantum particle is (essentially) forced to choose one probability and that's the state that we happen to observe. This is referred to as the wave collapsing. Since the particle may collapse into a different observable state each time, this explains its erratic behavior. But there is another way to look at it.
The Many Worlds Interpretation (named by theoretical physicist Bryce Seligman DeWitt in 1973) says that the quantum wave of subatomic particles – making up all matter and energy – never collapses. It radiates – out into all other possible universes and realities. And, because we too are comprised of subatomic particles, our wave functions are also radiating out into other universes (on earth as it is in heaven). The one particle we observe in experiments, is one in our conscious physical universe (observable through our reality’s tangible perceptive system, i.e., physical sight, human brain interpretation and measurement).

Excerpt From: Mike Stair. “On Earth As It Is In Heaven.” iBooks. https://itun.es/us/DZeA8.l

Anonymous's picture

Thank you so very much for your post, Dr. Virkler. Phil Mason’s book, Quantum Glory, has transformed my thinking. I am more in awe of our great God than ever before!

Dr. MaryAnn Diorio

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