Several years ago, I found myself feeling weary in prayer. At the time, I was involved in a class at church where we were encouraged to set aside time each day for stillness and listening to God. I realized that I had developed patterns in my prayer life that reflected patterns elsewhere in my life - it was as if I rushed in to God's presence with my list of prayer requests in hand, recited them, and rushed out again, without allowing time for listening, and receiving from Him! No wonder I felt weary!
As I practiced sitting in stillness, I began to sense a subtle but profound shift in my relationship with our Heavenly Father. A wise friend suggested that I simply look at Him (with eyes of faith) look at the person I was upholding in prayer (in my mind's eye) and then look back to the Lord. The practice was so simple, yet so profound and so refreshing that it is something I still do, trusting that He knows our needs, and will respond according to His loving will.
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