My people stand up and plead your case before me for I am the God whom loves you. Tell me what it is that you need. I am the God of your source. Speak to the mountains and they will be moved. Walk and talk to me today. I long for you to walk in victory.

Your victory is my victory. Pray for your nation. Pray for your nation. I will still use your nation. I awaited your prayers. What are they? Should they not be prayers of repentance? You have turned away from me. You are walking in the flesh not in the spirit. Your prayers come to me from your fleshly desires. Why are they not answered? Because they are all about you. Your nation needs prayers about reconciliation. Reconciliation with me. I need to hear you prayer for others. Pray for a national revival. Turn my church. Turn from your wicked ways. You act and believe that you follow me. However, you follow the ways of Cain. Your follow the ways of the flesh. You do not walks in the spirit of faith. Pray in the spirit and pray by faith. My people have turned away from me. Your sacrifices mean nothing. Walk in the spirit of the resurrected life. Go into all the world and tell others about my son. Walk as children of God. Preaching the gospel of salvation to lost and dying nation. You my child. Judgment starts with you. Repent and believe I am the God who saves. I am the Father of the son whom died on the cross for you. His blood protects from eternal damnation. His resurrection give you a new life. Walk in this new life. Preach the gospel and disciple nations. Pray for the sick and they will be healed. Cast out demons in my name. Pray in the spirit of faith. Listen to my voice for it is soft and leads in to all righteousness. Wake up my People wake up and believe and I will bless you pour out a blessing on your Nation. Wake up and walk in Faith.
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